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Re: Last Days [message #7480 is a reply to message #7455] Thu, 11 November 2010 17:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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Positive report...

Here's a positive report concerning a church here in Birmingham, AL. The Church at Brook Hills, pastored by a young man named David Platt, is actually attempting to obey the teachings of the Bible. I've been kept abreast of what's going there by a neighbor who attends the church. Keep in mind that this is a noncharismatic, Southern Baptist church. How Charisma magazine got the story and why it's in their magazine, I don't know. And I am not big on Charisma Magazine based on their track record of endorsing many false teachers and teachings, but this is a positive report and I wanted to point it out.

According to all reports I've received this young man is truely desiring to be a disciple of Christ,(I'm not going into what Baptist believe and don't believe, we know that, and that it's a 'mega-church', but to me it's refreshing to see someone actually preaching something besides PROSPERITY, PROSPERITY, PROSPERITY...give ME, give ME, give ME.)

No, I'm not converting to SBC, and I understand about 'works' mentality...I just wanted to share something in the system that wasn't negative...Praise The Lord, who knows what The Lord has for this young man, He's looking for hearts that will be obedient, He can correct any theological doctrine problems with just a touch from The Holy Spirit...Imagine how on fire he'd be with The Baptism.

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7514 is a reply to message #7480] Sun, 05 December 2010 03:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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Question to ponder, would ANYONE who is experiencing the Divine presence of God in the form of revival(true revival where lives were being changed through REPENTANCE, people were being healed, delivered, transformed from darkness in to Light) EVER stop it for ANY reason? I can't imagine that EVER happening.

So if we're in the last days before return of The Lord Jesus Christ,(and Biblical signs and prophecies point to that being true) and if God's Word tells us to be aware of wolves in sheeps clothing, deceiving(if it were possible) even the very elect, and it does. So where does these 'revivals' fit into God's plan? Of course we know of Lakeland, Brownsville, and Toronto and the fruit (bad) that came from them. But the latest one that has gained worldwide attention, Bay of The Holy Spirit Revival as it is called, seemed at first glance to 'possibly' be the real deal.

But then things started manifesting that revealed that 'MAN' was in charge, not GOD. They were promoting it on worldwide "God TV" and their own streaming website, claiming God's presence there daily to heal, deliver, save, and 'revive' people. There were claims of miracles and souls saved (not saying that there wasn't anyone saved or healed), yet the leadership closed it for a month in December and it will be closed again for almost all of February. (I went to their website tonight to see what was happening and there was a updated schedule saying that the "Next Live Event" would be in 32 days. Yet they had a place where one could 'donate' to the revival.)

I pray for the day when The Holy Spirit truly comes to 'revive' the church; when His presence is there and NO ONE can even think of pagan holidays and partying, much less closing the meetings and walking away for a month arrogantly believing they can 'control' God's presence by their schedules. I contend that He was never there, and futhermore I believe it is the height of pride and arrogance to imply that man can announce and advertise a 'revival' in advance without being directed by God.

I believe many of these 'revivals' springing up are really false and are signs to those grounded in God's Word that we are indeed in the last days.

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7678 is a reply to message #7514] Fri, 11 February 2011 21:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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"The burden of Egypt. Behold, The Lord rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall come into Egypt: and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at His presence, and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of it.

And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight every one against his brother, and every one against his neighbor; city against city, and kingdom against kingdom.

And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof; and I will destroy the counsel thereof: and they shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards.

And the Egyptians will give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith The Lord, The Lord of hosts."

Isaiah 19:1-4

Are we seeing the beginning of the fulfilment of this prophecy today? Will the Muslim Brotherhood be a factor in the days ahead? Will the so-called peace agreement with Israel be destroyed in order for the antichrist to establish 'his' peace plan?

One thing for sure, Israel is watching what's happening in Egypt with more than a passing interest...

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7682 is a reply to message #7678] Sun, 20 February 2011 02:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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"...important step forward...?"

I'm not of the opinion that the world is coming to end, as we know it, based on what I see and read but because The Word of God points to it. And while I personally believe that America leads the way in deserving of God's judgment and wrath, the UK is not exactly lily white. I see where their government has dropped the ban on 'gay civil ceremonies' and wants the churchs to preform them...though it is still optional, according to authorities, it is encouraged. I noticed that, according to the article, only The Roman Catholic Church and the Muslims opposed the ruling...wonder where the Church of England and all other denominations stand on this issue.

