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Forum: Prophecy
 Topic: Modern Prophets
Modern Prophets [message #11971] Sun, 17 January 2016 16:16
Gary  is currently offline Gary
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I ran across an interesting statement by Apollonius:


After ward he says: "Does not all Scripture seem to you to forbid a prophet to receive gifts and money? When therefore I see the prophetess receiving gold and silver and costly garments, how can I avoid reproving her?"

For we will show that those whom they call prophets and martyrs gather their gain not only from rich men, but also from the poor, and orphans, and widows.

But if they are confident, let them stand up and discuss these matters, that if convicted they may cease transgressing. For the fruits of the prophet must be tried; "for the tree is known by its fruits".

He had quite a bit to say concerning people calling themselves prophets and then receiving expensive gifts.

When you look back in history we see a lot of the same problems they dealt with, are still with us in these end times. While reading this I could not help to remember those who call themselves prophets, who rent 20,000. suites at luxury motels, flying in on their Lear jets to spend a few days at a Bible seminar.

Elisha had to deal with people wanting to give him expensive gifts:


15 And he returned to the man of God, he and all his aides, and came and stood before him; and he said, “Indeed, now I know that there is no God in all the earth, except in Israel; now therefore, please take a gift from your servant.”

16 But he said, “As the Lord lives, before whom I stand, I will receive nothing.” And he urged him to take it, but he refused.

Elisha refused the gifts! Sadly though his servant decided he wanted the gifts:


20 But Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, said, “Look, my master has spared Naaman this Syrian, while not receiving from his hands what he brought; but as the Lord lives, I will run after him and take something from him.” 21 So Gehazi pursued Naaman. When Naaman saw him running after him, he got down from the chariot to meet him, and said, “Is all well?”

22 And he said, “All is well. My master has sent me, saying, ‘Indeed, just now two young men of the sons of the prophets have come to me from the mountains of Ephraim. Please give them a talent of silver and two changes of garments.’”

23 So Naaman said, “Please, take two talents.” And he urged him, and bound two talents of silver in two bags, with two changes of garments, and handed them to two of his servants; and they carried them on ahead of him. 24 When he came to the citadel, he took them from their hand, and stored them away in the house; then he let the men go, and they departed. 25 Now he went in and stood before his master. Elisha said to him, “Where did you go, Gehazi?”

And he said, “Your servant did not go anywhere.”

26 Then he said to him, “Did not my heart go with you when the man turned back from his chariot to meet you? Is it time to receive money and to receive clothing, olive groves and vineyards, sheep and oxen, male and female servants? 27 Therefore the leprosy of Naaman shall cling to you and your descendants forever.” And he went out from his presence leprous, as white as snow.

The Prophets of old did not need the expensive gifts that the world had to offer. Their eyes were on the Lord God, true Prophets of God will not have their eyes on mammon.


 Topic: Teachings by Clara Grace
Teachings by Clara Grace [message #10381] Sun, 24 November 2013 23:29
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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In looking for prophecies, I found these teachings by Sister Clara Grace. She goes into depth concerning some of her prophecies.

Glorious Church #4

Glorious Church #1

The Army of The Lord



"Be still and know that I am God."
 Topic: A. A. Allen
A. A. Allen [message #10377] Sun, 24 November 2013 20:21
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Taken from Post #9842 by Gary

Vision: The destruction of America [message #9842] Sat, 28 September 2013 18:46 Go to next message

Vision of the Destruction of America

A. A. Allen

The following vision was received by Evangelist A.A. Allen on July 4, 1954 (one of the men mightily used in the great Healing Revival of 1947-1955):

As I stood atop the Empire State Building, I could see the Statue of Liberty, illuminating the gateway to the new world. Here, spread before me like an animated map, is an area sixty or eighty miles in diameter. I was amazed that the Spirit of the Lord should so move me, there atop the Empire State Building. Why should I feel such a surge of His Spirit and power there?

Suddenly I heard the voice of the Lord. It was as clear and as distinct as a voice could be. It seemed to come from the very midst of the giant telescope. But when I looked at the telescope, I knew it hadn't come from there, but directly from heaven. The voice said, "The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him. Herein you have done foolishly. Therefore, from henceforth, you shall have wars."

