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Signed `I, Jesus.` (Rev. 22: 16) [message #11409] Fri, 21 November 2014 00:24 Go to next message
Marilyn Crow  is currently offline Marilyn Crow
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We are coming through a stage in the Body of Christ where there has been an undue emphasis (I believe) on `Who I am in Christ, What is my ministry, gifting etc.` Now, by the Holy Spirit I see we are being encouraged to grow to maturity in Christ by looking more to the `Head of the Body,` - the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thus I am looking forward to being able to –

`...comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth & length & height & depth, & to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge....`(Eph. 3: 18 & 19)

This first topic is `I, Jesus.` Have we considered that this person is the greatest person of all time & eternity, who has achieved the greatest victory by the greatest price there ever was. Yet.....when it comes to signing His book, as it were, we don`t see `Dr. Honorable.....etc all the grand titles of man, but we see the humble `I, Jesus.`

What does that show you about our precious Lord.

Marilyn C
Re: Signed `I, Jesus.` (Rev. 22: 16) [message #11413 is a reply to message #11409] Fri, 21 November 2014 14:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gary  is currently offline Gary
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I was thinking sort of along these lines recently. You know the whole struggle of striving to discipline ourselves to do what we know the Word says. (Some might understand what I am saying here). Anyway while thinking of this I thought of the heavenly host in Heaven praising Jesus because He was the Lamb slain on the earth.

Considering all of this, I thought here was Jesus in His early thirties and He let men drag Him in to the place where they spit on Him, smacked Him around, mocked Him, little did they know that at any time He could of called a legion of Angels and put a stop to these hypocritical men trying to hurt Him. Nobody wants pain or torture and men would do anything to get out of it.

But the Lord just let them do what they wanted because He was thinking of others and that He knew they would be allowed in Heaven because of His sacrifice.

No wonder everyone is joyfully casting their crowns at His feet, He paid the price so we could enter in to His glory. How wonderful is that?


Re: Signed `I, Jesus.` (Rev. 22: 16) [message #11417 is a reply to message #11413] Sat, 22 November 2014 00:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Marilyn Crow  is currently offline Marilyn Crow
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Hi Gary,

That was so well described, thank you. It does our hearts good to dwell on our precious Lord. I know James always tries to do this, encouraging us with his posts on scripture.


Marilyn C
Re: Signed `I, Jesus.` (Rev. 22: 16) [message #11427 is a reply to message #11409] Sun, 23 November 2014 14:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gary  is currently offline Gary
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Marilyn Wrote: Have we considered that this person is the greatest person of all time & eternity, who has achieved the greatest victory by the greatest price there ever was. Yet.....when it comes to signing His book,

More thoughts on this. Jesus, "God" is the center of all things. How could He not be since He created us out of nothing.

This world in which we live in is our reality but it is not the real reality that exists. Heaven is the real reality because that is where God exists before all the Holy Angels who He created as well. One day this life will cease to exist and as I believe it will be sort of like a dream. You know how when you dream something then wake up and you still remember the dream but you know that it is something that just happened in your state of sleep. But you do remember it and what took place in the dream. Not trying to be philosophical but trying to get a perspective on God as we know Him.

God is not in the realm of time He created time for us. As created beings if we try to comprehend eternity we find it is impossible. Think for a moment in our terms a trillion, billion, million years ago there was God and He was from all Eternity, there was never a beginning. So with the measurement of time it can only be seen as endless beyond our finite brains ability to rationalize. A created being can only realize that it has happened because God told us this is how we exist today, and where He came from. That is: Out of eternity comes One called the Ancient of Days, the Eternal One with no end.

This is who we put our faith and trust in to take care of us and know that He will show us His salvation.

As you said; "He is the greatest person" and we know that with out Him we would never be able to exist. We can now understand His Love and at what great lengths God went to be able to give us salvation.

Nothing was held back, to send your only Son to be cruelly crucified and to suffer and die on a cross shows the heart of God and His love for all mankind.

Jesus will always be the Center of All, throughout eternity.

Men place a lot of importance on having titles before their names and letters that follow their names, showing their fields of study in some university. None of these fancy titles will be written in the Book of Life.

