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 Topic: Did God say that message?
Did God say that message? [message #13927] Wed, 14 June 2023 20:04
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
Messages: 316
Registered: October 2009
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There are many messages poured out, most likely seven days a week. From TV to books to churches of all kinds. One denomination has it's followers, and then another and both disagree with each other. Every church has some sort off handbook. Others change their dogma if it becomes unpopular. Or if it has obvious flaws.

The flesh or human being, will always make their own opinions. If they choose their own destiny they will say , this is what I believe. The Apostle Paul in the Christian bible was dogmatic about Judaism. He also was so much so that he was out to destroy Christians. He really had a problem, his Hebrew bible was true. Everything would be Torah or else.

The Christians arising in his day were learning that Jesus was the new covenant and the good laws of God when disobeyed would bring death. Jesus began the era of grace which remains to this day. God's laws would be kept by manifest love. One could ask forgiveness without offering a sacrifice lamb. They would by faith trust that Jesus the lamb would bring forgiveness.

I could say allot more but must move on. Without the Bible a person cannot make decisions about what is truth or correct. One cannot throw away the bible and just believe any teaching. There are righteous standards that God requires. Everything will be the Godheads way otherwise it will be human way.

Now here's the issue we are dealing with. (everything must be scripture.) versus-- everything must line up with scripture.

It is a simple plan of God to alleviate division and argument. That is a reason he gave the Holy Spirit. His job is to lead and guide to all truth. read John 14:26 If you think you have all the truth, you haven't drank deep enough from the rivers of living waters. God dealt with Job on these same lines. Job bowed before God and said -my words- shut my mouth.

Hearken to my words, I have so much to show my people but they are not walking in my Spirit to hear my voice. They are not serious about the hour they are living in, or the consequences which they will pay for being distracted by other things. He that runs the race runs all for the prize. listen-- My Prophets will only be idols to those who don't pay the price to hear me for themselves. and also if they speak something I say they may be unjustly judged by opinions or things said like as if it doesn't line up with the word.

What can we do? Wait on the Lord for all things. James 1:5 God gives wisdom freely.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: God opened the windows of heaven for me.
God opened the windows of heaven for me. [message #13926] Sat, 10 June 2023 17:23
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
Messages: 316
Registered: October 2009
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Years ago a experience that I share to edify you, that God is doing greater things Jn. 14:12. This was around 50 years ago. I found myself sharing Jesus in Miami. I spotted a crowd of people for opportunity. As I walked toward them, being a cloudy day, it began to rain. These words came out of my mouth. I am going to share Jesus with all of you and it is going to stop raining. Instantly it stopped raining. I looked up and there was a cloud clearing like you would think of windows of heaven. I began to say after I finish sharing with you it is going to rain like cats and dogs so hurry to a place where you will be dry. Long story short all of them bowed and said the save me prayer. and when finished Uh Oh. It was raining like a flood and they all ran. No one was able to say anything to me and God got all the glory.

The Holy Spirit is waiting for his people to get out being led to do anything and step out by faith. You know-- the general and effectual call. Not all will respond but you may be planting seeds for their future. Make sure you are Baptized in the Holy Spirit with power.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: word of wisdom gift
word of wisdom gift [message #13925] Sat, 10 June 2023 16:55
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
Messages: 316
Registered: October 2009
Senior Member
This morning when getting my coffee and pastry, this word came to me. I was focused on the coffee and pastry and not on anything else. two scriptures came to my ears. 1. Ps.37:4 delight thyself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. 2. Matt. 6:33 seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you. Then he said, aren't these scriptures the same but worded differently? wow yes. I was made to know about the coffee and pastry. Though they are worded differently they are showing the same thing. (my blessing to eat)

Then I was made to know the message for his people who will hear. I have given you a blessing that will protect you from temptation. You will look to me for your needs if I offer a promise of blessing by seeking me. Then Col.3:5 see where it says covetousness is idolatry. Look at Gal. 5:20-21. v. 20 the first one is idolatry. v.21 the ones who do these shall not inherit the kingdom of God. see Matt. 6:33 again, seek first the kingdom,( not idolatry.) I did some heart searching in prayer before I shared God's message.

God wants to protect us from temptation so if we are pressed upon in our mind and spirit think about things we can get all the time it could be time for deliverance.

For a example Benny Hinn repents of financial gimmicks through his years of preaching--but that is idolatry. The signs of falling under the power are demonic, and are used to endorse a ministry of idolatry. I added this extra info. because I have seen 3 or more Assemblies fall all of which trace back to idolatry (covet)

The 2 scriptures are for sure promises and God will be worshipped only and glorified in Spirit and in truth. I believe I was gentle and firm. Lord I pray keep me a pure channel for your Holy Spirit.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: Watching the preparing for antichrist
Watching the preparing for antichrist [message #13924] Fri, 09 June 2023 21:33
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
Messages: 316
Registered: October 2009
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To start would like to say that sometimes it is easy to miss details unless we catch details as time goes by. Look up your redemption draws nigh is a very important term for saying get revived and get ready.

