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Taking Heed [message #5987] Sun, 26 July 2009 16:46 Go to next message
james  is currently offline james
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There are many admonitions given in scripture concerning us taking heed . Just a couple of weeks ago we looked at Luke 11:35; where Jesus told us to take heed that the light in us be not darkness. Psalms 119:9 says; "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to Thy Word."

Today I was reading Luke 21, where Jesus answers the question as to when the end will come and what signs will there be when these things come to pass. Jesus says in verse 8; "Take heed that ye be not deceived:"

So how do we TAKE HEED? I am just going to share a few ways that I believe He is telling us here in this passage...(we know there are hundreds of ways to take heed to God's Word, by obeying whatever He has shown us)

What Jesus says for us to do in order to not be deceived, or how to take heed:

verse 8; speaking of many coming in His name claiming to be Christ; He says, " go ye not therefore after them ".

verse 9; when we hear of wars and commotions; He says, " be not terrified "

verse 14; He says when we're brought before rulers, to not give thought as to what we'll say, to settle it in our hearts, not to meditate on our answers, that He'll give us a mouth and wisdom with which to answer.

verse 16-18; when we're betrayed and hated, not a hair on our head will perish.

And in verse 19 He gives us a key to understanding what He's teaching us..."" In your patience possess ye your souls." Patience here means, endurance; by your endurance you will win your souls.

verse 28; He tells us when these things begin to come to pass, to look up, for our redemption draweth nigh.

verse 36; And Jesus ends this teaching with this..."Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before The Son of man."

So in these passages we find several key ways to take heed to God's Word in order to avoid deception and ultimately through endurance, receive the crown of life promised us.
Don't follow false Christs'; don't be afraid; settle God's Word in our hearts and totally trust Him to give us what to say; don't worry when we're betrayed by those around us; hold fast through endurance; be ever dilligently looking up with expectancy; and pray to escape all these things.

Taking heed takes dilligence, perseverance, endurance, prayer, and focus. If it wasn't possible, He wouldn't have told us to do it; we can, by His GRACE...

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Taking Heed [message #6036 is a reply to message #5987] Sun, 09 August 2009 18:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sparkles  is currently offline sparkles
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As I am pondering what you wrote James makes me also think of taking heed who we are listening to and what we are doing in our lives. Seems like it is getting harder and harder to find pastors who are speaking out against all the deceptions that have invaded the church. Such as the false prophets, yoga, reiki, tae bo, karate, giving personal words of prophecy, contemplative prayer, Feng Shui, acupuncture, Rick Warren and his purpose driven message, the emergent church, the give to get deception, not to mention all the occult TV shows and movies, and a multitude of others. Look at how Harry Potter has seduced multitudes of christians and churches that don't see the danger of reading and watching those books and movies. People who have opened the door to satan and his deceptions needs to get with the Lord and shut those doors. You better believe all Satan wants is for the christian to see no danger in watching this garbage. He likes it when the christian opens themselves up to his ways and deceptions. Satan is nothing but pure hatred toward everyone, christian or not. Let's not give him anymore ground.

We need to pray for God to give us watchmen on the walls to warn of the dangers that are out there. Maybe as time allows and the Lord leads we can look at some of the above deceptions in the Occult section of this site.
Re: Taking Heed [message #6037 is a reply to message #6036] Mon, 10 August 2009 01:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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Sage wrote on Sun, 09 August 2009 13:18

As I am pondering what you wrote James makes me also think of taking heed who we are listening to and what we are doing in our lives.

To me, this is where 'the rubber meets the road', when we take what Jesus says in His Word, and with the help of The Holy Spirit, put it into practical day to day living. Each day we're faced with numerous choices as to what to view, believe, listen to, talk about, think about, and read about. And the examples you gave are just the tip of the iceburg, Satan has so fully infiltrated our society, media, schools, churches, and homes; with both occult practices as well as just plain wickedness.

Just yesterday someone asked me my 'sign', refering to the horoscope and the month a person is born. I, as kindly as I could, just explained I didn't 'do' occultic reading and that it was not a practice endorsed by Jesus. The reply and facial expressions told me how well that went over. Rolling Eyes Yet, I learned for the conversation that this person(as well as millions of people) makes daily choices in both their personal as well as business life, based on what they read each morning from their 'horoscope' reading.

As for Harry Potter and all the other popular books and movies that incorporate witchcraft, spells, demonic characters, and occultic practices; hardly anyone reconizes the danger...Why? Just as you said, NOT enough watchmen on the wall, uncalled pastors who don't put the spiritual wellfare of the sheep on top of their priorities list. Afraid to speak the truth,(actually, many of them don't have the spiritual discernment to even know that Satan is entraping people through this medium)

I know I've had to close doors, repent, and go through deliverance from time to time where I wasn't as dilligent as I should have been about letting subtle things to creep in.

Taking heed, if a full time job, and requires our full attention...

" Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" ~ I Peter 5:8

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Taking Heed [message #6103 is a reply to message #6037] Sun, 27 September 2009 12:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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Over in another thread we were talking about liberty and how at times it's abused by some, in thinking that they're 'free' to do as they like, rather than set FREE by Jesus at calvary to freely serve Him. As I was reading in Corinthians today I came across this admonition concerning liberty.

I Corth.8:9 " But take heed lest by any means this liberty of your's become a stumblingblock to them that are weak."

The context of what Paul is speaking about is the eating of meats offered unto idols, and how that we know that there is but one God and idols are nothing. But he's saying that if one weak in the faith, or young in The Lord, having not these truths yet in their hearts, were to be offended by our liberty, then we shouldn't eat the meat in their presence. Now today, we don't encounter that too often, as concerning actual meat; but the principle is often used in other examples such as drinking, smoking, where we go, what we watch or read, and how we conduct our daily lives.

But anything can be abused and anyone can make excuses to defend their choices based on different scriptures taken out of context. We're to be holy and set apart unto God, we're to live as disciples of Christ, we're to be lights in this world of darkness. Over in chapter 10 of I Corinthians Paul is reminding us of the example of how the children of Israel disobeyed God in murmuring, idolatry, carnality, seeking after pleasure, fornication, and of God's judgments for these sins.

And once again we're admonished to "take heed"; but then we're given a promise of encouragment and deliverance in verse 13.

I Corth.10:12 "Wherefore let him that thinketh he stand take heed lest he fall."

v13 "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Taking Heed [message #6145 is a reply to message #6103] Thu, 22 October 2009 23:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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I have been pondering lately the message of FAITH which was delivered to us by The Holy Spirit through Bro. Freeman, and why, or how, so many have turned from it. In Hebrews chapter two and verse one, we're admonished about forgetting or drifting away from that which we've been taught. "Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should slip." and in chapter three and verses twelve through fourteen Paul again tells us to...

"Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from The living God.
But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end."

And we know that what's not of faith is sin, so a 'walk' without faith is walking in sin. God tells us that we are kept through faith, overcome satan by faith, walk by faith, please God by faith...

I Peter 1:5-9 "Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations:
That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:
Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls."

I KNOW that unless we take heed to remember and WALK in all that God has so graciously given us, we will slowly slip into a state where we are no longer convicted by sin in our lives, and when that happens, satan has won. We are in spiritual warfare, and it's a daily battle that can only be won through FAITH. We were admonished for years concerning 'holding fast to sound doctrine', 'to get faith into our hearts, not our heads', we were taught dilligently about being separate from the world and it ways, and the importance of doing that. Yet here we are 25 years later, and where is the end-time army of overcomers(yeah, I know God has His people and He knows where each one is), IT IS NOT TOO HARD...if we, by God's grace, couldn't do it, then He wouldn't have told us to....BE HOLY...WALK IN GODLINESS...OVERCOME IN ALL THINGS...IN LOVE, SERVE ONE ANOTHER...DIE TO OUR SELF WILL...

I encourage you, brothers and sisters in The Lord, don't give up now, press on, put the past behind us, if you need to repent, then repent; we serve a God of mercy and love...may that mercy and love draw us back to our first love.

"Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works..." Rev.2:4-5a

FAITH... Forsaking All I Trust Him

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Taking Heed [message #6150 is a reply to message #5987] Sun, 25 October 2009 17:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ktrepairs  is currently offline ktrepairs
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Did you notice that HEF died practicing what he preached?
Everybody that was a "true believer" died doing what they believed to be the true gospel.Let us hope they got their reward
What is up with all the prayer shawls being sold on the TV
enetertainment shows??
Re: Taking Heed [message #6151 is a reply to message #6150] Sun, 25 October 2009 17:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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Hi K.T. and welcome to OvercomersOnline. You are right, Hobart Freeman died practicing what he preached...

I haven't seen the 'prayer shawls', by 'entertainment shows', do you mean TBN? Maybe it's the lastest thing to raise money, you know like 'holy land water', or anointed 'cloth', or special wood from Noah's ark, and on and on...True shepherds don't fleece the flock, they feed them.

So many today aren't 'taking heed', they're just going with the flow of mainstream religion, being tossed about with every wind of doctrine.


“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Taking Heed [message #6152 is a reply to message #6150] Sun, 25 October 2009 17:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sparkles  is currently offline sparkles
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Hello KTRepairs
I see you are from Fort Worth now, did you ever have the opportunity to go to Faith Assembly or any of the other churches that were associated with them? It is always interesting to see how God has lead people in years since their days at FA. I have family in Houston area and hope to visit them someday, as I have never been to Texas.

Now to give my answer to your question: Yes, I do realize that Brother Freeman died practicing what he preached, but isn't that better that preaching what you don't practice? I can't tell you why the Lord took him, or why others died trusting in the Lord, but I can tell you that God is faithful.
A pat answer? No, just what I sincerely believe. I can also tell you God has been faithful to me for almost 27 years now, to heal, and keep me out of debt and provide for all my needs. I can honestly say I lack nothing, but that is not to say there isn't things I am believing for (ie my families salvation) or desire to have.