Immediately when I heard the voice of God, I knew this was a quotation of Scripture. But never before had a thing come to me so forcibly by the power of the Spirit. The ticking of the telescope stopped. The man before me had used up his dimes worth. As he stepped away I knew that I was next. As I stepped to the telescope and dropped in my dime, immediately the ticking started again. This ticking was an automatic clock which would allow me to use the telescope for a definitely limited time only.

As I swung the telescope to the North, suddenly the Spirit of God came upon me in a way that I had never thought of before. Seemingly in the spirit I was entirely caught away. I knew that the telescope itself had nothing to do with the distance which I was suddenly enabled to see, for I seemed to see things far beyond the range of the telescope, even on a bright clear day. It was simply that God had chosen this time to reveal these things to me, for as I looked through the telescope, it was not Manhattan Island that I saw, but a far larger view.

That morning, much of the view was impaired by fog. But suddenly as the Spirit of the Lord came upon me the fog seemed to clear, until it seemed that I could see for thousands of miles.

But that which I was looking upon was not Manhattan island, it was all of the North American Continent spread out before me as a map is spread upon a table, it was not the East River and the Hudson River that I saw on either side, but the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. And instead of the Statue of Liberty standing there in the bay on her small island I saw her standing far out in the Gulf of Mexico. She was between me and the United States.

I suddenly realized that the telescope had nothing to do with what I was seeing, but that it was a vision coming directly from God. And to prove this to myself I took my eyes away from the telescope, so that I was no longer looking through the lens, but the same scene remained before me.

There, clear and distinct, lay all the North American Continent, with all it's great cities. To the North lay the Great Lakes. Far to the Northeast was New York City. I could see Seattle and Portland far to the Northwest. Down the West Coast, there were San Francisco and Los Angeles. Closer in the foreground, there lay New Orleans, at the center of the Gulf Coast area. I could see the great towering ranges of the Rocky Mountains, and trace with my eye the Continental Divide. All this and more, I could see spread out before me as a great map upon a table.

And as l looked, suddenly from the sky I saw a giant hand reach down. That gigantic hand was reaching out toward the Statue of Liberty. In a moment her gleaming torch was torn from her hand, and in it instead was placed a cup. And I saw protruding from that great cup, a giant sword, shining as if a great light had been turned upon its glistening edge. Never before had I seen such a sharp, glistening, dangerous sword. it seemed to threaten all the world. As the great cup was placed in the hand of the Statue of Liberty, I heard these words, "Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Drink ye and be drunken, spue and fall, and rise no more, because of the sword which I will send." As I heard these words, I recognized them as a quotation from Jeremiah 25:7.

I was amazed to hear the Statue of Liberty speak out in reply, "I WILL NOT DRINK!" Then as the voice of the thunder, I heard again the voice of the Lord, saying, "Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, YE SHALL CERTAINLY DRINK." (Jer.25:28) Then suddenly the giant hand forced the cup to the lips of the Statue of Liberty, and she became powerless to defend herself. The mighty hand of God forced her to drink every drop from the cup. As she drank the bitter dregs, these were the words that I heard, "Should you be utterly unpunished? You shall not be unpunished: for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, saith the Lord of Hosts." (Jer.25:29) When the cup was withdrawn from the lips of the Statue of Liberty, I noticed the sword was missing from the cup, which could mean but one thing. THE CONTENTS OF THE CUP HAD BEEN COMPLETELY CONSUMED! I knew that the sword merely typified war, death, and destruction, which is no doubt on the way.

Then as one drunken on too much wine, I saw the Statue of Liberty become unsteady on her feet and begin to stagger, and to lose her balance. I saw her splashing in the Gulf, trying to regain her balance. I saw her stagger again and again, and fall to her knees. As I saw her desperate attempts to regain her balance, and rise to her feet again, my heart was moved as never before with compassion for her struggles. But as she staggered there in the gulf, once again I heard these words, "Ye shall drink and be drunken, and spue, and fall, and rise no more because of the sword that I shall send among you."

As I watched, I wondered if the Statue of Liberty would ever be able to regain her feet—if she would ever stand again. And as I watched, it seemed that with all her power she struggled to rise, and finally staggered to her feet again, and stood there swaying drunkenly. I felt sure that at any moment she would fall again—possibly never to rise. I seemed overwhelmed with a desire to reach out my hand to keep her head above water, for I knew that if she ever fell again she would drown there in the Gulf.

"Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor for the destruction that wastes at noonday." Psalms 91:5,6.