God doesn't want us to be taken by surprise so he gave us prophesies like Daniel and Revelations. Take time to praise him for that. Yes Isaiah to. I heard it said, it is best if we wear armor of God to bed. never take it off.

Here are some details. Bill Clinton went over to Israel at least 2 times to get the peace treaty signed. He and Hillary went to financially support Netanyahu's opponent for president of Israel.
Gerald Bush went to do the same for the sign peace treaty, meanwhile a snow storm came while he was there and completely destroyed his home.
Donald Trump went there also. The treaty almost had a chance till Palestinians said no by breaking it so Net. tore it up.

For us who pray in faith because we believe God to pick our President may not understand if we chose trump in our prayers and got Biden. We continue to pray for our leaders and ask God to restrain the evil. The peace treaty is a huge big deal and will be done in God's timing, that is for the saints benefit.
God is giving overcomers, (sons of God )time to prepare to do the Gideon army thing and bring that last revival. Rev. 3:15-16 My prayer is help us stay hot.

It is not about fear, but finding our place in the body of Christ and building up God's servants. Not in one then pray for one. two or more gathering in his name will be a starter. Involving in the forum is a great way to release your faith in others lives.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: The rise of Falwell university.
The rise of Falwell university. [message #13923] Tue, 06 June 2023 20:18
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
Messages: 316
Registered: October 2009
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The Government and Liberty University are having many opportunities to make speeches publically. Popularity increases. As a watchman I know something very sobering and have the facts.

Years ago the secret fell into my hands. I am not telling this but as a warning that can save your soul if tempted to go to that university. H.L. Wilmington was Jerry F. President. For the education of the school. I found a for sale book by H.L.W. in a university. It appeared useful. So times later ran across a free borrowing library in a certain church. It was the whole seminary program on tapes. All I remember is it must have been tape 4. In Matt. 12:31 all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven. But blasphemy of the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven unto men.
The message was clear for all to reply in their test papers end terms. You must answer the question with ( yes the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is not a problem-- it is okay.) My personal opinion-- That is a antichrist spirit. What a waste to educate and never be forgiven. Wolves in sheep's clothing if you prefer.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: two revelations within 24 hours.
two revelations within 24 hours. [message #13922] Tue, 06 June 2023 19:48
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
Messages: 316
Registered: October 2009
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God will many a time hide things in his word that you just won't be able to find. One reason is because it isn't wise or safe for you to know. Our father is supreme in wisdom. It is in a personal relationship with trust that God opens eyes to see great light. If you can understand what the pearl of great price is you will have no problem selling all to get it. Until it stays blurry and not valuable. Jesus caused jaws to drop in the gospels. The Holy Spirit wants to do that through us. We will be like Jesus and people will want what we have. Heresy and error come from the frauds, but life and truth come from those walking in preparation unto fullness.

example{ to know what 666 is you have to know --here is wisdom. When you learn what it is you then can see why it is secret.
The revealing of the 2 witnesses in Rev. 11: is secret and there is a reason for that. Big time secret. Without Holy Spirit you will never know.
The woman in Rev. 12 is secret. though easier to find, one must know other things first. God will reveal to mature audiences, and remember there is a price. Don't fear the devil, just stay in the word and love it more than your very self.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: responding to Bob's favor book.
responding to Bob's favor book. [message #13921] Tue, 06 June 2023 19:24
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
Messages: 316
Registered: October 2009
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There was a book by a preacher named Bob Buess. He was a man who pressed in for positive confession. The balance is if your not a upright individual, your words may likely fall to the ground. Preaching positive sermons for people who do not obey God and his word, just make them rich. We as human beings really thrive on happy, all is well, looking for blessings, wealth etc. the message that makes one feel good in their depression Without deliverance, is like a screen door in a submarine.

God is watching those who are seeking his will and striving to do all of his word so he can shower them with his favor and blessing. Just like a husband and wife. He can't wait to get home and bring flowers , candy, gifts etc. The book confessing God's favor, stirs faith but faith must receive it. We all must watch what we say as death and life are in the power of the tongue. Favor is life. endurance is like a bunny with a battery--it keeps going and going and going. Thought for today-- say I am going to get all God has for me. I have his favor-- and mercy by faith.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: A deeper look at healing.
A deeper look at healing. [message #13919] Fri, 02 June 2023 18:27
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
Messages: 316
Registered: October 2009
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First one must have the Holy Spirit to receive from God's power. God is not like a earthly father. God chooses a person and seals them. That is the anointing. God is superior to us and in John 10:11-12, He cares for his sheep. v.28 no one shall pluck them out of God's hand. In Deut. 28 All the curses of the law were for disobedience. Jesus set us free from the law and gives grace.