The more we know God the better we understand statements like this: `...comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth & length & height & depth, & to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge....`(Eph. 3: 18 & 19)

God's Love surpasses all knowledge. Knowing that He chose us before the foundations of the earth to be partakers with the saints in light is most outstanding.

The verse you shared goes on to give "all" on this earth a warning:


16 “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.”

17 And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.

18 For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

It's important to never "take away from this book" or to "add to this book".

Its easy to do away with things in this book and also to add to the Book of revelation, making it say things that do not exist in the book. We can only take it for what it says.

But again I realize God says at the beginning of the book He will give us understanding of things to come.


The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John, 2 who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, to all things that he saw. 3 Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.

I believe God wants us to understand it by His Spirit, that is why He showed us this, the Revelation of Jesus Christ.



Re: Signed `I, Jesus.` (Rev. 22: 16) [message #11430 is a reply to message #11427] Tue, 25 November 2014 06:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Marilyn Crow  is currently offline Marilyn Crow
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Hi Gary,

What a wonderful flow of the spirit you had there, bro. it did my heart good to hear you expound on that scripture. As Mark has said over on another thread that he thinks the subject of Christ is going to be the subject of revelation by the Holy Spirit & also for some serious heresy.

We can look forward to the Lord by His Holy Spirit unfolding more of our precious Lord, from His Holy Word.

Blessings, Marilyn.

Marilyn C
Re: Signed `I, Jesus.` (Rev. 22: 16) [message #11455 is a reply to message #11409] Sun, 14 December 2014 14:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gary  is currently offline Gary
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Marilyn wrote: This first topic is `I, Jesus.` Have we considered that this person is the greatest person of all time & eternity, who has achieved the greatest victory by the greatest price there ever was.

Yet.....when it comes to signing His book, as it were, we don`t see `Dr. Honorable.....etc all the grand titles of man, but we see the humble `I, Jesus.`

What does that show you about our precious Lord.

To be honest I don't think we as humans can see the whole picture taking place before the throne. We see darkly now through a glass as it were. Maybe one day in Heaven God will show all what took place on a greater level.

What I mean by this is, let's go back and think a minute about God. Here God comes: "One who is Eternal". There was always a God. I don't want to seem repetitious but would like to cover a little background here from another post.

As I shared once before there is no way that we created beings can comprehend Eternity, its too vast for our finite minds to grasp. What I want to share I know we have only a speck of information so I realize we cannot go outside the boundaries of scripture to grasp the picture of what is taking place. What little we know from scripture is sufficient information on this side of the veil.

Let me try to explain while trying to paint a picture but also wanting to stay within these boundaries scripture has set for us.

God the Eternal one comes from Eternity and at some point in time creates a great Angelic host. I'm using the word "time" just so we can put some perspective on this and I realize on God's side of things there is no "time". Anyway something took place in the eternal state that none of us know for sure what the whole story is. Actually there is no need for us to have this information but I'm writing this to make a point.

We know very little concerning the eternal state only what has been revealed in the Bible. We don't know how long the angels existed (millions of years, who knows), before a great rebellion took place somewhere in heaven. Whatever happened we know that two thirds of the angels continue to serve the Lord, while one third rebelled and followed Lucifer. They were dissatisfied at something that was taking place, they did not like what God was doing in some situations we can only assume.

God in His mercy did not react, but I believe is showing everyone His great mercy and maybe to some extent who He is, in Nature and Character.

Sometime after this great rebellion takes place, God creates a total different dimension which we find ourselves living in. This great universe with a planet that consists of all manner of living creatures. God created birds, mammals, fish, plant life with just a spoken word. How powerful is this, but then God takes a pile of dirt from this earth, an creates a human being who He calls Adam. Adam from the dirt. Then later He causes Adam to fall into a deep sleep cuts him open and removes a rib and then creates a woman, Adam wakes up with no pain totally healed without any scars or damage. God does all things perfectly.

God's power is far greater then what we can comprehend. Its only by faith can we grasp this and know and believe that He said this is what happened. In fact I believe we are limited in realizing how vast and Great the Lord is. What I mean is, were talking about a "God" who created us out of nothing. The finite mind can only accept this because God said this is what happened. There is only One Living God, any other gods mentioned on this earth are men's fabrication in their minds, gods who look and act like men. It's odd in itself that created beings would try and create gods to their liking while resisting the true Living God.