I have not heard of the prayer shawls being sold on entertainment shows, but over the years there have been all kinds of things sold to make a dollar off of people, for example holy water from the river Jordan. I think years ago I even got something in the mail about receiving a splinter off the cross of Jesus for a small donation, or anointing oil right from the olive trees in Israel, again, for a donation.

KT, I hope you share more about what the Lord has done in your life and how he is leading and guiding. It is good to hear from other believers who just want to glorify the Lord in their life.

[Updated on: Sun, 25 October 2009 20:18]

Re: Taking Heed [message #6153 is a reply to message #6150] Sun, 25 October 2009 21:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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ktrepairs wrote on Sun, 25 October 2009 11:00

Everybody that was a "true believer" died doing what they believed to be the true gospel.Let us hope they got their reward

You're right KT, all who have gone on before us who were true believers when they died, were doing what they believed to be the true gospel(or for those in OT times, obeying God's commandments). And God gave each of them, as well as us, His promise of eternal life. Hebrews 11:13, in speaking of the 'heroes of faith', it is written,"These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth."

I don't need to know why Bro. Freeman died, no more than I need to know why any other man of God has died throughout history. But if The Lord tarries long enough, we'll all die; we aren't promised to live forever on this earth without dying, we're promised eternal life with Him. I'm sure that when Paul was writting much of the NT he was expect Jesus to return at any time, yet he went by the way of the grave. But whether we have died or are still remaining, we WILL be with The Lord.

I Thess.4:16-18
"For The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet The Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with The Lord.

Wherefore comfort one another with these words."

I don't think we have to 'hope' that they got(will get) their reward, God's Word promises it, and He is not a man that He should lie.
Jesus said in Matt.16:27 "For the Son of man shall come in the glory of His Father with His angels; and then He shall reward every man according to his works."

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Taking Heed [message #6243 is a reply to message #6153] Mon, 16 November 2009 21:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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Speaking of 'prayer shawls' and the like being peddled on the christian stations. I was watching a station that I just 'found' on cable called 'Inspiration Network', and they were so outrageous in their claims of financial blessings that I decided to find out more about them.(I didn't know their names but had seen their faces before)

Inspiration Network started out as PTL's cable station under Jim Baker in the 80's. After going bankrupt, Morris Cerullo purchased it for 7 million dollars in 1990 and renamed it. His son, David became president, and it grew through the years to where it is now with a 80 million dollar budget. David Cerullo makes a salary of 1.52 million dollars a year and all his family members draw large salaries.(according to a christian watchdog group, he is by far, the highest paid Christian TV executive.)

When I came across the station, Morris Cerullo and David Cerullo were in Jerusalem and giving out promises to all that called in with $900 or more, seed pledges. Morris(who says he is a prophet of God and has preached to more people than anyone n history...) was saying that God wanted him to send 'his' special study Bible(the one that he said Benny Hinn bought 40,000 of to give out because there's no other bible out there like it), plus not only would you get his bible but since this was 09 year, 9 was a 'special' number and God was going to put a 'financial anointing' on all that sent in the $900. (there were other promises made as well, plus all the twisted, out of context scriptures to back it all up with)The significance of being in Jerusalem was because it was a Jewish feast day, I think the Feast of the Tabernancle, and they were going to put all the pledges on the alter and God was going to release the financial anointing...

We've never seen anything like this in the history of Christianity; with the computers, satillites, cable TV they are reaching a vast majority of the world(of course it's under the guise of reaching the world for Christ with The Gospel) and no doubt some are saved with the preaching of The Word. But this fleecing of the sheep with these promises of financial windfalls using all manner of bizarre methods from 'Thus sayeth The Lord', to pulling numbers out of scripture and saying God said to give that amount(ex. Ps.91...want to be protected and kept by God? send $91.) to false prophecies given under the pressure and influence of theatrics and sound effects.

At first I used to be amused by it, it was SO outlandish; but now I'm becoming indignant. Brothers and sisters we're called to be a light in this world, to warn the unsupecting people who are caught in these deceptions. A true watchman sounds the alarm; all the warnings throughout God's Word are be ignored by people just wanting to obey God, thinking these charlatans are men of God and speaking on His behalf. It's like all the Charismatics heading for Lakeland last year; no discernment, no testing of spirits, just falling headfirst into the deception. Why? Because they didn't and don't have The Word in their hearts, they can't 'take heed' because they don't know the warning is in The Bible, too busy chasing signs and wonders or financial blessing to study to show themselves aproved unto God, rightly dividing The Word of Truth.

Oh, I forgot one wild promise they made; every financial failure that the 'givers' had had in the past, God was going to restore and return those loses when they gave the $900 or more...this year, 09, because 09 was the year of God's plan of using numbers to fulfill His plan for His people.