In Job we see God is sovereign read chapters 1-2. God may let the devil try you but not harm you. Job was a righteous man. Look at Matt. 6:33 seek first the kingdom of God and( his ) righteousness. All things shall be added to you-- even healing.

It is obvious that Job knew what too do, he resisted his wife and kept praising God with confidence, even though thinking why? God. When you look at Job 42 you can see something else there. God brings voice (relationship) and instruction. Ask yourself this question. Am I forgiven. Job forgave and obeying God in forgiveness of his fellow companions. That forgiveness relationship reveals that you are worthy to receive total care, protection , deliver, heal, prosper etc.

God is in total control of the curses of the devil. He will not suffer us more than we can bare. Get off the fence and fight the good fight of faith and lay hold of eternal life.

I lay on the death bed more than once. I also lay there with a bible. If you can see the Betty Baxter story on you tube. She is there telling it. remember God cannot lie, his promises are yes and amen. 2 Cor. 1:20. faith works by love and boy that is Jesus.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: helps for deliverers
helps for deliverers [message #13916] Sun, 28 May 2023 23:23
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
Messages: 316
Registered: October 2009
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As darkness increases so does God's light. Years of experiences, God is the teacher.

head battles--- One battle is the waiting game. Satan will plant in your mind thoughts that are designed to produce doubt. Remember how you were told anything that comes from evil is darkness. There you have it. In the garden the darkness asked "hath God said". Jesus said he is the light of the world. Satan challenges with, I am the god of this world. That is darkness. Light destroys darkness and it doesn't take much. The light is --God has said. Rom. 10:17 faith light comes by hearing light, that is the word of God which is the light.
God's promises are light. The more you say the words of promises the greater the light. Also righteousness is light. That is the kingdom of God --light. joy the fruit of the Holy Spirit is light. peace is light. The whole bible is the light. Lights on, darkness flees. God's voice is light. Sooooo-- head battles are darkness till the head is full of light--the word.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: Dave's Gem thoughts. #1
Dave's Gem thoughts. #1 [message #13907] Fri, 19 May 2023 20:52
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
Messages: 316
Registered: October 2009
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This will wet your spiritual saliva glands.
Jochebed Moses mother gave up her son and got him back. In Exodus 2:9 After placing Moses in a ark and giving him away, she got him back.

Mary who has a son Jesus, who used to sit on the ark in the most holy place, on the mercy seat. He was the Angel of God's face then. preincarnate Christ. He was taken from her and put on a cross. Then it happened, he was raised from the dead and she got him back.

Here is some hope for someone. Ps.27:10 When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up.
In my zeal and witnessing to my parents when I was a newby, my father swung a broom at me. It was time to go, not in anger but become a man. God really blessed and carried me beyond your imagination. In closing my neighbors just came and gave me onions. I shared some things about Jesus with them. They are Christians and understand much.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: A word of absolute comfort for your faith.
A word of absolute comfort for your faith. [message #13904] Sun, 14 May 2023 14:37
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
Messages: 316
Registered: October 2009
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Gen. 21:1 Can you see the emphasizing point here?
if you say something twice then you know that it is a strong point. two times-- God said and God had spoken. Look at verse 3. The set time that God had spoken. v.4 as God had *commanded Abraham did. v.12 God said to Abraham. v.12 Now we have Sarah saying something which God approves. v.16-17 God hears the voice of crying. God the angel calls out of heaven. God hears the voice of the lad.
1. There is a lot here about communication. mostly by God. There is no deception here--like a false vision. This is all about v.33 the calling on( God H3068 Yahweh ) Not Allah. Only God speaks here and he is a personal God. also loving and caring.

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is a very personal eternal living God. John 10 hear the Shepherds voice. Allah says nothing. The angel of God is the preincarnate son of God. Remember in your hard times God will hear your cry.

The body of Christ will arise by hearing God's voice. They will follow the Shepherd wherever he goes. Get rid of guilt and condemnation and start listening. Get under the blood confession. Don't forget the bread and the cup.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: unveiling proof of God as sovereign.
unveiling proof of God as sovereign. [message #13899] Tue, 09 May 2023 15:49
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
Messages: 316
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The scriptures most are taught are a educated but great way to show truth. In this hour God is giving revelation by his Spirit which is even more to the heart, wisdom and understanding.