Also I know that the cup of iniquity is probably running over, and has been for quite some time; still The Lord is being longsuffering with the inhabitants of this world. But I am convinced that we're in the last days, besides all the signs and prophecies that are being fulfilled that point it, Jesus says that the love of many shall wax cold(I think that's refering to Christians according to Matthew 24:12) because of iniquity abounding.

It'd be great if folks interacted and shared testimonies and what The Lord has shown, but even if no one feels they have anything to share from God, I would encourage those reading on this forum to at least take serious the time in which we live...There's coming a day, and it'll be sooner than later, that there will be a famine of hearing the Word, may we get it into our hearts now...cause we know that FAITH comes from The Word, and we know without true FAITH people(christians) will not be able to stand in these last days. 17_ST_N.htm

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7683 is a reply to message #5975] Mon, 21 February 2011 16:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Mark L  is currently offline Mark L
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Will the so-called peace agreement with Israel be destroyed in order for the antichrist to establish 'his' peace plan

I'd be the first to say I'm not sure how all this fits together but my reading is that the war of Gog and Magog comes before that.

The Lord will utterly destroy the tongue of the Sea of Egypt;
With his mighty wind He will shake his fist over the River and strike in the seven streams.
And make men cross over dryshod
There will be a highway for the remnant of his people
Who will be left from Assyria
As it was for Israel in the day he came up from the land of Egypt.

Is 11/15-16

Most of that chapter concerns endtime prophesy.Interesting what it says about Egypt.
According to my commentary the River is the Euphrates. Drying it up is also a prophesy in Rev.16/12 To prepare a way for the kings of the east to come to Armageddon. But who would be the remnant of his people in Assyria that need to cross over it?

All I can think of is the remnant of the original tribes who were taken there in the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities. I believe and the bible supports that some of all the original tribes came back to Israel. There are no lost 10 tribes of Israel. A remnant from all of them came back.

But most of the people didn't. The tribes were resettled in modern day Pakistan Afghanistan and Iran and possibly the soviet Muslim republics as well. They have also found ancient Jewish people (Chinese) in the Muslim areas of western china. These Chinese Jews wanted to come back to Israel but China wouldn't let them and Israel didn't want them. If these are the original tribes settled there by the Assyrians then calling it Assyria would be well within the biblical arena.

So if we take this prophesy at face value then there is a remnant of God's ancient people who are going to come back from that region crossing over a dry Euphrates to go to Israel. Among other groups we're talking about the Taliban here. Speculating a bit here but it would look to me like these fiercely Muslim groups (or some of them) are going to get a natural & supernatural revelation of who they originally were. Something akin to being born again maybe. As a result of that they are going to come back to Israel. It all sounds far fetched to me but if we take the prophesy at face value what else can we come up with?

Interesting times

[Updated on: Mon, 21 February 2011 16:10]

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"Meanderings on Scripture by Mark

Re: Last Days [message #7684 is a reply to message #7683] Tue, 22 February 2011 17:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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Hardbones wrote on Mon, 21 February 2011 10:06

I believe and the bible supports that some of all the original tribes came back to Israel. There are no lost 10 tribes of Israel. A remnant from all of them came back.

I agree

It all sounds far fetched to me but if we take the prophesy at face value what else can we come up with?

Yep,many things in The Bible 'sound far fetched' to the natural mind...donkey's talking, axe heads floating, people walking on water, dead being resurrected, water coming out of rocks, food falling from heaven, ect.; but, by The GRACE of God He has given us hearts to believe. The natural mind is an enemy of the things God, that's why it's only revealed to those who walk in The Spirit. I don't profess to have full understanding of how the final days are going to unfold, I'm believing that He will reveal what is needful unto me as I keep focused on Him and the relationship He desires...holiness, humility, obedience, faith, and love.

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7685 is a reply to message #7684] Tue, 22 February 2011 19:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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James mentioned that he wanted some to share what was happening in their lives.

Hardbones mentioned walking in holiness. The Lord is really, really dealing with the believers in my area about holiness and being separate from this world.