Then as I watched, another amazing thing was taking place. Far to the Northwest, just out over Alaska, a huge, black cloud was arising. As it rose, it was as black as night. It seemed to be in the shape of a man's head. As it continued to arise, I observed two light spots in the black cloud. It rose further, and a gaping hole appeared. I could see that the black cloud was taking the shape of a skull, for now the huge, white, gaping mouth was plainly visible. Finally the head was complete. Then the shoulders began to appear and on either side long, black arms.

It seemed that what I saw was the entire North American Continent, spread out like a map upon a table with this terrible skeleton-formed cloud arising from behind the table. It rose steadily until the form was visible down to the waist. At the waist, the skeleton seemed to bend towards the United States, stretching forth a hand toward the East and one toward the West - one toward New York and one toward Seattle. As the awful form stretched forward, I could see that the entire attention seemed to be focused upon the U.S., overlooking Canada at least for the time being. As I saw the horrible black cloud in the form of a skeleton bending towards America, bending from the waist over, reaching down toward Chicago and out towards both coasts, I knew it's one interest was to destroy the multitudes.

As I watched in horror, the great black cloud stopped just above the great lakes region, and turned it's face towards New York City. Then out of the horrible, great gaping mouth began to appear wisps of white vapor which looked like smoke, as a cigarette smoker would blow puffs of smoke from his mouth. These whitish vapors were being blown toward New York City. The smoke began to spread, until it had covered all the eastern part of the United States.

Then the skeleton turned to the West, and out of the horrible mouth and nostrils came another great puff of white smoke. This time it was blown in the direction of the West Coast. In a few moments time, the entire West Coast and L.A. area was covered with it's vapors.

Then towards the center came a third great puff. As I watched, St. Louis and Kansas City were enveloped in its white vapors. Then on it came towards New Orleans. Then on they swept until they reached the Statue of Liberty where she stood staggering drunkenly in The blue waters of The Gulf. As the white vapors began to spread around The head of the statue, she took in but one gasping breath, and then began to cough as though to rid her lungs of the horrible vapors she had inhaled. One could readily discern by the coughing that those white vapors had seared her lungs.

What were these white vapors? Could they signify bacteriological warfare or nerve gas that could destroy multitudes of people in a few moments time?

Then I heard the voice of God, as He spoke again: "Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof,. And it shall be, as with the people, so with The priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the buyer, so with the seller, as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for The Lord has spoken this word. The earth mourneth and fadeth away, The world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish . The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore has the curse devoured the earth and they that dwell therein are desolate; therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men are left." (Isa.24:1-6)

As I watched, the coughing grew worse. It sounded like a person was about to cough out his lungs. The Statue was moaning and groaning. She was in mortal agony. The pain must have been terrific, as again and again, she tried to clear her lungs of those horrible white vapors. I watched her there in the Gulf, as she staggered, clutching her lungs and her breast with her hands. Then she fell to her knees. In a moment, she gave one final cough, and made a last desperate effort to rise from her knees, and then fell face forward into the waters of The Gulf and lay still as death. Tears ran down my face as I realized that she was dead! Only The lapping of The waves, splashing over her body, which was partly under the water, and partly out of water, broke the silence.

"A fire devoureth before them, and behind them a flame burneth; the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them, a desolate wilderness." Joel 2:3

Suddenly the silence was shattered by the screaming of sirens. The sirens seemed to scream, "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Never before had I heard such shrill, screaming sirens. They seemed to be everywhere—to the North, South, the East and the West. There seemed to be multitudes of sirens. And as I looked, I saw people everywhere running. But it seemed none of them ran more than a few paces, and then they fell. And even as I had seen the Statue struggling to regain her poise and balance, and finally falling to die on her face, I now saw millions of people falling in the streets, on the sidewalks, struggling. I heard their screams for mercy and help. I heard their horrible coughing as though their lungs had been seared with fire. I heard the moanings and groanings of the doomed and the dying. As I watched, a few finally reached shelters, and above the moaning and groanings, I heard these words: "A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth for the Lord has a controversy with the nations. He will plead with all flesh; He will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the Lord. Behold evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of The earth. And The slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even onto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented neither gathered nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground." (Jer. 25:31-33)