As always I only show the thought but have you read the word. Job 12:10 In God's hand every creature and soul that has breath of man kind. No mention of aliens here only mankind.
Eccl. 12:7 The flesh goes back to the dust and spirit back to God who gave it.
Isa. 57:15-21 v.16 the souls that God has made. My calling is here revealed. when you read this, you may not want this calling.
God is showing here that he is willing too forgive the covetous. and also to revive the humble.
Zech. 12:1-2 God created the heavens and the earth and the spirit of man-the life, within him.
Num. 27:16 the Lord God of the spirits of all flesh, He sets over the congregation who he wills. I would add here, the body of Christ is his possession. He is the head. Not a one man show. He purchased them with his blood not anyone else. We are his to use and glorify his name and make him a praise in the earth, even the smallest member.
If you cannot trust God go to work-if you are afraid another preacher gets some of your offering. Don't worry about me I am a (tent maker type.) I preach but not for money. I owe Jesus everything and more. Be mature here, I walk by faith.

concluding-- Every living man kind is made and guided by God. Therefore he has the right to rule over all. Every knee shall bow and tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord. I seal this message with love and hope for all and am zealous for restoration of his Assemblies and saints. and yes I am holy but not more than thou.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: military robots the new giants
military robots the new giants [message #13897] Tue, 09 May 2023 14:25
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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Israel faced giants greater in power. They were afraid and said we are grasshoppers. This message is a prophetical one to let us see a future event we will face.
1. Overcomers are likely to have less issues, they will be out of here. But Rev.12 shows us they are coming after us. as a flood. In Isa. 59:19 When the enemy comes in like a flood, the (Spirit of the Lord) will raise a standard--nus-- put to flight-- against him. Wow the robots will be running away from the Holy Spirit in us. Don't forget our commanding words of faith.
2. Yes overcomers who are not ready will be taught to do these things even though left behind from the first rapture. If your like me preparing to go out on the first fruit rapture. Jesus author of my faith have mercy on me.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: comfort for those who wonder if God is ready for them.
comfort for those who wonder if God is ready for them. [message #13878] Sun, 30 April 2023 02:14
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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In Judges Chapter 10: let's take a look at a few things.
v.1-5 A lot of historical here.
v. 6 uh oh Israel is getting into bad things here. Let's call it big sin.
v.7-9 God allows trials tribulation and extreme misery.
v.10-11 God reminds of his deliverance--Salvation-- (my) you have grieved my Holy Spirit).
v.13-14 God is amazing he says here, no more deliverance cry all you want. v.15 The people say, we have sinned and deserve your righteous judgment. Here's why God is amazing. He sees their faith. They are going to act as if he never said no more grace. They are going to pick up the pieces (The good word they have been taught) Will get their righteous act together and quit all those whoredoms with the world and it's gods.

v.16 Here it is God's compassion. They abused his grace but humbled themselves and said we are wrong but we know how to act right and we will do it.

v. 17-18 it doesn't seem like they would be so confident in their faith to go and win a war with God as their helper ( the good fight of faith) unless they knew they were restored. Other wise just keep on doing the right things. remember they were under the law. Disobey meant death. Look how good we have this grace of Jesus 1Jn.1:9. remember also if you put your hand to the plow there's no turning back. Grace----to---you---precious ---blood. Notice how I make a message apply for today.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: lightning a sign
lightning a sign [message #13877] Sun, 30 April 2023 01:38
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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A few years ago the media had a great time telling about the Pope and how it was a sign of his beginning. it was just because lightning struck the top tower. You may remember it.

Not a very long time after that, the media made small if any coverage on the Mecca high holy days. Great lightning came down and knocked over several lift equipment for the walls of the place of the gathering of 2 million Muslims to worship Allah.

This year 2023 right now is the time of their high holy days. The area is swarming with Locusts to the point they cannot worship. Sounds a lot like Moses in Egypt. The travail of birth pangs are increasing rapidly. Continuing to be a watchman, God is great.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: Who is Brodav9
Who is Brodav9 [message #13876] Thu, 27 April 2023 00:56
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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I want to praise and thank Jesus for 50 + yrs. Of salvation.
We have been taught to not tell to much of our past as it doesn't glorify the Lord. I will say this, if I told you what I was, you would have nightmares. As a good example , the only pigs I could go into was pigs in the Parlor.
The Holy Spirit visited me in a rock band session and I called on Jesus and he touched me inside. The whole band called on Jesus as they were shocked. My minstrel music was given to me audibly by God at a later time. Have been in several serious gospel bands and played bass for all those years in churches claiming Holy Spirit filled.
My time in the KJV led me to tongues and Baptism. Have been taught by the H.F. Freeman ministry, and his others who taught a uncompromising word. walking by faith includes miracles, healings, gifts , double portion blessings. So much more.
I have a definite call to 5-fold ministry. God put me in a position to not educate in a denominational system or seminary, but instead he teaches me daily, end time revelations. ( yes ) I teach only by the Spirit. believe me trials and tribulations are often but Jesus shows me how to win the victory every time.
One of my favorite gifts is commanding rain to stop or tornados to cease or go away. Oh also hurricanes.
I love for these years --my experiencing sharing the gospel everywhere. example-- one fellow was drugged up in a park, I shared great Jesus with him and he sobered up and asked many questions. He was serious and not playing with me. It looked like predestination- God calling him. When we finished he was high again and staggered off. The rest is in God's hands. All I have found out in these last years is continuing to be sold out as a alter for God and his fullness. Hope you were encouraged.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: American music dream
American music dream [message #13874] Fri, 21 April 2023 19:16
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
Messages: 316
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The snare of covetous quick get rich schemes Col. 3:5 shows us covet is idolatry. Instruments and singing everywhere for money and competition. Heb. 11:26 speaks about forsaking Egypt --the world-- for Christ and his greater riches.

