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 Topic: a observation in Ps.22
a observation in Ps.22 [message #14163] Wed, 04 September 2024 14:09
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
Messages: 319
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There is a heresy being taught that Jesus was a sinner on the cross. Saying God forsook him because of that.

research shows Martin Luther believed that but added that the Lord also committed those sins.

Judgment has now come. 22:7 When the people see Jesus they laugh to scorn--(holy laughter movement and shoot the lip. Also they shake the head. ( uncontrollable shaking esp. of the head movement)

Please understand that we are talking about people who mock the word of God and evil spirits take over their lives. In Heb. 10:29 we have -- a rebuke for calling the blood a unholy thing. Jesus was not a sinner but a sacrifice for us.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: faith and warfare victory
faith and warfare victory [message #14156] Tue, 27 August 2024 21:07
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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Lord why am I waiting so long? The snare to overcome that we can see is- No matter how long you wait, you hold fast because you enter the testing battleground. like a rag full of water you will feel the enemy squeezing. But if you know this--claiming a promise is like holding a rag full of water God gives you. Just squeeze and keep adding more promises.

The promises are what your hearing-hearing and hearing. not the enemy. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Rom. 10:17

Every time I share Jesus that presence of God Spirit rises within me. Makes me feel so renewed.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: Israel and Prayer
Israel and Prayer [message #14154] Sun, 25 August 2024 14:51
Mark L  is currently offline Mark L
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For those of you who haven't heard there was a major successful preemptive strike by Israel against Hizzbula in the north last night. Israel had very good precise intelligence that Hizzbula was going to launch a major attack on Israel at 5:00 am this morning (Israel time). On some major targets.

There has been a burden to pray for Israel the last few weeks. From what I can see it was extensive across the church. My point here is that this successful strike was the result of the prayers of Gods people. Things are happening in Israel and the region but it simply isn't time for the Gog war and related serious issues to take place. God is still in control.

You can read
"Meanderings on Scripture by Mark

 Topic: never ending barrel.
never ending barrel. [message #14153] Sat, 24 August 2024 17:58
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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in 1 kings 17: we see a edifying message hidden. The woman there is seen to trust by faith in Elijah to do as he asks. she receives her miracle. She had to believe or die as she gave all she had--not 10 percent. she gave all possible to live. Notice later the boy dies even though it didn't relate to the cakes that would be eaten to save them.

we know it was a short time that the boy died but as we apply this we can see she forgot the miracle. Elijah ate up the cake leaving nothing for her and her son. She forgot and sees Elijah in a bad light.

She expresses that she is willing to discern a false prophet which is good to discern. She was wrong in her discernment. She charges him as a false man of God. See that in her questioning him.

we see that about Jesus. The leaders would judge Jesus until a leader would say leave him alone, if he is who he says he is, you could be fighting against God if you are wrong.

To edify-- Our faith is quickened by not forget the miracles of God in our past.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: the shroud
the shroud [message #14151] Sat, 24 August 2024 17:20
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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In John 20:5 we see the word plural clothes. repeated in v.6. clothes. then a second thing in v.7 napkin laying by itself. not a part of the cloth called a shroud. with Jesus face on the shroud is not possible because the napkin covered his head.

I am not able to share the truth about this any further because something tries to erase a long message I create.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: The secret of Samson's jawbone of chamor
The secret of Samson's jawbone of chamor [message #14130] Sat, 15 June 2024 18:18
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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I give all credit to the Holy Spirit who showed me this. Many commentaries agree that Samson did not get water from the jawbone of the chamor Hebrew for word that shocks many. It is not called a donkey. The bible calls it a (---) Anyhow There is proof that shows it was that miracle of the jawbone with water.

because some commentaries do have useful info. I won't throw them in the trash. Many may say they hear the Holy Spirit but they really evaluate things with their reasoning and not pray for wisdom.

The answer is in Judges 15: Samson already took the jawbone in v.17 then he tosses it away. Then he names the place Ramathlehi. He had by the power of the Holy Spirit slay a 1'000 men. Lehi refers to jaw.
in v.18 he is very thirsty from such a mighty feat. He calls on God to help him. God does help him and his response is-- he calls this place Enhakkore which is the fountain of one calling. then we read that to this day Lehi is still the name of the place he called it.

Therefore we can see that Samson didn't experience this miracle in these places, but gives the names of these places out of his wisdom and experience. He named them himself. Therefore it was truly a miracle from God --water out of the jawbone.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: Christians that seek after the zodiac
Christians that seek after the zodiac [message #14129] Mon, 03 June 2024 20:43
openairpreacher  is currently offline openairpreacher
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Isaiah 47:11-14 (KJV) Therefore shall evil come upon thee; thou shalt not know from whence it riseth: and mischief shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to put it off: and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou shalt not know.
Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail.
Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee.
Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it.
 Topic: gates of Baal.
gates of Baal. [message #14128] Fri, 31 May 2024 20:49
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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back during the Obama administration, Hope you didn' vote for him, there were gates to Baal constructed and put different places. One was in N.Y. This is a part of the NWO that is striving to take over the world. They want to be rid of true Christians and Jews. Threats are arrising to take away bibles but not just yet. God is getting ready for a revival and his soldiers (hosts) are getting ready. They know their bibles by memory and can think on many wonders in the scriptures to encourage everyone.