Mercy, mercy, mercy.

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Taking Heed [message #6246 is a reply to message #6243] Mon, 16 November 2009 23:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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Yep, James. Wolves in sheep's clothing. Evil or Very Mad

It truely is the end-time rich church, have need of nothing church, but poor in spirit church. Puke

May God help us check all of our hearts, recheck, and check again. We are living in fulfillment of end-time prophecy.


Re: Taking Heed [message #6370 is a reply to message #6037] Tue, 01 December 2009 21:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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Earlier in this thread we were talking about different deceptions such as books, the 'Harry Potter' series being mentioned. Another one that has gained a following among 'christians' (especially with the 'new emergent church' followers and young people) is titled; "The Shack" by William P. Young. According to what I read about it, it is very uplifting and a 'breath of fresh air' for those who are looking for the 'new' way of a relationship with God. Yet in truth, it is filled with subtle messages that remove the need for repentance and borders on blasphemy in describing The Godhead.

Why are so many people deceived by all these books and 'moves' that undermine the authority of God's Word? Could it be that God has sent them a strong delusion, because they received not the love of the Truth or had pleasure in unrighteousness?(II Thess.2:10-12) Because of the 'falling away'?(verse3)

Could it be that the falling away is happening before our eyes? Maybe we're looking for a mass exodus from the 'church', when in actuality the institutional church's pews are still occupied but the people have spiritually departed(fallen away). There is no discernment within the Charismatic church, they follow after anyone and anything that promises to be 'new' and exciting, and gives them a good return on their 'seed' investment.

Charles Spurgeon said this almost a hundred years ago:

"Discernment is not simply a matter of telling the difference between what is right and wrong; rather it is the difference between right and almost right."

Deception, but it's very nature is an attempt to deceive; it's easy to discern issues of black and white(for most) but it's the grey areas that trip many up. Remember? 'The little foxes spoil the vine...' If Satan were going to try to deceive 'christians'(he's not worried about those in the world, he's already got them where he wants them) what would be the best way? Have a TV evangelist preach 100% lies and deceptions concerning what The Word says? Of course not, he's going to have what is said line up with The Word MOST of the time, and sprinkle in his deceptions when people are confident in what's being said. I've warned a person over and over against listening to and following all those TV superstars, who DO say and preach Biblical truths...along with deceptions, lies, errors, heresies, and a humanistic gospel. It's my confession and prayer that his eyes will be opened before it's too late.

If 'the church' and 'christianity' were 'taking heed' to The Word of God, people wouldn't be likened to a drunk driver running off the road, going from one side to the other unable to maintain a steady, stable course.

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Taking Heed [message #6393 is a reply to message #6370] Sun, 06 December 2009 01:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sparkles  is currently offline sparkles
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"Could it be that the falling away is happening before our eyes? Maybe we're looking for a mass exodus from the 'church', when in actuality the institutional church's pews are still occupied but the people have spiritually departed(fallen away). There is no discernment within the Charismatic church, they follow after anyone and anything that promises to be 'new' and exciting, and gives them a good return on their 'seed' investment."

Very sobering thoughts, James. People are satisfied with just going to a church building, singing a few hymns, have the pastoral prayer, give your tithes and offerings, listen to a semonette, sing another song, receive the blessing, go home. Watch all the favorite TV shows all week, take the children all over, work and then do the same thing over the next Sunday.
Seems like there is no time to study the word of God or spend quality time in prayer and fellowship with the Lord.

Then there is the undiscerning charismatics that fall for anything. The music sounds like a rock concert in their Sunday services, there is the begging for money, a prayer, a message, then some of the wild stuff starts with the carpet time, getting drunk in the spirit, holy laughter, letting everybody and anybody lay hands on you so you can get a personal prophecy and who knows what else. Of course, that is not in every spirit filled church, but it is certainly in too many. Seems like the cry of many saints today is there is not true men of God, preaching a sound word. The church is being fleeced by all the charlatans, and as James said there are no watchmen sounding a trumpet of warning. God help us.

These are perilous times, and we need to guard our hearts and minds. Be discerning and trust God to preserve us and lead us and guide us in all truth. Thank God for the unchanging Word of the Lord, where we can go and get answers to our prayers, when we pray according to the will of the Lord.
Re: Taking Heed [message #6395 is a reply to message #6393] Sun, 06 December 2009 03:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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"Investigation into 6 televangelists; scams."

These are the recent headlines concerning the "rich church, but poor in spirit church; have need of nothing church." This church is everywhere from TV to the bookstore. They even have $33,000 marble toilets that they are having to account for in the eyes of the government! Puke

At the same time, they really are paralized in their seats in a trance. "Oh foolish Galations, who has bewitched you?"... The sleeping church, not for today church, don't preach against sin, but preach "tolerance" church. Puke

"Could it be that the falling away is happening before our eyes?