It is not fun to die to self and lay many things down for Jesus. But, once you do, the joy and peace that comes with obedience is such an awesome reward.

I believe He wants everything that is dear to us given to Him. It is time to walk in sacrificial love. It is time to walk in the Spirit and know that we are not of this world but in it. I believe that very soon, those who paid the price will be operating by the Spirit in ways we have never known before.

Here is a Word from the Lord given to the believers in this area. Some of the believers in this area are new to the faith walk. If you think anything in the word given to the believers in this area may pertain to you as well, then PTL.

To the Men:

Many of you are much like Abraham. You are the patriarchs, fathers, and examples to many children. I have blessed the work of your hands. I have blessed your coming in and your going out. I would have you walk in the childlike faith and determination of Abraham as well. Learn even more as to how to operate and walk in faith. This will take time to learn My Word and to study. Study to show thyselves approved. As you do, I will delight in you even more.

It is time to leave your comfort zone and go deeper with Me. I would have you step out, be of good courage, and defeat the trials in your life. Use My promises, My Name (Jesus), and the Blood that make demons tremble. I would have you rise up and operate in the authority you have as being my sons. I will never give you more than what you can handle. Use pursed lips for the days are short.

Some of you are a part of Gideon’s army in this end-time. Some have been soldiers in this world, now it is time to take up your weapons and fight the good fight of faith. Go forth, proclaim, take back anything stolen, and conquer the enemy in his darkness with My light. Learn how to battle in the Spirit and not with your mind. Cast down vain imaginings and line your mind up with My Word and walk in it.

Just like Abraham offering up Isaac, I want everything dear to you. You must pay the price of time and patience. There are no short cuts. Allow Me to do things My way as you wait on Me and My faithfulness to you. Do not let your heart be troubled with circumstances in this world, for when you line them up with My Word, negative circumstances are lies. Confess and proclaim with the sacrifice of praise for what I have done before you see it come to pass. In return, you will reap blessings on this earth eternally.

I am going to use your childlike faith to not only move your present circumstances, but to turn the hearts of many who will be flocking to you for relief. The burden is not yours, it is mine when you let go and let Me move. Find the promise in My Word, possess it, confess it and just watch me move. Just believe. Like David, some of you are my favorites. But like David, you have done many things your way, and you have paid for it. It is a new day for your walk as you turn to Me more and more everyday and walk by My Holy Spirit. Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart.

To the Women:

Many of you are much like Sarah. You are the matriarchs of many children. You have stood by your husbands and you share in their wealth. Like Sarah, I made you pleasant to behold in looks, as well as dress. Like Sarah, some of you have had trouble with your children your entire life. As your husbands learn to step out in faith, do not mock as Sarah mocked the promise of a child in her old age. You are to be the intercessors and provide the spiritual backbone for your husbands. As you battle in the Spirit more and more, you will find your physical battles becoming less and less.

For some of you, it is time to tap into the tower of the water of the Word that you have stored in you. It is time to review and spend more time with me. Don’t ask how, ask when and obey Me when I would have you in My Word or in prayer. I ask this not to burden you, but to set you and your households free. Some of you are already prepared warriors. Like Gideon’s army, drink of the water with your hand, watching all around you carefully. This will show you what to pray for and what to come against as you battle in the Spirit. In your hands, there is healing for many.

You have many pearls, but you have not laid it all down for the Pearl of great price. Let go. Like Sarah, do not let your sentiments get you into trouble. Like Lot’s wife, do not look back for I am taking you to a new place. This is also a place of separation from the world. Any man, having put his hand to the plow and looks back, is not worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. You will lose some who are like family to you as I begin to renew you afresh.

To the Households:

Like Abraham and Sarah, some of your ministries are starting later in life. Study, prepare, and use your family’s circumstances as a learning tool. It is well. Your children are in My hands as you put your hands in Mine. As your children watch you yield and grow; so will they.

Be pliable, have the courage of Daniel for you will need it. It is time to ascend to the hill of the Lord with clean hands and pure hearts and take charge with authority.