They are very versed in promises of God and faith for receiving them. Did you know that promises of God ae connected to every doctrine?

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: love and attention.
love and attention. [message #14127] Fri, 31 May 2024 20:37
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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In times of hate and rejection, we have it made. When spending time by the Spirit in the N.T. it amazes me how much God tells me he loves and forgives me. If God has any issues with me he shows it in his gentle loving way. He knows that I have a quick apology thing with him.

It is a awesome thing to partake of the bread and cup often. I just received a healing based on that ordinance. As we press in for the prize and strive to be one with Christ, we pray for the Lord to deliver us through temptations. Our prayer life is what helps us be more and more righteous like him.

The Lord sent me here and removed the hacker attack from that. I know that to be true and am not just saying that. liars are not considers overcomers right?

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: forgiveness
forgiveness [message #14126] Fri, 31 May 2024 20:21
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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When things are misunderstood, esp. in a time where doctrine is not important to most professing christians, there are those who are Spirit filled and learn things not heard of by believers who are not filled with the Spirit. Doctrine becomes sour milk when not if not brought to life by the Spirit.

The letter killeth but the Spirit giveth life.

Job was going through tremendous attacks by Satan and his friends were helpers to that. But as Joseph said-- they meant it for evil but God meant it foe good. We will never learn to be a overcomer without these trials. We are on the way when we learn to forgive and know that all things work for our good. Most will not receive us and we take up our cross and put self to death.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: What Pilot called Jesus and why.
What Pilot called Jesus and why. [message #14104] Fri, 22 March 2024 15:44
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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In Matt. 27:24 Pilot calls Jesus a just person. that is because he understood that he was innocent. He calls him a person. That is because he is a man. In 1Tim. 2:5 we have one God. Then we have a mediator. He puts on the flesh by his birth and grows to be a man. Now he will be a person. In 2Cor. 2:10 in the person of Christ will be forgiveness given. Now before Jesus was born and was God in the flesh, he was Spirit. In Jn. 4:24 God is a Spirit . What is the point?

When Jesus who is God put on human body, a man. He was then called a person. In Lk. 24:39 a Spirit has no flesh or bones. The distinction would be that God is not a person until he puts on flesh. Only on a cross could flesh die and shed blood. It was the giving up of his person and his life ( the life of the flesh is the blood) , that he could pay the price required to atone for our sins.

Jesus was one with the Holy Spirit and the father. but his distinct personality came and put on flesh to become a person. When his work on earth was finished, he returned to the heavenly throne of his former glory. Phil. 2:5-10 He is equal with God and became a servant for us. and then is exalted when returning to his former place. form means the same image. Yet distinct from God the Father in personality. He even gets the highest name of Jesus. Yet he is still God. That name means savior. This personality of God is to be savior. Yet God says call me father. Matt. 5:48 and 6:9. God is one essence eternally manifest in 3 personalities, Father, son, Holy Spirit.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: Philippians ch.4 the seven joys
Philippians ch.4 the seven joys [message #14102] Wed, 06 March 2024 02:18
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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Phil. 4:4 joy and rejoicing go together.
in 4:6 instead of being anxious and need of care we can pray and God will help us.

in 4:7 peace which is the gospel and all it's promises will keep us stable in heart and mind by Jesus.

in 4:8 these things keep us in praise and virtue and like Jesus.

in 4:9 The big one-- the presence of God will be with you.

in 4:11 though you may have wants or needs if you are content you will be calm.

In 4:13 just think it says (all) things we can do by God giving us strength and power.

In 4:19 He created heaven earth the universe, so how many riches does he have in glory? Yet he promises to supply all our needs. Through faith we receive inheritance as his sons and daughters.
These are 7 in number and create joy and rejoicing of ch 4:4.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: A valuable asset for end time preparation.
A valuable asset for end time preparation. [message #14101] Wed, 06 March 2024 01:45
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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In the past few weeks the Lord has been blessing me in memorizing scriptures. There are many past things that have remembered and going over them also. those past things are so amazing how the mind stores them. The key is how to remember things. If you cannot show a passage to what you know as truth, a world full of opinions and actually in a state of opposition will not listen.

explaining a subject is more effectual from the heart and by experience. Wisdom of God helps reach the heart of the hearer. If one is under a anointing they will have many operations of the Spirit to convince the hearers. One example is when a person was with me and I gave a word of knowledge. He was told we were about to find ourselves in trouble and what it was. It happened. next time I saw him and he said he was excited that I knew before what would happen. It was for both our benefits what God revealed.