You ain't just whistlin' Dixie Sage! Nod


"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: Taking Heed [message #6635 is a reply to message #6395] Tue, 12 January 2010 19:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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Everyone seems to have an interest in end time events, including Christians. Smile There must be thousands of books on the subject and probably even more messages preached about it. Revelation is probably the hardest book of the Bible to understand, but everyone has convictions as to what these prophecies mean, and how and when they will unfold. We've got Biblical experts who don't agree on the rapture or raptures; who the woman is; who the manchild is; who the 144,000 are; who are overcomers; who Babylon is; what's figurative or symbolic and what's literal; what the time frame is; and on and on...

Obviously not everyone is right, maybe no one knows the right interpretation of every prophecy given unto John. I have been going over Revelation again for the last month and don't even pretend to understand a good bit of it. I can see a type of Babylon described in chapter 18 as being America, but also it appears that Babylon will be a literal Babylon. The messages to the 7 churches are easier to understand.

But how serious is this warning to 'take heed' to what is taught and preached concerning this book? It couldn't be more serious, and to have God say that He'll take a man's part out of the book of life? Whew! I'd suggest a person KNOWS he's speaking under the anointing of The Holy Spirit before telling others what will and won't be concerning the interpretation of this book.

"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Taking Heed [message #6640 is a reply to message #6635] Wed, 13 January 2010 04:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sparkles  is currently offline sparkles
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"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

Wow, talk about some sobering words! Reminds me of the sobering words of Matt.12:34-37 "O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.
But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
For by they words thou shalt be justified, and by they words thou shalt be condemned."

Then there is also the verse in Matthew 7:21 "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."

These are certainly some verses we need to take heed to, I know I do. These verses are a good reminder to me to be slow to speak, and swift to hear, and slow to wrath, as James 1:19 would tell us.
Re: Taking Heed [message #6651 is a reply to message #6635] Thu, 14 January 2010 21:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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I just finished a slow reading/study of Revelation, and to single out any one thing that I learned would be hard. But one scripture really stood out and hasn't left my memory, Rev.17:14b "...and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful."

In regards to 'taking heed' the whole book is filled with warnings and admonitions, but as I think about this scripture one thing keeps jumping out at me. The only one of those three(called, chosen, faithful) that we can control is the last one, faithful. God calls and chooses whom He wills, and we have the responsibility to respond, but remaining faithful is on us.

Think of this, at some point(for many of us, over thirty years ago) we received revelation from God that He was calling us to follow Him. So off we went(to many of our friends and family, that was a literal 'off', off the deep end, so to speak...)joyfully embracing His Word and rejoicing in being set free from institutional religion, bondage to sin, and whatever else applies.

Fast forward 20-25 years, is the faithfulness still there? Is the zeal and expectancy still burning within us? I've certainly had periods of time along the way where I wasn't 'faithful'...He says that those who are with Him are faithful. He says earlier in the letters to the seven churches to repent and return to our first love. To Sardis He said, "Remember therefore how you have received and heard, hold fast and repent."

It really encouraged me to be ever diligent and not to take anything of God for granted, just 'saying' that I'm an overcomer doesn't make me an overcomer. I/we must overcome daily, everything...complacent, lukewarm attitudes, feelings of entitlement, comparing our righteousness to others rather than Jesus.

Just wanted to share that, it spoke to my heart...without 'faith', we can't be faithful. If we're called and chosen, we'll know it one day, but we'll never know if we aren't 'faithful''s not optional.

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Taking Heed [message #7046 is a reply to message #6651] Sun, 18 April 2010 16:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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"This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Ye are my friends, IF ye do whatsoever I command you."

~John 15:12-14

There are many people who are placing themselves under the OT laws, traditions, commandments, and rituals these days. Many Christian groups are promoting the Jewish Feasts, the restrictions on certain meats, obedience of the Levitical Laws. But Jesus set us free from those laws, yet there ARE commandments that He told us to obey; Love God with all our heart and our neighbor as ourselves. And He specifically told us, His Body, to love one the extent that we lay down our lives for each other.

Are we heeding what Jesus said? Just something that's been on my heart for a good long time, could our interaction and sharing with each other here on this forum be considered loving one another and laying down our lives for each other? And if it could be(I think so) are we taking heed to the opportunity. I know each has different callings, but I want to encourage(without chiding or condemning) YOU, the reader, to share what God has given you, both in testimony and Biblical truths, in encouragements and wisdom, in love and to edify. It's great to come to the site to be feed and strenghtened, and we encourage that, but more than a few of us have more to offer than what we've been offering. We've not been call to be ministered to, but to minister, and I don't mean everybody's 5-fold, I mean body ministry. (feed my sheep...)

I encourage you, brothers and sisters, lay down your fears and worries about what someone might think or say negatively, and share what God has placed in you over the years...Think of this, what you're holding back out of fear or timidity, could be the very thing someone needs to hear...