Oh the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit, his love ,care, hope, supply needs etc. It is very rare that I miss a day without praising him with my instruments. Also he talks too me through his word and shows jaw dropping secrets of his wisdom. When used to go go to play nursing homes and share God and his word and see miracles. The people loved it but the nurses wanted to get it over with quickly. Some of them enjoyed it though. God presence was so strong that I asked a nurse while playing praise music if she could feel the presence and she said yes. amazing peace.

false gods are a cheap rip off. Meanwhile God is angry--not good.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: are demons screaming from the Euphrates
are demons screaming from the Euphrates [message #13873] Fri, 21 April 2023 18:59
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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In the book of Revelations we have two scriptures. Rev.9:14 and 16:12. The video shows the river is drying and they hear the evil angels screaming. ( you tube) Some say this is fake and made up. In my opinion, The picture that stands out is like a parable-- a important truth. It drives me to sober thinking. I want to be ready for Jesus to take me home instead of missing the mark and not sharing Jesus with the world who face a never ending eternity.
I have pity for those who are forced to believe in their parents false religions and pray God will save them Amen?.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: The three and the Abrahamic temple in Jerusalem.
The three and the Abrahamic temple in Jerusalem. [message #13872] Fri, 21 April 2023 18:31
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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The three new buildings in Jerusalem are represented by Catholic, Islam, and Judaism. What I found is to show how close we are to the Antichrist.

Islam-- This is a Muslim religion. Jn. 2:21-23 They deny Jesus is the son. Allah has no son. That is what Mohammed taught.
Judaism-- right now they are arresting anyone preaching the gospel in Jerusalem. One year prison term. In the N.T. we see that they charged Jesus with blasphemy. Matt. 26:63-66 He told them he is the son of God.
Catholic-- The Pope takes the place of the son of God. He even forgives sin. The teachings they teach include that the book of Revelation is allegory and not literal. Rev. 22:18-19 not allowed to add or take away from this book or perish.

More could be said here but the point is These are not Holy religions and looks like a start in the future plan.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: Deeds of God
Deeds of God [message #13870] Wed, 19 April 2023 14:16
william  is currently offline william
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I've been enjoying recently, a website that is filled with little known accounts that highlight God's work in creation.

This brother has done an incredible amount of research in putting together these accounts.

Of course, as with almost anything, there's a certain amount of subjectivity involved in determining what constitutes a sign, or a wonder, but I'm sure you'll be better off having all of these accounts to parse as you go about exercising your own judgment in these matters!

Here is the link:


I want to believe!
 Topic: War on Terror
War on Terror [message #13695] Mon, 25 January 2021 19:11
Mark L  is currently offline Mark L
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Someone sent me a newsletter regarding the events of the last few weeks. I generally give things like this a quick read and delete but this one I thought was quite interesting. I know very little about the writer so no comment there.

Am I the only one who is tired of a 24-hour news cycle and being bombarded with newsletter opinions? I know we supposed to keep up but I'm just finding it all a little too much. In Israel they say concerning politics that for every two Israelis there are 3 opinions. That seems to describe the current political environment. Plus a 24 hr news cycle.

The point of the newsletter is that there is now starting a domestic war on terror with a great curtailing of civil rights. Francis Schaefer in his book "How should we then live" predicted that a left or right dictatorship would emerge in America. One thing for sure is that there are great changes happening and going to happen.

That a new War on Terror is coming is not a question of speculation and it is not in doubt. Those who now wield power are saying it explicitly. The only thing that is in doubt is how much opposition they will encounter from those who value basic civic rights more than the fears of one another being deliberately cultivated within us. ror-is

[Updated on: Tue, 26 January 2021 15:10]

You can read "Meanderings on Scripture by Mark
 Topic: Waterproof Bible
Waterproof Bible [message #13184] Tue, 03 March 2020 22:16
william  is currently offline william
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Okay, I couldn't contain my joy any longer... I've got the perfect bible for you all!

It's a completely waterproof bible. It's all plastic! No more worries about reading in the shower or tearing up over a stirring verse (you're not going to be able to tear it up easily, either!)

It's a bible for reading. No references, no notes, just the words from the greatest translators that ever lived--those KJV translators!

It is camouflaged for those times you want a little stealth when you're out there in the wilderness with others that may not be exactly enamored with you carrying that big-old family bible (you know, the one that has the gold-gilded edges and looks like a hammer?).