The great blessing of saying scriptures for memory is we find ourselves being renewed in our minds from the carnal worldly thoughts. Thinking about God keeps us walking in one nature of Christ. I thank God for giving me several ways to remember scriptures it is a gift from the Spirit of God.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: evil came on Job ?
evil came on Job ? [message #14098] Sun, 25 February 2024 03:53
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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Job was a target of the Satan. If boils came, that was evil that came upon him physically. The loss of possessions must be included. That was also what came upon him. We can see that things can be misinterpreted. All that came upon him was physical and not physical-- though it is said it came upon him. He was not in the house when it burned down but still it came upon him.

I hope you see my point. we are dealing with statements here. all that happened came upon him. Job 2:11 shows that. it made others feel bad. They tried to figure it out. see ch. 2:10. In all this Job sinned not.

Now think about Jesus. The whip (evil) came upon him. add, the pulling of his beard, the spit, the nails, the physical abuse (evil) came upon him. but in all this he sinned not. He said Father forgive them for they know not what they do. No sin came upon him, just the abuse ( the evil of the people he would forgive.)

Remember when he was raised from the dead? Jn. 20:17 He was so Holy that he told Mary to not touch him. He must first go to his Father in heaven. He was a spotless Lamb. Also he saw no corruption.

my sins which were committed in my life time were forgiven by him over 2,000 years ago. He didn't wear them, only by faith in his blood atonement, I received forgiveness. that makes me free by believing his finished work on the cross and resurrection. oh what mercy, oh what grace. For all who believe.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: What I saw from God Tuesday
What I saw from God Tuesday [message #14095] Thu, 15 February 2024 18:20
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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It had rained on Monday and all day Tuesday. On Tuesday evening the sun was right on the horizon. There was that last mist of rain as the rain was also leaving. It is very likely that you can picture in your mind a rainbow you saw before. This rainbow was 4 times as wide. each color was at least half the size as one color in a regular rainbow. The colors were perfect as if painted on the sky. All this rainbow was a full bow and it was over my house.

When thinking about it, I remembered that in reviewing old notes the Monday before spent a lot of time on my Noah notes.

On Wednesday, went to Hobart Freeman videos on you tube. right there was a new video posted just 2 hours ago and had 2 views. It was a message on Noah's flood.

What a shame and loss when poor saints don't have the Holy Spirit to show them the things God wants to reveal by his Spirit. The natural mind cannot understand them. Those things when understood take your breath away to.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: Return of the people of God. victory.
Return of the people of God. victory. [message #14090] Mon, 29 January 2024 03:41
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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This one chap. applied to us today. Plus a special find from the Lord.
If you will read 1 Sam. 7 and see the picture there.

In verse 1-2 the ark is somewhere else for 20 years. This makes the people cry. That is because God must be on the ark which is his throne. Otherwise he is gone. The people are starting to miss him. They are still religious, but are not pleasing to him.
v.3-4 The Philistines are a big problem, but if they put away their gods they will receive the helper. Israel obeys and puts away their gods and gets their hearts right.
v.5-6 Samuel will pray for them and they will also pray and confess their sins. (like 1Jn.1:9).
v. 7-9 The Philistines (devil) comes after them, they cry for help. Samuel offers a sacrificial Lamb. v.10 God smites the enemy.
v.12 after the victory a stone is set up as a memorial. Ebenezer means stone of the helper. Because the Lord--in his mercy-- helped us. In the N.T. Heb. 2:18 we have the word succor. In Greek it means to aide or help. it is speaking of Jesus there.

Look at Matt. 21:42-44. The stone there refers to Jesus in both passages. Put those together and you have Jesus as a stone and a helper. I cannot say that the scriptures of Heb. Sam., and Matt. are united but they are spiritually significant.

v.17 Sam. built a alter near his home. We also build sacrificial alters with our lives. Rom. 12:1-2.

In 2 Sa. 6:9-15 In v.9-10, we see that David was understanding how important the ark was and it was to be reverenced. Yet Israel lost that respect for a while. Samuel helps them have a revival.
v.11 shows how a man who is upright can have great benefits and enjoy having God and his throne in their life. his name was Obededom. David sees the blessings of the Lord on Obededom and sees that it pays to be righteous and have God with him.

We have a parallel here. Israel were not Pagans they were God's people. They were being chastened to lead them to repentance. God brought them to the place and they repented. Then God gave victory. David shows how it pays to have God on the throne around him. You can see that God is sovereign and merciful for a little while. Lord be my helper and deliver me from my enemies is a great prayer. One man and a ark sounds like (a remnant).

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: Why are we called to live by faith?
Why are we called to live by faith? [message #14089] Fri, 19 January 2024 03:06
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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It is not difficult to understand why that would be. A word was put in my Spirit this morning. It is so amazing because it is awesome that God did this.
In Matt. 9:v2 We see that Jesus forgave sins, for he saw faith. and the man was healed. After faith--Jesus forgave--and healed. see that? How would you know without wisdom of God to see Deut. 28:?

In 9:22 the woman was seen having faith then she was healed.

9:29 the blind man could see again-- by faith. Ps. 146:8 the Lord opens the eyes of the blind. This is said about God in the O.T.. That is Yahweh. now Jesus is the Lord- son of God healing the eyes. by man's faith.