I ask everyone to pray and ask The Lord how He can use you to minister His love and truth to others...

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Taking Heed [message #7047 is a reply to message #7046] Sun, 18 April 2010 16:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sparkles  is currently offline sparkles
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James said:
"I encourage you, brothers and sisters, lay down your fears and worries about what someone might think or say negatively, and share what God has placed in you over the years...Think of this, what you're holding back out of fear or timidity, could be the very thing someone needs to hear..."

Thanks for the encouragement James. I have been so blessed by the brothers and sisters(Grandom, Mark, Brother Dave, Sincerely, Hardbones, William, GWB, Matt. Psalm 91, James and others) who have posted and shared what God had put on their heart to share. So many times it was God speaking right to me
about something I was praying about or experiencing. And to mention the music that has been shared here is wonderful! I am listening to it even right now, and being very blessed by it.
The song right now is "I'm under your covering, the blood of Jesus."

One thing I might add: YOU DON'T NEED TO HAVE BEEN A MEMBER OF FA OR ANY OF THE OUTREACH MINISTRIES TO SHARE. Just because many of us have this bond does not mean you can't share. As a matter of fact it is a blessing to hear what God is doing in peoples lives all over the world. Discussion of the Word of God is good, even when we may not agree on everything. We should be able to prove from God's word why we believe what we do, not just because we have heard it preached it from a minister, whether from FA or anywhere. As we have seen over the years, many just followed a man or men. Happens all the time, in every denomination and church, not just Faith Assembly. As the end of time gets closer we need to base our very lives on Jesus and His word. But isn't that what we have heard preached for years, whether on tape or at church? We can only stand on the Word of God, and to know the word we must have a relationship with Jesus, spending time in prayer and study of the word.
Re: Taking Heed [message #7207 is a reply to message #7047] Wed, 21 July 2010 11:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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How easily we forget...

Recently I was asked what books of The Bible I was reading, I was in Galatians at that time and the person said I though you told me you were reading that book one time before when we talked. I shared with them how important it is to daily feed ourselves with The Word and how easily we tend to forget, plus The Lord reveals things to us as we're able to receive it, and most times we don't grasp it in one reading or study. I used the comparison of physical food, I said haven't you eaten a certain food item more than once? So it is with God's Word, we need to daily read, quote, meditate upon it to receive our spiritual nourishment, allowing The Holy Spirit to reveal truths, wisdom, understanding, guidance, and teach us how we're to live.

I marvel at how often (as I grow older) I find myself telling someone that while I can't recall exactly the details of something, I know that it's in my memory, somewhere, cause I have at one time or another studied or learned or been told a certain thing...just can't quite find it at the moment...

So the encouragement and reminder The Lord shared with me this morning is found in the book of Jude, verse 5...Just because we was instructed and taught the truths of God's Word 'once', we can let them slip and forget, we must daily call them to remembrance and allow them to work in us.

"I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this..."

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Taking Heed [message #7209 is a reply to message #7207] Thu, 22 July 2010 09:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sparkles  is currently offline sparkles
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Thanks for the encouragement James. How many times have we read something in the Bible and all of a sudden something is revealed to us in how to apply that scripture to a specific situation. My little 3 year old niece will watch the same video over many times until she can sing the songs and speak
the words right along with the people. She doesn't get bored with it, but she wants to learn so she knows what is next and who is who in a show. Now if people do that with worldly entertainment, how much more should we be doing it with God's word, where the Holy Spirit can use it in our lives.
Re: Taking Heed [message #7529 is a reply to message #6145] Wed, 15 December 2010 03:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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james wrote on Thu, 22 October 2009 18:03

I have been pondering lately the message of FAITH which was delivered to us by The Holy Spirit through Bro. Freeman, and why, or how, so many have turned from it. In Hebrews chapter two and verse one, we're admonished about forgetting or drifting away from that which we've been taught. "Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should slip." and in chapter three and verses twelve through fourteen Paul again tells us to...

"Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from The living God.
But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end."

And we know that what's not of faith is sin, so a 'walk' without faith is walking in sin. God tells us that we are kept through faith, overcome satan by faith, walk by faith, please God by faith...

I Peter 1:5-9 "Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations:
That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:
Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls."

I KNOW that unless we take heed to remember and WALK in all that God has so graciously given us, we will slowly slip into a state where we are no longer convicted by sin in our lives, and when that happens, satan has won. We are in spiritual warfare, and it's a daily battle that can only be won through FAITH. We were admonished for years concerning 'holding fast to sound doctrine', 'to get faith into our hearts, not our heads', we were taught dilligently about being separate from the world and it ways, and the importance of doing that. Yet here we are 25 years later, and where is the end-time army of overcomers(yeah, I know God has His people and He knows where each one is), IT IS NOT TOO HARD...if we, by God's grace, couldn't do it, then He wouldn't have told us to....BE HOLY...WALK IN GODLINESS...OVERCOME IN ALL THINGS...IN LOVE, SERVE ONE ANOTHER...DIE TO OUR SELF WILL...