With this bible there are no distractions as you nimbly glide from one proof-text to another. You'll be able to stand there and take all that those abusive mud-slingers want to throw at you... knowing full well that you can hose the whole thing off as soon as your mission is finished!

Best of all, it floats. You'll be able to use it while baptizing that mob... never again will you be standing in the middle of the creek trying to remember that baptismal formula, you'll look like a real preacher when you reach down and fish out the real-preacher bible floating right beside you!

People will respect you now, and even if they don't, it matters not...remember, that tomatoes, rotten fruit, and even spoiled vegetables, wash right off, leaving you with a clean, white, pure KJV bible. No one will ever know that you were hip deep in mud when you stand up to preach on Sunday.

Hey, I didn't mention one of the best features... you know how bible shopping these days can set you back a pretty penny: This perfect bible is only $36.49!

You can get a black or brown imitation leather slip cover if you don't need the camo, or don't think you'll be doing any guerrilla warfare. You'll be out an extra $20 bucks or so, but hey, you might need a little respectability when rubbing elbows with those genuine-goat-skin-carrying comrades at the next Leadership Conference on Pentecostal Excesses.

By now you've decided that you've got to have one, so here is the link: (and NO! I'm not making a dime on this... I've read all about what my WaterProof KJV says about "filthy lucre"... just a minute, let me wipe that mustard stain off... Peter mentions the stuff once and Paul, four times! If only I had a waterproof keyboard I'd give you this report from my shower... a clean brother preaching from a clean bible while singing about that fount that makes me white as snow!)

Now you can be a real fisher of men with a real floating bible that's practically indestructible and you can do it while walking on the water without fear that you're going to ruin your bible... you may sink, but your bible won't!

Oh, the link: hing/dp/0984085734

Get one, you'll not be disappointed!


[Updated on: Thu, 05 March 2020 02:56]

I want to believe!
 Topic: How Should we Then Live
How Should we Then Live [message #12898] Tue, 05 November 2019 21:08
Mark L  is currently offline Mark L
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Francis Schaefer wrote a book on that subject. I've talked about it before but couldn't find the thread. I found it hugely interesting and am reading it again. He showed how starting in the reformation and the renaissance all of mans art philosophy science etc and the key moments in history that has brought us to the world we now live in.

The point here is that the film based on the book is on youtube. Last time I read the book I couldn't find the film. anyway its worth reading and watching. p9RORx7W0REI8SVK2CNIrMjhS_T

[Updated on: Tue, 05 November 2019 21:09]

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 Topic: Search feature
Search feature [message #12894] Fri, 01 November 2019 03:32
william  is currently offline william
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I just noticed that the search feature isn't working. I'll try to get that fixed asap!


I want to believe!
 Topic: The Fellowship
The Fellowship [message #12682] Wed, 31 July 2019 16:18
Mark L  is currently offline Mark L
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A secret christian group at the heart of the American Gov't I had never heard of them until it was in my newsfeed this morning. There is a book as well (link below)

I am going to make an effort to find the netflix series and watch it although I'm sure I already know their take on it. stigates-secret-organization-behind-national-prayer-breakfas t rican/dp/0060560053

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 Topic: Mike Guthrie
Mike Guthrie [message #12666] Fri, 15 February 2019 16:09
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Pastor in Virginia. Went to be with the Lord on Tuesday. I knew him fairly well. Visited his church. He held some seminars up here in Canada some years ago. p-guthrie-8159006

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 Topic: Another book report!
Another book report! [message #12649] Sat, 01 December 2018 19:32
Mark L  is currently offline Mark L
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A translation of the OT by Robert Alter

He did 4 other books and I have all of them. He is Jewish and as far as I am aware not particularly religious. He is a scholar and professor with an absolutely intuitive grasp of the Hebrew. I like reading history. I found his book called "The David Story" on 1,2 Samuel bought it and was captivated.

His translations are not intended to be a translation of the bible so us religious fanatics can understand the word. Having said that next time I start my OT bible reading in Genesis I'm gong to use it. He is just a scholar with a huge interest in the Hebrew text. Its interesting that the only other version he likes is the KJV. That puts him at odds with much of the christian world. Although not me!

From the article "I would add that the beautiful cadences, the elegant and pointed choice of words, the expressive use of syntax, the vividness of the language of the dialogues, are all essential elements of the reading experience of the Bible, and I’ve done my best to preserve them in English,” he said."

The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary (Vol. Three-Volume Set)

I have his other books on Psalms, David, Moses, Wisdom (Proverbs/Job/Ecclesiastes)

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 Topic: Book Report
Book Report [message #12648] Sat, 01 December 2018 19:07
Mark L  is currently offline Mark L
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2000 years of Charismatic Christianity

By Eddie L Hyatt

The book . . .