What about the O.T.? I mentioned earlier that Deut. 28 comes in on this. What God is showing here is that Jesus is the one who can forgive sins. Also that if one has faith they receive something. So there it is. Deut. 28 is the biggest mention of the obey or disobey the law. When Jesus forgives sin the curse of the law is removed. How to remove the curse or curses? A living faith in Jesus to forgive and take away (any) curse. (by Faith) How ? By faith in his promises. The promises are the blessings of the law. If the law is removed by faith, that is sin or transgression. We are counted as righteous. Rom. 3-4. You will see that in reading Deut. 28. Promises of God are yes and amen--by faith.

Why the devil hates this is because he loves death and curses on people-- especially since he lost his. This is why the battle-- but by faith we conquer. We are made more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: Word study on last part of Matt. 6:13
Word study on last part of Matt. 6:13 [message #14088] Fri, 19 January 2024 02:25
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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In Matt. 6:10 we have that the desire is for the kingdom to be on earth as it is in heaven. there is more but just that point for now.

v. 13 has 3 words that really go together and that is seen in that verse.
Kingdom. Let's lookat Rom. 14:17 and Jn. 14:17 righteousness , peace, joy in the Holy Spirit. and the Holy Spirit will be in you (the kingdom).
power.- That word is dunamis. in Greek. G1411 it means miraculous, mighty, and wonderful. This same word is used in Acts 1:8 you shall receive power (dunamis) after the Holy Spirit is come upon you.
glory- 1Pet. 4:14 He is called the Spirit of glory here.
the three words kingdom, power,glory all point to the Holy Spirit.

This seems to be the prayer ending with the desire for the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:5 makes the distinction of John's baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism. Same in Acts 19:3-6 one baptism is in Jesus name. John's was father, son, holy Spirit. (titles.) Acts 1 and 19 were after the cross.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: So glad Abraham endured for us.
So glad Abraham endured for us. [message #14084] Sat, 13 January 2024 21:45
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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In Heb. 11:8,9, 11Sarah. we have Abraham in the faith hall of fame. We hear about him from time to time. Mostly of his success with birth of Isaac. This post is to encourage you that Abraham had trials to. He was victorious through God his friend.

1. Gen. 12:10 In a grievous famine.
2. 12:12 and 19 Egypt wants to take Sarah from him.
3. 13:7 the strife between the herdsmen.
4. 14:14 His bro. becomes captive.
5. 16:1-16 Hagar trouble.
6. 21:14 Sending Hagar away.
7. 20:2 Sarah taken at Gerar.
8. 26:1 another famine
9. 22:1-22 to offer up Isaac.

These 9 were info. I found and then added my message about Abraham and how he had faith and victory through his trials. I will have my students read all 9 and then look for themselves how God gave him victory. write that down beside them (the 9)for future reference. Looking forward to you getting a A on the exam---just kidding--God bless.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: The key answer to Sodom and Gomorrah
The key answer to Sodom and Gomorrah [message #14083] Sat, 13 January 2024 21:24
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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To think one scripture would show us the answer. The world wide rebellion against God and his word. In 1Cor. 11:7-8 show us God and his plan. This rebellion is rising in religious and secular people. This scriptures reveals man and woman and their position. My Dad years ago was trying to make a point, though not liked, it was a good point today. He said if he calls a apple orange then it is orange the apple being red. His point was what he says is to be obeyed if he says it. Well communism is the same. If your a male and want to be a girl you are expected to be obeyed. If you dress wrong then you are right. Don't question it because I say so. (they say). Antinomianism is rebel against what is law or naturally right. Yet----- if you say it is wrong to do this or that, you are rejected. I just had a young man say to me after saying long ago I gave up rock music. He said what is wrong with rock music? He professes to be a Christian.

If I remove or put body parts on I still am what it says in my birth certificate. I rejoice that babies go to heaven after abortion. They will be waiting for me there.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: What is the pearl?
What is the pearl? [message #14082] Mon, 08 January 2024 17:18
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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Matt. 13:44-46 we have the parable of the pearl. Must see that he is talking about the kingdom of heaven. v.47 now it is a net. we have a field , a net, a pearl.

In Rom. 14:17 we notice a non broken connection between God in heaven and God the Holy Spirit. it is a kingdom. Jesus of that is also called the King.

In Job 28:13, 15, 18, As you read 13-18 and meditate , you will see he is talking about a non worldly thing. it is better than that which so great but far lesser. treasures of wealth are dull to it. it is called God's wisdom.

In 2 Cor. 4:7-8 We have treasures in earthen vessels. treasure in Greek is thesauros. That is where we get a book filled with treasure of knowledge. The Holy Spirit is a deposit of wealth (wisdom) in us. That pearl is greater than rubies.

In Prov. 31:10 we have a virtuous woman. In Hebrew virtuous means wealth, valor, strength, great force, might , power, riches. In Matt. 5:30 The woman touched Jesus and virtue went out of Jesus.
In Prov. 31, notice two words. wealth and riches. she is a woman filled with treasure (virtue). Her wealth comes from within.