I encourage you, brothers and sisters in The Lord, don't give up now, press on, put the past behind us, if you need to repent, then repent; we serve a God of mercy and love...may that mercy and love draw us back to our first love.

"Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works..." Rev.2:4-5a

FAITH... Forsaking All I Trust Him

I feel lead of The Lord to post this message again, so I'm obeying.

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Taking Heed [message #7530 is a reply to message #7529] Wed, 15 December 2010 15:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
william  is currently offline william
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I agree! It was good on the first go-round and just as good this time!

The book of Hebrews seems to have been written to those who had once embraced the gospel message and were in danger of sliding back...

If I am ever called to teach from that book I'm going to use the title "Holding Fast in Hebrews!"

Blessings, William

I want to believe!
Re: Taking Heed [message #7687 is a reply to message #7530] Wed, 23 February 2011 17:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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"But of that day and hour knoweth NO man, no, not the angels of heaven, but My Father only."

Matthew 24:36

So why in the world do professing 'christians' give ear to heretics and false prophets? They refuse to take heed to God's warning and to His Word and fall for all these smooth talking charlatans.

The lastest is Harold Camping, who is soon to be 90 years old. He is using his radio station(Family Radio) to propagate his teachings. He has declared that May 21,2011 will be the rapture and October 21,2011 will be the end of the world. This same man set a date back in the early 90's (Sept.6,1994) but aparently it doesn't concern his followers.

Well, Jesus DID say that there would be 'MANY'...and we're seeing quite a few in our life times. The whole chapter is an exhortation and warning, telling us what will happen and giving us the answer to escaping the traps, deceptions, tribulations that WILL come upon all the earth...He is telling us to TAKE HEED, to pay attention, to not get caught up in the false signs and wonders, to..."Watch therefore...for ye know NOT what hour your Lord doth come..." "Therefore be ye also [as was Noah] ready..."

"And MANY false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many."

Matthew 24:11

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Taking Heed [message #7688 is a reply to message #7687] Sat, 26 February 2011 01:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Mark L  is currently offline Mark L
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One would think anyone with an eye for scripture would see that Matt 24 vs.

I think Harold has made predictions several times. Always wrong of course. Never seems to bother him. Reminds me of our weather man up here. His last name is Wong. They call him Always Wong. Smile

I used to listen to him yrs ago when I was driving in the states. He had a question and answer show. Some of his answers to questions showed some real understanding. I have always wondered about some of these guys. In some ways so right. In others so wrong. Maybe its the human condition.

I'm not sure if it was shared on here or not but there was a blurb in the media about his "disciples" going around evangelizing on the basis of the may date.

found it . Time is short. se_soon

[Updated on: Sat, 26 February 2011 01:39]

You can read
"Meanderings on Scripture by Mark

Re: Taking Heed [message #7735 is a reply to message #7688] Fri, 01 April 2011 18:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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Taking Heed...

Another word God uses throughout the Old Testament is, Hearken, as in 'hearken to Me', or listen, pay attention, take heed.

The word hearken is a verb, and a verb is a word that conveys an action.

Definations of the word hearken...

1. To listen

2. To give respectful attention

3. To give heed

As Christians (Believers/Followers/Disciples of Jesus) we're called to live lives of action...(not just hears of The Word, but doers, because if we hear only and not 'do', we're just deceiving our own selves...James 1:22)

We are in the last days, never has obeying/listening/heeding/hearkening to The Lord been as crucial as it is today. He has chosen a remnant whom He will use in these end-times; an indicator whether or not one is a part of that remnant can easily be discerned by their adherence to His teachings/commandments/warnings.

Are those professing to be 'Overcomers', overcoming? Are we 'Hearkening', 'Heeding', giving respectful attention to and 'DOING' all He has given unto us throughout the years? Everyone wants to 'claim' the promises and receive the benefits, though so few actually do; far fewer are willing to meet the required conditions...LIVING The Word. He's not coming back for 'Talkers', He's seeking those who will DO that which He has commanded.

"Hearken unto Me, ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart is My law; fear ye not the reproach of men, neither be ye afraid of their revilings."

"Awake, Awake, put on strenght, O arm of The Lord..."

Isaiah 51:7&9a

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Taking Heed [message #7807 is a reply to message #7735] Wed, 04 May 2011 03:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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When we're told to take heed to The Words of God and live them, some are easier to apply than others.

This verse from Proverbs caused me to stop and examine my heart, especially in light of the announcement of Osama bin Laden being killed. This to me is right in line with Jesus' teachings found in Matthew 5,6,&7. It's our hearts He wants to change as well as our's all centered around humbling ourselves and taking up the cross daily, all for the purpose of dying out to 'self' so that we can really become a disciple of Christ, totally surrendered to Him.