Then suddenly I saw from the Atlantic and from the Pacific, and out of the Gulf, rocket- like objects that seemed to come up like fish leaping out of the water . High into the air they leaped, each headed in a different direction, but every one towards The U.S. On The ground, the sirens screamed louder. And up from the ground I saw similar rockets begin to ascend. To me, these appeared to be interceptor rockets although they arose from different points all over the U.S. However, none of them seemed to be successful in intercepting the rockets that had risen from the ocean on every side. These rockets finally reached their maximum height, slowly turned over, and fell back toward the earth in defeat. Then suddenly, the rockets which had leaped out of the ocean like fish all exploded at once. The explosion was ear-splitting. The next thing which I saw was a huge ball of fire. The only thing I have ever seen which resembled the thing I saw in my vision was the picture of the explosion of the H-bomb in the South Pacific. In my vision, it was so real I seemed to feel a searing heat from it.

As the vision spread before my eyes, and I viewed the widespread desolation brought about by the terrific explosions, I could not help thinking, While the defenders of our nation have quibbled over what means of defense to use, and neglected the only true means of defense, faith and dependence upon the true and living God, the thing which she greatly feared has come unto her! How true it has proven that "Except the Lord keep The city, The watchman watches but in vain."

Then as the noise of the battle subsided, to my ears came this quotation from Joel, the second chapter,

"Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand;

A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations.

A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.

The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run..." (Joel 2:4).

[Updated on: Sun, 24 November 2013 20:22]



"Be still and know that I am God."
 Topic: Believe the Sign
Believe the Sign [message #10376] Sun, 24 November 2013 17:31
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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Believe the Sign:

Misc. prophecy and Hagin's account of Anna Schrader's prophecies



"Be still and know that I am God."
 Topic: Sister Clara Grace
Sister Clara Grace [message #10375] Sun, 24 November 2013 17:09
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Sister Clara Grace:

BILLYE BRIM QUOTE: [Billye was Kenneth Hagin’s book editor for 10 years.]

“Sister Clara Grace saw a vision of the last days. She saw the church prone on the ground, weak. And then she saw, like a veil. And beyond the veil she could look through; It was on the other side of the veil, you know. She saw this weakened church here. And she saw heads from the other side of the veil pressing through. They were pressing through to resurrection. The Lord said they were ‘Just men made perfect who were pressing through to resurrection.’ Then she saw a group here on the ground, God’s mature saints. And they were passing behind the veil, and they didn’t die to go there. And they were getting the glory. She saw the glory from behind the veil. She saw the 2 groups from beyond the veil and this side of the veil amalgamate and make one. And they moved in a cloud of glory over that church. That church, it strengthen the feeble knees and the arms among them. And it stood up and stretched up itself and rose up to the glorious church.”

{End Billye Brim quote}



"Be still and know that I am God."
 Topic: White Horse Ministries
White Horse Ministries [message #10374] Sun, 24 November 2013 17:01
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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White Horse Ministry: End time prophecies, including Anna Schrader and Clara Grace.

[Updated on: Sun, 24 November 2013 21:50]



"Be still and know that I am God."
 Topic: Tommy Hicks: The Sleeping Giant
Tommy Hicks: The Sleeping Giant [message #10373] Sun, 24 November 2013 16:54
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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As you read this prophecy, you see people being translated all over the world. HEF said this was going to happen in the end times.

I know of young people who are doing this as we speak!!! They are not doing the greater works miracles, but I believe they are coming soon. Their first priority is love, love, and more love.

We are living in exciting times! Smile


Tommy Hicks, 1961

My message began July 25 at 2.30 at night, in Winnipeg, Canada. I slept very hard going to bed, when the revelation that God has given me, appeared before me in a vision. This happened three times, with the same compliance detail every time. I was excited and deeply moved by this revelation that completely changed my outlook on the body of Christ and to serve in the last days.

The most wonderful event that ever took place in the Church of Jesus Christ, are still before us. A difficult task is to help men and women in this to realize and understand the importance of the issues that God is trying to communicate to his people in these last days.

When the vision appeared before me (while I was sleeping), I found myself at a great height. I do not know where I was. But when I looked down at the ground, suddenly the whole world appeared before my eyes - I saw every nation, every language I've heard. From the east and west, north and south - I could identify every country and many cities in which I was previously. I was very afraid and trembled all the while standing and watching as the big picture.