The point we have here is that God's Spirit puts within the Believer his Holy Spirit to cause a treasure of wisdom which is far greater than worldly wealth of any kind. A lack of faith will only see a lust of the flesh, and of the eyes, and pride of life. Wisdom comes by the eyes of faith. see James 1:5 If you lack wisdom ask of God who gives freely (liberally) to all. But ask in faith. God has deposited the earnest of our inheritance into us. That is greatest treasure.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: Isa. 55 if I can just find the prophetical.
Isa. 55 if I can just find the prophetical. [message #14081] Mon, 08 January 2024 16:34
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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Isa. 55:1 If the Prophet is speaking of thirsting for waters in a prophetical manner then he includes the future. If not it is for O.T. folks.

Well after finding the prophetical then we have much future here included. 1. In v. 3 we have two. He says (everyone ) that comes in v.1 and v.3 He will make a everlasting covenant. Heb. 13:20 that covenant is everlasting and is the blood paid for our redemption. 2.In John ch. 4 He offers the woman free rivers of water for thirst to be for everlasting life. Jn. 7:37-39 shows us the water is the Holy Spirit. and he gives the living waters.

v.3 also there is the sure mercies of David. see Matt. 9:27 and Lk. 18:38-39. This is prophetical as to what Isaiah is saying. Jesus son of David and his mercies was future of Isa. 55:3.

Also 55:5 we have here the Holy one. He is for all nations. Mk. 1:24 and Acts 2:27 and Acts 3:14. also other places. In 55:13 we have for a name as a everlasting sign. Name refers to someone famous here in the Hebrew. It is the Lord for a name.

So verse 1 is the key. E-v-e-r-y-o-n-e- who thirsts. It doesn't stop at Jesus coming only, but it a everlasting covenant. Also everlasting water. Why? see Isa. 12v:3 wells of salvation. Including Jn. 7:37-39 Holy Spirit the water. and then it never ceases. see Rev. ch. 22:1-2 and Rev. 7:17. 21:6. it never stops flowing from the Holy Spirit from John to revelations and on to eternity.

In Acts 2:4 the utterance from the mouth comes from the belly, (inner man) which is the rivers of water. That is tongues. That then to be understood, (God praying through you) would need interpretation in your language. If a person seeks signs they could find false signs. When you pray in tongues you will know that this sign is not false. Why? God will show you in your language. You probably will need good teaching if you are a new beginner. If you go to a false teacher they can trick you because they are just making a noise and not real tongues.

Tongues is a secret kind of language so the devil doesn't know what God is saying through you. When the power of God manifests at the other time of what you prayed, Things just happen and are unhindered. That my friend is Halleluiah time. It is all about faith and believing God who never will fail you.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: All hail (rejoice.) Matt. 28:9-10.
All hail (rejoice.) Matt. 28:9-10. [message #14070] Mon, 01 January 2024 02:35
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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In these verses we observe that as Jesus himself standing there says all hail. This salutation is saying for them to rejoice and be glad and not afraid. Notice when they fall it is to grab his feet and to worship and adore him. He is alive. Now they are able to touch him. Mary could not as he had not returned to his father yet. Their experience is a natural one filled with great joy.

If you get the chance try sometime just getting on your knees with hands raised and sing all hail king Jesus
all hail Emmanuel
king of kings, Lord of Lords,
bright morning star.
and throughout all eternity,
I'm going to praise you,
and forever more, I will reign with you.
God bless you king Jesus.--- guitar works to.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: My past as a band member for a gospel group.
My past as a band member for a gospel group. [message #14069] Mon, 01 January 2024 01:51
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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years ago before knowing the faith walk, was the bass player for my church. it was a huge testimony going from a career as a rock musician to a servant for Jesus. The music there was holiness and I liked that. In those years played in a church band going to a halfway house in Ft. Lauderdale. That was a different band.

One day while playing Sunday service a Afro man asked if I would play in his band. He also was a holiness minister. He liked my bass playing and would join me to 6 other members. His past was a Jazz guitarist, and he was a pro. He was a former member of the mighty clouds of joy. We had-- Him, keyboard, trumpet, sax, drums, backup guitar and then my bass. We did a lot of Fla. roadwork.

Here is what he would announce. He would say each member and there instrument. Then he would say and David (my name ) live and in living color. All the people would laugh as it was funny and not at me. Why?--because everywhere we went I was the only white person in the house. I ministered to possibly thousands of black Christians with my bass.

One incident in the halfway house band. Some time later would make our music and share simple gospel to them. At one meeting while on the area with the people, I walked up to a man and shared the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. He had said he was saved. He was visible as a foreigner. Also a deep accent. He knew English a little. He received the baptism and I demonstrated tongues for his understanding. He began to weep in a strong way. Then he told me. He said I know what you are saying. It must have been personal as he didn't tell me. He did say that I was speaking in his Arab tongue. What is real strange is my research showed me I was speaking in Greek and Hebrew and Arabic. In one sentence. Those words brought deep tears to his eyes. That also confirmed his Baptism as he spoke in tongues also. Hope you enjoyed this testimony of God and his greatness.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: delivered from a spirit of my past.
delivered from a spirit of my past. [message #14068] Sun, 31 December 2023 02:45
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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Yesterday the Holy Spirit led me to pray for forgiveness about a past issue. It was as he was helping me to pray.
Today while listening to the message ---The call to prepare, end times, by Hobart Freeman, on you tube. half way through it was anointed with a very powerful tongues, which just seemed to come upon me. That means it was God doing it and not me. My body was in full control but the spirit was crying out as though it were tormented. It got tighter and tighter as though the power of God had me in hold. it was hollering in me. Then it left. There was great peace within me.