All To Jesus I Surrender,

All to Him I freely give;

I will ever love and trust Him,

In His presence daily live.

I surrender all,

I surrender all.

All to Thee, my blessed Saviour,

I surrender all.

Proverbs 24:17

"Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth:"

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Taking Heed [message #7808 is a reply to message #7807] Wed, 04 May 2011 12:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
grandom  is currently offline grandom
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I knew that I couldnt be the only one who was not overjoyed with Osama`s death. Any true Christian knows and follows the teachings of our Lord to love our enemies and pray for them. This is one hard teaching for non Christians to accept. We on the other hand know but for the grace of God that could be us. We have been forgiven much because of His grace and love.

Non-believers cant comprehend this truth but word says the natural mind receives not the things of the spirit.Rom 8:5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

Thank you Holy Spirit for your word.
Re: Taking Heed [message #9057 is a reply to message #7808] Sat, 25 August 2012 19:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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I've been listening to Tom Hamilton teaching on Matthew 5,6,7 (the Sermon on the Mt) and today's was chapter 7 verse 15, about false prophets/ shepherds/teachers. He was reminding believers the importance of judging everything said and presented by God's Word. Isaiah 8:20 "...if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." He said this: "The only source we have to prove the rightness or wrongness of any thing is The Word of God." It's sound, solid, sobering, teaching...Not often heard these days of watered down and diluted, what ministers to the flesh, preaching/teaching.

"Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should slip." Hebrews 2:1

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Taking Heed [message #9343 is a reply to message #9057] Wed, 20 February 2013 14:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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More Encouragement on Taking Heed...

Jesus warned us to "take heed" many times in His teachings, as did Paul throughout the Epistles. We're warned, admonished, encouraged, and commanded; to study The Word (then put It into practice), to learn from the mistakes (sins) of Israel, to watch, and to 'not be ignorant' (a phrase Paul used quite often).

Paul, in writing to the Body of Christ in Corinth, reminded them how the children of Israel had failed in their obedience to God time after time. How they had all been witness to and the benefactors of God opening the Red Sea, covering them with a cloud, given both physical food as well as spiritual; yet they rebelled.

"Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea;

And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;

And did all eat the same spiritual meat;

And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.

But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness.

Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.

Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.
I Corinthinans 10:1-6 &11-12

Then we're given a promise and encouragement in verse 13 ...

"There hath NO temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but GOD is Faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Taking Heed [message #11254 is a reply to message #9343] Wed, 28 May 2014 13:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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I'm reading in Deuteronomy and chapter four has several verses where The Lord tells Israel to "take heed". Moses has been going over God's mighty works on their behalf to the congregation of Israel(deliviering them from Egypt, feeding them, guiding them, protecting them from their enemies); but he is also reminding them of the judgment they've endured due to their rebellion and unbelief (forty years in the wilderness waiting for the generation that wouldn't go in to possesss the promised land of Cannan to die out).

God is again telling them to "pay attention" to what He is telling them, not to "forget" His commandments and disobey as their fathers did. He offers them blessing beyond what any nation had ever known if they'd only follow Him; but He makes it very clear that should they forget Him and go after other gods and turn from following Him they would be cursed.

We know what happened, we know the choices they made and what the results were and the long lasting consquences of their disobedience....and no, I haven't fogoten about His mercy unto them and that He will restore them as He promised....but look at the cost of their sins, remember what they lost as a nation and a people, generation after generation of separation from knowing God and fellowship with Him as they could have had if they'd only "taken heed".

May God give us the grace to learn from these examples and to take heed.

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Taking Heed [message #11377 is a reply to message #11254] Tue, 28 October 2014 14:37 Go to previous message
james  is currently offline james
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"But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses."

I Timothy 6:11-13

As I read chapter 6 of first Timothy this morning and Paul's warning against covetousness, I was remembering and thinking how sin [lawlessness] has destroyed so many people. We can never put the blame on our surroundings or circumstances or others, it's always found in the heart. From Adam and Eve, to David and Solomon, to Judas, to modern day Christians; God set forth His Law to be obeyed and man has refused and then wanted to place the blame elsewhere other than where it belongs...within us.

Adam and Eve had it all and that wasn't enough; David could have had any woman he desired yet he wanted one he couldn't have; Solomon was given wisdom beyond any man ever born yet he failed to heed it in his later years and allowed his many wives to turn his heart from The Lord to worshiping idols. Judas was numbered with the twelve and saw and experienced the miracles, saw and experienced Jesus' love and mercy, yet that wasn't enough, he betrayed The very One who came to save him.

The warning is clear today, learn from the mistakes [sins] of those whose example we've been given; flee these sins that so easily beset and weigh us down; take heed to God's Word...follow after righteousness...fight the good fight of faith...Confess our sins and own up to them, turn from them unto Jesus in repentance.

I am reminded of this saying I once heard:

The problem in the 'red light district ' isn't the lighting; it's the sin within the hearts of man.

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
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