Why did the Living God create another dimension when the first creation of Angels resulted in rebellion?

In this world we can see God's handiwork, of course its been marred by sin but its still retains a great amount of beauty and gives at least a small taste of what is to take place in the Eternal state. David mentions this all through the Psalms.

Its interesting to note God put two trees in the garden of Eden. One was the tree of knowledge of good and evil which God told man not to touch and the second tree was the tree of life which God does not tell man anything about. This tree of life could of changed things totally but we know the story and know man chose to partake of the tree of good and evil while the tree of life was later guarded and then eventually removed.

From here we can see God has Angels who rebelled and disobeyed Him and also a man who disobeyed and who brought sin and death into this new world that was created. God's creations were given free choices and they chose to do things their way and not God's way.

Back to this greater picture taking place. After thousands of years of sin, destruction, misery, and all manner of atrocities, we see the Lord sending His only Son into this vineyard He has created.

Jesus came to show us the Father and He proved all things by His life and His willingness to give all and to eventually lay down His life here on the earth. One, He was obeying His Father and two, showing God's true Nature and His love for mankind and in reality all of His creation.

A lot of this is basic information we all have covered, but as I said I think there's a greater picture concerning all involved including those in the eternal state and those who find themselves on this side of the veil.

Here's a clear description of God:


Daniel 7:
9“I watched till thrones were put in place,
And the Ancient of Days was seated;
His garment was white as snow,
And the hair of His head was like pure wool.
His throne was a fiery flame,
Its wheels a burning fire;
10 A fiery stream issued
And came forth from before Him.

A thousand thousands ministered to Him;
Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him.

The court was seated,
And the books were opened.

What a picture to describe the Living God, He's called the "Ancient of days". Do we really comprehend who "Jesus" is and do we fully understand how vast and mighty is this One who we call "God"? and, Who is it that is worthy to approach the throne before the Ancient of Days:, God is Deity and were just created beings. But who is able to approach this throne of the Ancient of Days?


13 “I was watching in the night visions,
And behold, One like the Son of Man,
Coming with the clouds of heaven!

He came to the Ancient of Days,
And they brought Him near before Him.
14 Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom,

That all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
Which shall not pass away,
And His kingdom the one
Which shall not be destroyed.

As Marilyn stated here: This first topic is `I, Jesus.` Have we considered that this person is the greatest person of all time & eternity, who has achieved the greatest victory by the greatest price there ever was.

That's a statement and a half, while we live in this world we find there's many distractions that try to take our eyes off of this one who we call "God".

Enoch prophesied concerning the wickedness of his day and he chose to walk with God.

Ultimately God is the most important One in all time and eternity. This old world will one day be destroyed, and its only whats done "in Christ" that will last.

God chose us and has allowed us to be partakers of the saints in light. We can all understand why we would want to throw any crowns won, at the feet of Jesus, and cry out; Worthy is the Lamb who was Slain, before the foundations of the world.

We have the option if I can use that word, to chose to walk with God and get to know Him as much as is humanly possible in this life. What a "privilege", learning to walk with the Lord and taking advantage of knowing Him in this life, then one day to see Him face to face.

As the old song goes: "It will be worth it all".


[Updated on: Sun, 14 December 2014 14:15]

Re: Signed `I, Jesus.` (Rev. 22: 16) [message #11458 is a reply to message #11455] Mon, 15 December 2014 23:49 Go to previous message
Marilyn Crow  is currently offline Marilyn Crow
Messages: 598
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Hi Gary,

Your thoughts so encouraged me yesterday. I had a `good` cry as regards the old song. We used to sing that at the end of our evening service which my father ran. It brought back a flood of memories & of my dear parents who have gone to be with the Lord. Fancy you knowing that song. Thank you for reminding me.

`It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus,
Life`s trials will seem so small, when we see Him.
One glimpse of His dear face, All sorrow will erase,
So bravely run the race, till we see Him.`

Blessings, Marilyn.

Marilyn C
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