I am serious about being free and more on the alter for his grace and great things he has for me to bless his wonderful name. Nothing means more to me than going beyond knowing the word so as to walk in his fullness. What awesome life to have experience beyond just knowledge. give me more oil in my lamp and keep me burning keep me burning.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: testimony-- before I went over the waterfall.
testimony-- before I went over the waterfall. [message #14067] Tue, 26 December 2023 21:39
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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Some years ago was out in my boat fishing. The L shaped lake at the half way point there is a very high waterfall. My Evinrude motor was running on a battery for the ignition. In the area turning motor off to fish. I found my boat drifting toward the falls so would start it up to move on. The battery was dead. While drifting towards the waterfall and very close, pray and say Jesus.
All of a sudden a wind came and my boat started heading away from the falls. I hardly had to use the oars as moving in the right direction was easy. Even had a wonderful kind of peace in my heart. Did go back out there at a later date.

One time while out there while fishing a butterfly landed on my shirt pocket.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: God already had a plan for me this week.
God already had a plan for me this week. [message #14066] Tue, 26 December 2023 21:24
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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This is to edify those who will realize God is working behind the scenes of their life.

My wife said my jacket looked horrible and should wear something else. Meanwhile was looking for a opportunity to find something this past year. One week after she said my coat is bad, she was cleaning out a closet we don't use. That closet was being prepared for guests who do use it. It is our second home. She found a brand new coat that looks like it never had been worn before. it is heavy with wind breaker material and a removable hood. it reminds me of the statement, you already have it before you ask. Praise God.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: I saw a demoniac when working in Broward county mental inst.
I saw a demoniac when working in Broward county mental inst. [message #14064] Tue, 26 December 2023 20:52
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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Just like the bible, he was exactly the same. He would even cut himself. He would bang his head so he wore a football helmet. He was tied to the chair with his arms restrained but he was a Houdini. He always got out. He wouldn't keep clothes on. He was put in a padded cell when he would escape the chair. Most of all--he was a millionaire. He was the son of a millionaire. He could not enjoy any of it.

He makes a great analogy. He is like a Christian who could have all God's blessings, by faith, but remains restrained by the powers of darkness, just because of wrong thinking. Hurting his own self because he goes without all God has for him.

Here is another person. He was a giant. He was huge in muscles also. We were alerted to go and restrain him--several people of coarse. They said lay off we will send the security officers. When we saw him he had his bed standing up head board down foot board up. he was wild. One officer said to him, will you go with us? He calmly said okay. He was acting like a normal person. Off he walked to maximum security. He will be restrained and behind bars for a little while.

He makes a good analogy also. The officer who has been delegated as a authority, just spoke a word and the dangerous man obeyed. We can speak God's word by faith and have the authority of the Holy Spirit. The powerful enemy knows we have authority of God's word. We are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. Remember the devil acts up but we have power of God and his word. God bless.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: where is your wallet right now?
where is your wallet right now? [message #14063] Mon, 25 December 2023 03:23
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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After leaving to go to the store, where is my wallet? Had to put groceries back. One or two days later we found our guests wallet on the floor by the table. We returned it that evening. Then came this Holy Spirit understanding. It was something he wanted to share with his people.

The importance of a wallet. It is so important to us we have to have it. It is a mandatory item we live with. Some things we have are not as important. But the wallet, it is a must. We go nowhere without it.

What about the bible. or prayer, or things of the Christian life. Are they less important than our wallet? Can we live without God things? Thinking and talking, and actions of righteousness. Are they mandatory or not as important as the wallet. God promises all we need. Even a new wallet. it is the father's good pleasure to give us the kingdom. Can you imagine God saying--oh I forgot to give them the kingdom? That will never happen. Oh I forgot to praise God today. For me --not going to happen.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: Dreams
Dreams [message #14061] Fri, 15 December 2023 12:29
Ron S  is currently offline Ron S
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12-14-23 early AM

In the dream a was visiting a friend or relative in Naples, Fl. We were outdoors when we heard planes flying over. I asked if they thought the planes were landing at the airport, we thought they were too big to land at Naples. We looked out over the Gulf of Mexico as other planes were coming. Then there was a large explosion over the Gulf and flames came down to the water, stretching back to the clouds as we stood there in awe, then the flames came in off the water going north and consuming everything in its path.

There is a firestorm coming to this land, like has never been seen before.You must warn My people of the impending dangers.
Turn their hearts to Me (The Lord) and I will protect and preserve them.