Is there leaven in your life? Clean the house! Clean your houses of every sin and weight. You have opened doors due to compromise and apathy. Repent and return to your first Love. Close the doors! Check your hearts and houses and check again. After doing so, pray for grace and you will overcome everything as you line up with My Word. It is time for your families to come out and be ye separate. Walk in communion with Me and not by your senses or appetites. Don’t listen to the ungodly and do not care what the ungodly will think of you. Open doors have caused you much grief. Listen to Me and yield for restoration. Your families will be an example of restoration to the world as you walk in holiness. They will be coming to you for what you have and what they see in you and your families.

The spirit of this age is within some of your homes. Gather your families and clean your homes. Instruct your homes to be of one mind and under my Word. Men, instruct your children in the Word of holiness and faith everyday for they look to you for wisdom. Women, the older women are to teach the younger women. Teach them faith. When your houses are clean, anoint your doors with the oil of joy for mourning and put on garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Blow the shofar and proclaim that you are trees of righteousness. My Spirit is upon you and your children.

My glory is about to fall. But just as judgment begins in the house of the Lord, the glory and anointing will begin there as well. There is great trouble coming to this world. Stay close to Me for protection. Some of your houses will feed many both physically and spiritually. I will be, and am using, my people of faith in this time. You will operate in ways unknown to you now. You must heal the breaches with other believers. You will need each other. Make amends and walk in love. You and your children must pay the price to know My Word and walk in sacrificial love for the days are short. Prepare!

I have called your families to die. Satan has tried to kill, steal, and destroy for he and his demons know who you are. Die to your wants and begin to listen to Me. Time is short. Die to your emotions and make them line up with My Word or My sacrifice was in vain. As you, and your houses die to this world, the anointing will begin to fill you to overflowing and you and your children will be living on the boarder of this world and the spiritual realm. It is time to know that you are in this world, but not of it. It is time to live like it as well. Be separate; be filled with my love and grace, and above all, joy. You will know my joy in your houses, but you must be holy, for I am holy.

You will be mocked and scorned for the anointing I am sending. The servant is not greater than the Master. Set your hearts. Determine that nothing is about you anymore, but it is about Me and My will for you. You have been separated from Me and I am bringing you back. It is time for rejoicing for it is a new day as you walk in My ways. I will be bringing many people to you who are empty cisterns of this world with no hope. Fill them with My Word, faith, and love. The fields are ripe for harvest.



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: Last Days [message #7686 is a reply to message #7685] Tue, 22 February 2011 20:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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"If you think anything in the word given to the believers in this area may pertain to you as well, then PTL."

As I read this I kept thinking, OK, Lord I'm not a father, husband, woman, or child; what can I glean from this outside of being encouraged that God is speaking to these people the same thing spoken through Bro. Freeman to the body 30 years ago.

Then I came to this...

"You will be mocked and scorned for the anointing I am sending. The servant is not greater than The Master. Set your hearts.

Determine that nothing is about you anymore, but it is about Me and My will for you. "

I can bear witness with this, it lines up with scripture, and I receive it...may this be revealed and received into the hearts of ALL that call Jesus, LORD. Not my will but Thine, O LORD.

I think the key is determining to chose to embrace the cross, we can't be holy, separate, and yielded to The Holy Spirit when it's STILL about us. Hindrances abound, from the 'me, me, me' messages being taught by most today in the institutional churches to the spiritual battles being waged at every turn, yet we have been given everything needful to overcome, The HOLY SPIRIT...He will never leave us or forsake, He'll give discerment, wisdom, and direction as we learn to keep our eyes on Him and remember....It IS all about HIM.

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7711 is a reply to message #7686] Tue, 15 March 2011 18:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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Message #7480 was a positive report on a young pastor (David Platt)in Birmingham, AL who has a 'mega-church' and wrote a book that has had a positive impact on many who have read it.

This message is about a young pastor in Michigan who has a 'mega-church' who also wrote a book. His name is Rob Bell and the book comes out today(3/15/2011) titled, "Love Wins, A Book about Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived" Rather than writing something that convicts people's hearts and draws them to a closer relationship with Jesus, Bell is selling Universalism (though he denies it) and attempting to draw people away from a life of holiness and commitment unto God. I mean if God is not going to punish the disobedient who refuse to repent and turn unto Him, and if Hell isn't what He, God, says it is, then what is the purpose or point of Him telling us to repent, take up our cross and follow Him? Why live a separate, godly, holy life if in the end 'the gate to the city is forever left open for anyone to enter'.