From the preface

"Its purpose is to show that Pentecostals and Charismatics do have a legitimate history. It also suggests that instead of being on the fringes of orthodox Christianity , Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity is in the mainstream of both biblical and historic Christianity"

From the introduction

"has it reappeared suddenly in the 20th century with no historical link to the past as some contend"

"The fact is that Pentecostals and Charismatics do have a legitimate history . . . found in the various revival and renewal movements that have emerged constantly in the life of the church"

He makes the point that the book is not cobbled together bits and pieces of church history but a solidly researched scholarly work that will stand up under serious scrutiny. Its also easy to read

Augustine's book "City of God" had a whole chapter on miracles. I read that and went and checked my copy. Strangely enough my edited version didn't have that chapter in it. I wonder why.

Martin Luther
Luther's remarks on the cessation of miracles were taken out of context. The author of the book believes that Luther had a direct experience of seeing the Lord just like Paul. 11 Cor. 12
Many of his followers believed he was a prophet. He also had prophesies fulfilled/prayed for the sick cast out demons etc. You sure don't read that in all the edited biographies of his life.

He gives a lot of info in the book. Also answers some questions I had about some supposedly heretical groups in history. The book has been out for 20 yrs. I don't know why I've never heard of it. Anyway the book is interesting and well worth reading.

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 Topic: Supreme Court Justice
Supreme Court Justice [message #12552] Thu, 27 September 2018 20:24
james  is currently offline james
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To see how determined the left-wing liberal forces that be here in America are to keeping their ungodly laws intact, just look at what's happening with the president's selection for U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanough. Is the timing of these 'revelations' suspect? Of course they are. Can the democrats derail the selection process be creating doubt in this mans' character? Looks that way, but even if they fail his character will be tarnished in the minds of many forever.

God has an agenda, it can't be derailed, nor can any testimony or pressure from the left or from the right can change it, His will will be done.

My prayer is just that, GOD'S WILL BE DONE...(and I trust that's the prayers of all believers...not our 'christian' agenda that 'seems ' right and just, but God's choice.)

O.K. that's my 'getting into politics'....


“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
 Topic: Lovers of Their Own Selves
Lovers of Their Own Selves [message #12256] Fri, 01 September 2017 14:57
Mark L  is currently offline Mark L
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Ran across an interesting video on this subject. Regarding the change in attitudes in our society over the last generation or so. Lots of interesting family friendly material on the site as well.

[Updated on: Sat, 02 September 2017 14:06]

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 Topic: Sally Ann
Sally Ann [message #12201] Fri, 27 January 2017 16:24
Mark L  is currently offline Mark L
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Quite an interesting article here on Wiki. I had no idea. To take heat like this they must have been very effective. When I was about 14 I was camping with my family and listened to a Sally Ann band. The Oompa type. Brass drums etc. It had a deep effect on me even at that young age. As I listened I found the Holy Spirit speaking to me and calling me although at the time I didn't really understand it. Its interesting one of main opposition actually got saved.

[Updated on: Fri, 27 January 2017 16:25]

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 Topic: Stan Nichols passed away...
Stan Nichols passed away... [message #12039] Thu, 05 May 2016 04:15
william  is currently offline william
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Administrator s&user_id=1793395

He was one of my best friends in Indiana. I'm sorry to see him go but I know he's with the Lord and I'll see him again someday!

I may drive up to attend the funeral. If anyone else knew him and plans to go, please let me know.


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 Topic: Don Langebartels
Don Langebartels [message #11608] Mon, 22 June 2015 10:13
Gary  is currently offline Gary
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Brother Don Langebartels went to be with the Lord over the weekend. Don't know if any here had set under his ministry. He headed up the Zion Lake Christian Camp near North Vernon.

I have a lot of good memories from that place. Back in the day there was a Seminar held there every weekend in the summer with most of the ministers from Faith Assembly coming down and preaching there. Tom Hamilton and other ministers from around the country preached there also. I remember the summer camp was a great ministry to the youth. Remember to pray for the family.

Sadly missed but with the Lord.


[Updated on: Mon, 22 June 2015 10:14]

 Topic: Passing of Danny Katzer
Passing of Danny Katzer [message #10943] Mon, 17 March 2014 03:39
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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I just found out that Mark and Patty (Seamon) Katzer's son, Danny, passed.

I don't have any other details right now.

This family is very loving and has been a blessing to all who know them.

Please lift them up in prayer.



"Be still and know that I am God."
 Topic: Joshua's missing Day!
Joshua's missing Day! [message #10697] Thu, 02 January 2014 19:08
Mark L  is currently offline Mark L
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They got me on this one. issing-day

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 Topic: Prunes vs Gems
Prunes vs Gems [message #9679] Mon, 19 August 2013 06:36
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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I work in Long Term Care (nursing home.)

I have watched dozens of people grow older, decline, and eventually die. I have often wondered how Father picks the moment for people to pass. I think I have seen a small insight into this subject.

"Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.....For the things that are seen are turning to dust, but the things that are unseen endure forever. II Cor. 4:16, 18.

I see old people with bodies that look like prunes. They are wrinkled and creased. Fat deposits of youth are gone and faces and bodies are sucken and thin. The skin is paper thin. Eyes become dim. Ears no longer hear. The memory, short and long term are gone. The list goes on.

I know some are believing for their youth to be renewed, but I digress in making my point.

What appears to be a prune holds a precious gem inside if one has descended in order to ascend. You must want His Kingdom to come and for the Kingdoms of this world to diminish. We must let go of our agendas and our egos. We must despise the advent of self.

Like Paul, I have been with much and with little. I have lost family and friends. I have learned to be content in all things. What a peace! I have had to dangle in the air and He has asked me to jump off of cliffs. That is the way I put it, anyway.

In order to become a gem inside, sometimes He will ask you to live in exile to this world. I have never been more content in doing so.

I believe that when the gem has grown (closeness to Him) and when it sparkles the most from inside the prune (fruit of the spirit) some pass over into his presence.

I have witnessed a few marvelous things when people pass. They see heaven. They see angels. Some are horrified with what they see, but still refuse to receive Salvation when I share with them. Our Salvation is truly a gift.

So, my prayer is to press on. I glory in the excile of this life. My life is His. He gives me dreams about people, words of knowledge, and what to pray. We don't have to be around people to minister life in every case.

I miss my earthly and Heavenly Father. In His time, I will be out of the mess of this world. In the meantime, a gem is growing and sparkling more and more until He decides what to do with it. Smile

[Updated on: Mon, 19 August 2013 06:39]



"Be still and know that I am God."
 Topic: The R U Ready file
The R U Ready file [message #9199] Tue, 11 December 2012 14:34
Mark L  is currently offline Mark L
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This one is for the R U Ready File. I'd love to see it. fe-sized-replica-of-noahs-ark/

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 Topic: Creation declares the Glory of God
Creation declares the Glory of God [message #8820] Tue, 28 February 2012 16:21
Mark  is currently offline Mark
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You guys should watch this trailer. Just beautiful. ucts_id=4072& mp;utm_campaign=459783dff9-ecard20120228&utm_medium=emai l&mc_cid=459783dff9&mc_eid=oCiqgaHusK

I find I always have to write something on a steamed mirror....
 Topic: Some rambling thoughts
Some rambling thoughts [message #8776] Thu, 26 January 2012 17:25
Mark  is currently offline Mark
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Someone asked the question on Lonely planet how to visit Israel and have a polite political conversation. Here are some of the responses. Not trying to offend anyone but I just thought it was kind of funny.

Here was the question

My understanding is that Israel is an intensely political country and that it is often quite difficult to divorce political discussion from daily life. It is part and parcel of it. As well, as Israel has what some might call a disproportionate place in world affairs, it might not be difficult for a visitor to be drawn into a discussion of politics. Does anyone have any tried and proven pointers on the art and etiquette of participating in civil political discussions in Israel? (Operative word civil) Is there anything a well-intentioned but politically aware visitor should be aware of and avoid so as not to give offence?

Some responses

Using "ettiquette" and "Israel" in the same sentence is an oxymoron. Smile

There's a saying among Jerusalem-based diplomats which says: "The first month you'll ask Israelis what they think of the conflict, the second month you'll ask Palestinians what they think of the conflict, the third month on you'll stop asking and you'll get drunk."

There is another saying, that if you visit Israel for a week, you go home and write a book about it. If you go for a month, you write a magazine article. If you go for a year, you don't write anything because you no longer know what to write...

not only do etiquette and israel not belong in the same sentence, i have rarely heard here (in almost 40 years) a civil political discussion! as mentioned, everyone here has very passionate political opinions and is very eager to express them. very very few are willing to engage in a "discussion" , a word that implies dialogue, some sort of give and take, listen and respond. a political "discussion" might be described as more than one israeli offering his/her opinions as holy truth very loudly! and often simultaneously.

Well put. I feel that your advice about week, month, year is true about life as well. The more I learn, the more I realise that I don't know anything. Or as Socrates said, the only thing I know is that I don't know anything.

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 Topic: Autism
Autism [message #8748] Wed, 11 January 2012 19:46
Mark  is currently offline Mark
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Does anyone know what causes it? The reason I ask is there was an article which mentioned it in one of our National dallies here in Canada today. Has there ever been any revelation come through our circles or charismatic circles about it?

From the article

And imagine how the latest news — that previous abortions can raise the risk of autism by 26% in later children carried to full term — will be received. Most reports on the October 2011 Harvard University study didn’t even mention the abortion-autism link, just the gestational diabetes-autism connection. pro-choicers-are-against-any-choice-but-abortion/

[Updated on: Wed, 11 January 2012 19:47]

I find I always have to write something on a steamed mirror....
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