12-15-23 Am

I was at a high end Motel (like in New York City)
I was given a master key, to help serve those in the building better.

I have given My people, The Keys to the Kingdom ! Take those Keys, and step up and serve Me (The Lord) in a way higher than you have ever served Me before.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear,but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7
 Topic: another tip for a successful life.
another tip for a successful life. [message #14058] Tue, 12 December 2023 16:54
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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Though they are not the same, but are companions, they are called thanks and praise. Eph. 6,12,14 we are called to the praise of his glory.
2Cor. 4:15 notice here that part b. abundant grace through the thanksgiving of many redound to (the glory of God.)
in 1Tim. 4:4 Look at the requirement here. nothing to be refused if it be received with thanks giving -- not the Holiday here.
We can give God nothing. He can give us everything. Actually he already has by faith it is paid for at Calvary. Think of it this way first that we can serve him joyfully and offer that sacrifice. or offer the sacrifices of thanks and praise continually. Thanks is a action of faith. That is before we receive our petition. Not to ask only, but to thanks him for it beforehand.
Look at our example. Jesus always pleased the Father. Can we not reach the goal of being God's friend and being blessed and loved.

Thank you Jesus, thank you father , thank you Holy Spirit. thank you, thank you, praise you almighty God, bless your wonderful name. All day long. How can we be lonely, he is right there listening.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: All things work for good.
All things work for good. [message #14057] Tue, 12 December 2023 16:29
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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My younger brother has passed away. I was closer to him than the 2 older ones. He was confused and believed in the aliens are god theory. I shared with him several years by word and my life. He was moved by that but also his other theory.

God has given me continual comfort peace and joy. Actually over whelming. The work for good is that through this we now have 5 kinfolk which we have not been in contact for years. They all talk about Jesus. They live far off. 4 of them are my brothers 3 kids and one grand daughter. They are not kids anymore and what a transformed life they reveal. They came and took responsibility in a mature way and lifted our burden. Before they left was able to sing to them a couple worship songs. Out the door the son said you sing like a angel.
They gave me some things that prospered me as they thought they would comfort me. Oh God Acts 16 save now Lord all my family and kin. The greatest thing was that I could share Jesus with all of them.
I have shared before that God has manifested my faith with many free instruments. I also have a guitar my brother gave me for free which is a none electric 6 string. I have 2 Basses, (free) 3 guitars (free) 3 guitars special buy. and many instruments. All used to praise and worship.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: My experience with Jesus today.
My experience with Jesus today. [message #14051] Thu, 07 December 2023 02:40
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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As I was worshipping this morning, I found it full of God's presence. The things God was telling me were so joyful. They were huge blessings and the joy was so full. Then the anointing for tongues came upon me. Even travail. God was preparing me for this early evening. Now I know it was comfort.
The news came from the Sheriff in North Alabama. Someone noticed my younger brother had not been seen lately. They barged his door and found him dead. They found he had been dead for 3 or more weeks. he was barely recognizable. This was chaos to me. For 2 years sharing Jesus with him and he became more uninterested. My heart is sad though comforted. We were close through life.
The Lord reminded me of my post on intersession yesterday. God knows our tomorrows and he will comfort us by his Holy Spirit. Thank you Jesus for tongues. I may find I was praying for more than I know yet. May God have mercy on my other 2 brothers. Because my sins are forgiven I know I have hope.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: The privilege of intersession.
The privilege of intersession. [message #14050] Tue, 05 December 2023 16:57
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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The Hebrew is very clear. qarab-- to approach , to draw near. that same word is used Lev. 1:3 offer-- qarab. to put that together we have our (approaching )by (offer) the Lamb. This was shown to me as study of word intersession.
To be clear-- when we come to our Father God in Jesus name, (Lamb)because we are allowed to approach him by faith. see Heb. 10:22 (How we draw near. )

Ps. 65:4 Blessed are they that God chooses and causes to approach him to dwell in his courts. now study deeply into verses 2-5. Some of you may see latter rain in v.10. Dt. 32:2.

2 passages in N.T. Heb. 4:16 my--( Approach) boldly to the throne of grace in time of need. and Heb. 10:22 my-- let us Approach ) with a true heart in full assurance of faith with the blood and water of the word.

I hope that this invitation will delight you with the privilege to draw near and approach his throne to be absolutely satisfied with God's free grace. James 1:5 He gives wisdom (liberally) haplos--bountifully.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: overcomers carry a big broom.
overcomers carry a big broom. [message #14049] Tue, 05 December 2023 16:23
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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Before the great tribulation, which is to cleanse the earth in preparation for the return of Christ. God has left a tremendous hope. It is his big brooms. As you see the story in Exodus 12 You find before the Passover meal the people are using brooms to sweep up all the leaven to get it out of the house. The bread must be unleavened.