More 'last days' false teachings and deceptions sent to devour the unsuspecting and gullible. iversalist-49417/

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7712 is a reply to message #7711] Wed, 16 March 2011 15:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
grandom  is currently offline grandom
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Psa 89:9 You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves arise, You still them.
Re: Last Days [message #7716 is a reply to message #7406] Sun, 20 March 2011 14:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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james wrote on Thu, 21 October 2010 12:19

"Practice what you preach?"...

Crystal Cathedral files for bankruptcy.(more signs that point to us being in the last days?)

I believe this is just the start of what is going to happen to many of these 'megachurches' who have NOT preached God's Word, nor practiced Biblical principals. They're in debt millions of dollars and the economic depression is hitting them hard. Crystal Cathedral is over 43 Million dollars in debt. They owe one company $57,000 for the providing of 'live' animals for their Xmas and Eastar services??

In explaining how they're getting by now, a spokesman said this..."What we're doing NOW is we're trying to walk what we preach, we're paying cash for things as we go..."
So 'now' they've decided to practice what they preach? I don't really think they have been 'Preaching' sound Biblical principals of money management, if they had they wouldn't be in this shape... T_N.htm

Follow-up article concerning The Crystal Cathedral...I see no need for commentary, I think the answer is obvious... 16_ST_N.htm

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7717 is a reply to message #7716] Tue, 22 March 2011 13:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
grandom  is currently offline grandom
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Charles Colson replicating himself?

Some how I dont think that`s what were supposed to do. ck_colsons_final_mission_spiritually_cloning_himself/2011/03 /01/AB10oL9_story.html?wprss=rss_politics
Re: Last Days [message #7718 is a reply to message #7717] Tue, 22 March 2011 14:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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I'm just wondering out loud if this isn't possibly similar to what happen with SOME people at Faith Assembly, the followers, I mean. Taking on the personality of the leader, rather than being focused on Jesus.

Colson followers...

"...Reading the books Colson reads, watching the movies he watches, praying the way he prays..."

(driving the kind of car he drove, eat the types of foods he liked, dressing in the manner he suggested, ect. ect....)

Becoming overzealous and attempting to duplicate The Gospels substituting a MAN in the place of Jesus...

"If Jesus Christ can pick simple believers, zealots and prostitutes, and these people can change the world, then we can do the same. We don't need anything more."

Looks like they have elevated Colson to the level of Jesus...(maybe not in a way that they'd care to admit, but that how it comes across anyway, if what is written in the article is true)

But I'm also reminded that much written about Faith Assembly and Hobart Freeman wasn't true...could you imagine if the Internet, forums and social networking was available back then?

No, I don't think cloning (nor following after any man) is what Jesus has in mind when He invites us to be His disciples.

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7719 is a reply to message #7718] Tue, 22 March 2011 14:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
grandom  is currently offline grandom
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I knew you could do a good job at breaking this down to it`s
common denominator James.

Good Job. I think your right about "some" people at faith assembly



Re: Last Days [message #7722 is a reply to message #7711] Thu, 24 March 2011 17:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
grandom  is currently offline grandom
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Pastor loses Job.

I think this doctrine of demons is more prevalent then one may think.
Re: Last Days [message #7723 is a reply to message #7722] Thu, 24 March 2011 19:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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grandom wrote on Thu, 24 March 2011 11:39

I think this doctrine of demons [Universalism] is more prevalent then one may think.

I agree; when people decide on what to believe concerning eternity based on what 'seems fair' and human emotions, rather than believing The Word of God, they've opened themselves up to the worst type of deception. They begin just as the man mentioned in the article, questioning God's justice and right to do with His creation as He pleases(he must have forgotten that we are the CLAY...not the POTTER) because their humanistic belief system can't comprehend God's righteousness and refuses to believe He will punish those who refuse to repent and turn unto Him.

What could be worse than being deceived into thinking one has eternal life and is secure when in fact they're none of His.(Matt.7:21-23) Imagine living life under the assumption that you're a christian destined for heaven(along with everyone else) and Jesus not only tells you "I never knew you", that your name isn't found written in The Book of Life, but that the place you'd convinced yourself didn't exist(the lake of fire) suddenly became real...forever.