Leaven is old leftover bread added to the fresh new bread. Jesus used the leaven as a spiritual picture to show a corrupt additive to anything. Once added to a pure bread the whole loaf is effected. That is why errors and false teaching are a danger to the pure doctrine and can corrupt the saints unless as we know they are elect. The elect will be taught first then they can discern-- because then they know the truth to protect them. see Matt. 6:6,11,12 this is a example of spiritual leaven.
points in 1Cor. 5:6-8. 1. just a little leaven is all it takes to ruin the whole lump. 2. pass over here is showing the way a new lump is made. must sweep out the old leaven. 3. old spiritual leaven is wickedness and malice. the new is sincerity and truth.

We are God's brooms to rid the Earth of as much leaven as we can by his power. Then he will come and do the big cleansing and bring his reign of righteousness without leaven.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: Does anointed music work
Does anointed music work [message #14045] Sat, 02 December 2023 03:28
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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Some time ago This happened.
Where I was working I was allowed to have scrap wood that was not of value anymore. It had some value to me and so I put it up for sale in the thrifty paper. three weeks went by and almost forgot about it.

While in the kitchen with the window open( Hot day) was worshiping and praising God. This Lady came to the window and said good music. She said do you still have wood. She went out there and bought 60 dollars worth. When you are walking by faith and God supplies, it is great joy. The wood was free to me. That is just one story of God supplying according as he has promised.

I encourage you to give God glory with testimonies of his faithfulness. No test I phonies only testimonies. glory to God.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: Big deliverance from trouble because of tongues.
Big deliverance from trouble because of tongues. [message #14044] Sat, 02 December 2023 03:07
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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Traveling one and a half miles one way to minister in nursing home. Almost there the truck motor blows up but only internally. The distance was not close to the home so didn't make it. Praise God I was close to a automotive store. Thinking this thing through was not good. Went into the store and walked up and down the rows praying to myself in tongues.

Then the employee said what is up. I told him. He said I know a man who is mechanically skilled. Also a friend of the employee. I can have him come and look at it. he came and looked and saw it was bad. He was real friendly. He offered to pull my truck on a trailer he had and bring it home. He said he would do it for 100 dollars. That far would have cost at least 250. He came back with the trailer and his wife.

Long story short, he is kin to Dwight Pentecost (his last name Pentecost) we talked about Jesus one hour and a half. including stopped to let me get some supper. We both had joy and happiness the way home. Glory to God for tongues. My truck was not even possible to fix. God did provide another truck also.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: update on former Pastors teaching.
update on former Pastors teaching. [message #14033] Tue, 28 November 2023 21:14
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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Dangerous to share this may the Lord lead me.
Our Pastor Mike showed us about how the 2 buildings at the Vatican contained women in one (nuns) and men in the other. It was found that at night they had a way under the ground to come together. They would have children and abort them. recently the question arose, why is a statue of Lucifer down in the art department down stairs. If I am mistaken it may be some form of art. To add why are Pope funerals a exact copy of Egyptian mummification. We are in need of those who expose all dangerous actions toward Christians as they are arising as Jesus said in Matt. 24.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: A new movement coming in to hijack popular Christians.
A new movement coming in to hijack popular Christians. [message #14031] Tue, 28 November 2023 21:00
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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A certain serious gentleman, cannot release his name yet. Has brought attention to this movement. Popular singers are a opportunity to attract people to the Ecumenical movement. 1. Chris Tomlin has been writing songs with Mahler for few years. Mahler like Redman have said they were Christians but the they are really Catholics. They both are seen bowing on their knees to the Pope.

Greg Laurie is seen and heard speaking to his "good friend" Alice Cooper. Look what he said to Alice who says he is a Christian. Greg--- God gave you a gift and you are using it. His gift is showing demonic , occult entertainment. With hard rock.

Kari Jobe has embraced the Jesus gone to fight for the keys from Satan Heresy. Many like Lauren Daigle who teaches another religion, have sold out to Sony recordings.
money is a key factor. Another part of the problem is many conferences by so called leaders, who teach heretical or super error in doctrine. T.D.Jakes is a oneness preacher who cause people to fall under the power. Heresy plus power doesn't work for me.

The sad part is if we sing their songs we promote them. A great song without Christ is like a angel of light. My calling is to tell truth and it may hurt but the option for all hearers is you have something better to offer. My songs come from the Holy Spirit or from conservative camps. Ask yourself, do they believe the faith message. Also what do they believe that lines up with God's word.

Notice how the word embrace is used in the song Oceans. My discernment reveals something that I cannot say here. Oh and don't search for it. So you know, I am a worship leader.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
 Topic: Elbert Willis testimony.
Elbert Willis testimony. [message #14023] Sat, 18 November 2023 02:33
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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Bro. Willis offered the 3 year course which was a faith based teachings and it came by mail. I am not updated on his ministry but at that time many years ago it was very edifying. He was huge on the teaching of watching the tongue and speaking God's word.

In short his testimony was that he was a criminal caught in printing false money. He found Jesus in prison and was filled with the Spirit. He prayed for favor with the judge. God gave him a vision and saw the judge setting him free. He had prayed that if God would free him he would preach to the glory of God for the rest of his life. He kept his word and God did free him.
through the years I have seen those who were Godly and fell and others who were very ungodly and became great for God.
I am hopeful that his ministry has continued to bless and stay error free.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
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