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7731 is a reply to message #7723] Mon, 28 March 2011 22:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
grandom  is currently offline grandom
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It appears the Islamic Messiah is near also. ideo-Says-Mahdi-is-Near-/
Re: Last Days [message #7786 is a reply to message #7731] Mon, 25 April 2011 22:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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So now we've got President Obama's former adviser and "green jobs czar" Van Jones pushing to have 'Mother Nature' given the same legal status and rights that humans have. No! Surely not, I mean, really? So people really do 'worship the earth', wonder what the first century church would think of this? They thought they were in the 'last days' then. George Soros' name is mentioned, he's been the focal point more than one discussion on 'Christian forums' as a major player in the background controling world events, as the once thought of as kind of hypothetical, begins to take on reality. Remember smirking at talk of the illuminati and conspiracy theories?

If interested here's the link... nes-helping-push-rights-mother-nature/

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7795 is a reply to message #7786] Mon, 02 May 2011 11:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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I found the announcement of Osama bin Laden being killed a bit strange as to the timing of it. And then there's the 'burial at sea', one would have thought they would have done DNA tests to confirm his idenity before disposing of the body. There's a presidental election coming up, would a politican try and sway voters for support by releasing this imformation at this time?

Some speculate that it will result in an outbreak of terrorism around the world as retaliation, I'd say that we've have terrorist attacking for the past 10-15 years.

Then we still have a good sized group of people who are believing that May 11,2011 is the day the world ends. Wars, rumors of wars, gobal unrest, earthquakes, tornadoes, droughts, moral decline, false prophets, love waxed cold....gotta be the last days, surely the beginning of sorrows. Matt.24:8

10 days left? 10 weeks? 10 months? 10 years? ARE WE READY?

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7796 is a reply to message #7795] Mon, 02 May 2011 14:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
grandom  is currently offline grandom
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Acts 23:5 Do not speak evil about the ruler of your people
Re: Last Days [message #7797 is a reply to message #7796] Mon, 02 May 2011 14:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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Thanks James for the thoughts.

Grandom, I agree that you should not talk evil about rulers. In this case we are talking about the president. I respect your comment concerning the Word and rulers of the nations.

I do pray that our president would make Godly decisions and that he would have a heart for Israel. However, I just don't see anything wrong with genuine discernment for intents and motivations of people's hearts. For me, that includes the president as well.

I believe I should watch actions and not just listen to people's words. I have watched our president give millions of our tax dollars to Palestinians. Now...what do you think they are doing with the money? Our president gives far less to Israel nor is he a great defender of Israel.

Now you know why I pray that the president will have a heart for Israel. I have watched and discerned his actions. His actions are very disturbing to me at times. I believe a comment like this is not speaking evil of him. You can't have your head buried in the sand when things are happening all around us.

Do I still pray for him? Absolutely! Will I keep watching actions instead of words? You better believe it! JMO



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: Last Days [message #7798 is a reply to message #7796] Mon, 02 May 2011 14:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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I don't follow your thoughts or reasoning in posting this scripture, care to elaborate? I wasn't speaking evil of anyone and didn't name any names, I was commenting on what others were saying and the timing of the info.

As to 'the leader' of this nation, President Obama, I have posted several messages about praying for him. I don't speak evil of him even though I disagree with his moral beliefs and what he stands for. Nor was I speaking evil of Hilary Clinton, who also had a press conference that was also scrutinized.

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7799 is a reply to message #7798] Mon, 02 May 2011 15:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
grandom  is currently offline grandom
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Just a precaution Brother.
As Tom Hamilton said in his message yesterday, maybe you missed it.
Dont get involved in the negative things or discussions on the world.
Commenting on what others are saying, does that absolve the one commenting? Just asking.
Re: Last Days [message #7800 is a reply to message #7799] Mon, 02 May 2011 15:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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Nope, I didn't miss it, if I remember correctly he said something to the effect that Christians shouldn't be involved in politics/voting/social change movements, that we're members of a different kingdom...I have lived these same convictions since becoming a follower of Jesus 33 years ago. I don't discuss/debate/endorse politics or politicians, but I do observe and discern what is happening around me. I will offer for discussion in a post things like the Health Care Insurance law and our ethical position concerning it, ect. But maybe to some that may be being involved in comparison to their own personal views, I understand. (Maybe that's why so few ever comment... Smile but maybe not.)

Nevertheless, we are in the last days and my sole purpose is to cause awareness to this fact and encourage people to be prepared and not be caught without oil in our lamps. Sorry if I miss the mark or cause anyone to stumble in any way, not my intentions.

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7801 is a reply to message #7800] Mon, 02 May 2011 18:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
william  is currently offline william
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actually paul did the same thing in the context of acts 23... he used the social/cultural schism to set his accusers against each other.


I want to believe!
Re: Last Days [message #7802 is a reply to message #7801] Mon, 02 May 2011 21:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
william  is currently offline william
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Here is a brother's page that encourages us to engage the world through their idols & philosophies...

From the About Page: "It is all about countering the culture and the ideologies of popular icons, from music, to stars, to TV shows and movies. We need to take their ideas and turn them upside down with the Truth (Acts 17:6)" 110318882352977


[Updated on: Mon, 02 May 2011 22:04]

I want to believe!
Re: Last Days [message #7803 is a reply to message #7802] Mon, 02 May 2011 22:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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I found that interesting and the idea of 'flipping' musical lyrics into something that reflected Christian values would be kinda fun...if I knew or listened to any of their modern secular/pop garbage. I have enough to overcome from the 'classic rock' genre without opening myself up the whatever they call todays noise.(I probably sound like my grandaddy talking about me in the 60/70's)

I'll leave that 'calling'( Christian Counter Insurgency) to someone more qualified. Though I do, from time to time, point out to some of the younger generation the poor witness it is to the world to proclaim to be a follower of Christ and be caught up in all the cultural immorality. But I've yet to find someone who embraces the truth and seperates themselves from the world and it's music/movies/traditions/way of speaking and thinking. But that won't stop me from speaking the truth as lead of The Holy Spirit to do so. Because I know the time is short and these profane, demon inspired, 'pop idols' won't have the answer when Matthew 24:21 starts being fulfilled.

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7804 is a reply to message #7803] Mon, 02 May 2011 22:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
william  is currently offline william
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Amen, brother!

(I should say that I have not listened to the message from Tom Hamilton that you all are referring to, but did want to jump in with a comment or two just to let you know I'm still kicking!)


I want to believe!
Re: Last Days [message #7805 is a reply to message #7804] Mon, 02 May 2011 23:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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I enjoy watching Brother Tom, he preaches sound doctrine. A couple or three of us watch him on Sunday mornings(maybe more, I don't know), he's still a down to earth man of God after all these years. Calling people to the old paths, re-enforcing that which we received years ago. So many want something new and 'fresh' from God; I see so few who are walking in what they've already been given. But we will each answer for ourselves alone as to what we did with the truths that was given us.

Glad you're still kicking...hope everyone else is too.

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7811 is a reply to message #7805] Fri, 06 May 2011 22:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
grandom  is currently offline grandom
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Not really a reply but I came across this article today.
Certainly reenforces the last days concept. ce-Air-Force-Academy-opens-outdoor-chapel-Wiccans-Druids-ear th-centred-worship-groups.html?ITO=1490
Re: Last Days [message #7815 is a reply to message #7811] Sun, 15 May 2011 21:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
grandom  is currently offline grandom
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GAL 1:10
Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.
Re: Last Days [message #7816 is a reply to message #7815] Tue, 17 May 2011 16:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
grandom  is currently offline grandom
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Mat 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
Re: Last Days [message #7817 is a reply to message #7816] Tue, 17 May 2011 18:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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That they have a 'following' of 30-40 people in Australia isn't shocking, though I wonder the background of the followers. I can somewhat grasp misguided, gullible people following someone claiming to be Jesus Christ, but what's up with Mary Magdalene? Does that reflect a Catholic mindset?

There is a man from Puerto Rico named Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda who claims to be Jesus Christ and he has millions of followers around the world.(many thousands of his followers have tattooed 666 on their bodies.) He's got a website with a countdown calendar, he says the world will end in about 410 days.(prophecy given on April 19,2011) So we have another man, Harold Camping, saying May 21, 2011...and this guy saying mid-2012, I've read other predictions on 'christian' forums saying something big will happen this month, May 2011. There have been false christs and false prophets ever since Jesus walked the earth, but due to the platform the internet gives, and world events, people seem to be taking it to another level...conspiracy theories, fear driven warnings, false prophecies, claiming to be gods and saviors...all deceived and deceiving others.

Once more I'm reminded just how thankful we should be for having been given eyes to see and ears to hear...and PEACE that passeth understanding, Praise to The TRUE Messiah, Jesus Christ, who left in a cloud and will return in like manner. Acts 1:6-11

[Updated on: Tue, 17 May 2011 19:12]

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7819 is a reply to message #7817] Wed, 18 May 2011 17:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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Another scripture that reiterates what Jesus says concerning His followers not being part of this worldly kingdom.

"No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please Him who hath chosen him to be a soldier." II Timothy 2:4

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7820 is a reply to message #7819] Wed, 18 May 2011 17:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
grandom  is currently offline grandom
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Another scripture to go along with that James.

Jn 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

I wonder how many of us are truly hated of the world?
Re: Last Days [message #7826 is a reply to message #7817] Thu, 19 May 2011 17:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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Link to an article from Fox News on the 'Rapture' prediction from Harold Camping which is set for this Saturday, May 21, 2011. Bare in mind when reading the story that Fox News is 'fair and balanced'...Right... Rolling Eyes

"The a relatively new notion compared to Christianity itself and most Christians don't believe in it." ts-end-world-saturday/

At the bottom of the article there was a link to a 'related story' titled, "New York Man Spends Life Savings Ahead of May 21 Doomsday". It said the man spent $140,000 on ads placed on subway cars announcing the May 21,2011 Rapture.

Wonder how he'll feel Sunday morning?

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7827 is a reply to message #7826] Thu, 19 May 2011 19:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
grandom  is currently offline grandom
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One thing we have to be cautious of. The word says we are to look up our redemption draws nigh.I would not say the Lord will not come on May 21st. He said He will come when no one expects Him.Obviously most will say He wont come because this kook set a date.We dont know. I say we still must be alert and be looking up.
In other words, be ready at all times. Smile
Re: Last Days [message #7828 is a reply to message #7827] Thu, 19 May 2011 21:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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In the three hours since I posted the above, two different people have mentioned to me in conversation about the world ending Saturday. The first asked if I had heard about it and he didn't believe the hype and even quoted Matt.24:36 to me. That was an encouraging conversation, he was Southern Baptist. A few minutes later a college student starts up a conversation near me about the same subject. He 'held court' amongest a couple of 'kids' and his take was that there wouldn't be an end to the world for at least 3-5 million more years; there wasn't 'a god'; the only rapture was in some movie they'd all seen; and the system by which the 'old man' came to his deduction of May 21,2011 was numerology(actually he was right about that); and he was going to party all day Saturday. I asked him where he gained all that wisdom he was tossing about, with a straight face he said, "science, man!" (I didn't include the curse words he used in 'expressing' himself.)

Two opportunities to share, one listened and somewhat agreed; the other already knew everything, that's why he went to college.

Hey Grandom, I'd be happy if Jesus returned tomorrow May 20, 2011...I have been looking 'up' so long...well, I won't be lighthearted about it, but, even so, come Lord Jesus.

[Updated on: Thu, 19 May 2011 21:12]

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Last Days [message #7829 is a reply to message #7828] Thu, 19 May 2011 21:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
grandom  is currently offline grandom
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So many James have grown tired and yes scripture even says there will be mockers saying where is your God.I shudder at the apathy of so many. Just like in the days of Noah, eating and drinking and giving in marriage. The world and the love of the world has such a strong pull on people there is little or any concern for spiritual matters.

I see there are parties planned for the day after. Seems there are parties for anything at the drop of a hat. Makes me sad how it must hurt our savior.

I`m with you. I want out of here.
Lord Bless

[Updated on: Thu, 19 May 2011 22:23]

Re: Last Days [message #7831 is a reply to message #7829] Fri, 20 May 2011 22:31 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
james  is currently offline james
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"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." Matt.24:36

"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come." Matt.24:42

"Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein The Son of man cometh." Matt.25:13

"...It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in His own power." Acts 1:7

"But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write uto you.
For yourselves know perfectly that the day of The Lord so cometh as a thief in the night." I Thess.5:1-2

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
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