At a time when the world appeared before me, I saw lightning and heard the crack of thunder. When the lightning went through the whole earth, my eyes were turned down and looked to the north. Suddenly I saw what looked like a big giant - it was a very strange sight: his feet seemed to go north and head south, his hands were stretched from sea to sea. I could not even understand the end, whether it was a huge mountain, or a recumbent giant. After careful lucked is, however, saw this giant. He struggled to survive. His body was covered with tumours from head to foot and only sometimes able to move. When it did, thousands of disgustingly-looking little creatures seemed run of him, and when it pacified, returned home.

Suddenly the giant raised his hand to the sky - first one then the other. When it did, creating thousands seemed to flee from him in the side of darkness and night.

The giant slowly began to rise, and when he did, his head and hands were in the clouds. Once created, his feet seemed to be cleaned of debris and dirt that was on him; begun to raise their hands to heaven - as if they praised the Lord. Hands were raised in the clouds.

Suddenly, every cloud has a silver. It was the greatest silver I have ever seen. When I looked at this phenomenon, I felt his greatness and I could not understand what it all means. I was very moved at that view, I began to cry out to the Lord: "O Lord, what does it all mean?" I knew that I was in the spiritual realm and I can feel the presence of the Lord - even though physically I slept.

While staying at this great height looked at the people moving on the ground. A man was in Africa, and for the moment has been moved in the Spirit of God to Russia, China or America or to other places - people moved around the world. Also passed through the fire blight and famine. But nothing could stop them - even if the fire of persecution.

Then came armed with swords and guns, and they - like Jesus - they passed through the crowd and no one could find them. They walked on your behalf. Wherever pulled his hands, the sick were healed, blind eyes were opened. Did not practice long prayers.

the truth - I have not seen any church or denomination, but the people who marched in the name of the Lord of hosts. Hallelujah! Later many times I analysed this vision in my mind and I noticed one more

When they marched forward, whatever they were doing was a service for Christ in this final time. These people served by crowds throughout the world. Tens of thousands, even millions of people came to the Lord Jesus Christ, when they stood and preached the message of the Kingdom to come in the last hour. It was wonderful. God will do in these last days, such things as the world has ever seen.

These people were full of life. I saw them as they walked across the earth. Degrees meant nothing here. When one appeared to fall, another came and raised him. There was a big "I" and little "you", but it was reduced every mountain and every valley raised. One thing seemed to be common - divine love that flowed from these people when they walked together, worked and lived together. This was the greatest true, that I could learn. Jesus Christ was the theme of their lives.

As I watched from the sky, sometimes like great drops of liquid light fell upon the great congregation. Then such a meeting raised their hands and praised God for hours and even days when the Spirit of God descended on them. God said: "I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh" and exactly what he did. There was no end of His miracles, don by every man and woman, with strength and knowledge of God.

When these people came to earth a great persecution struck the tip of everyone. Suddenly a big bang, thunder was heard around the world. And I heard a voice saying: "This is my people, my beloved Bride." When that voice sounded, I looked at the ground watching the lake and mountains. The graves were opened and people from all over the world, the saints of all nations seemed to emerge. When I rose from the grave, they began to descend from all directions, forming together as a giant body. I came hard to grasp the fact that the dead arise from their graves (at first those who have died in Christ) - it was so wonderful and so hard to understand that no such a thing could ever dream or think.

Suddenly, the clouds began to fall drops of warm, radiant rain on the mighty giant. Very slowly it began to melt and sink into the ground. When the melt, the whole shape vanished, glancing across the surface of the earth. Began to fall a great rain, which caused the flood on the earth. When a giant melted down, suddenly appeared, millions of people, resulting in the world, they raised their hands and praise the Lord.

At this point, a great roar was heard from the heavens. Directed his gaze toward the sky and saw a figure in a blindingly bright white - the most wonderful fabric I've ever seen. I have not seen the face of this form, but I knew that it was the Lord Jesus Christ. He stretched out his hand over the people and nations of the world, for all men and women. When I pointed at them with his hand as though fluid flowed light, ran down to the people and the powerful anointing of God Come on them. These people began to move forward in the name of the Lord.

I do not know how long they looked. It seemed to me that it lasts for days, weeks and months. I saw Christ's pulling your hand.

But it became a tragedy. Many people did not accept God's anointing and calling. I know I've seen people who knew with certainty that received God's call. But when the Lord stretched out his hand, bowed their heads and began to retreat. They looked as if they walked into the darkness. The darkness seemed to surround them everywhere ...

However, in humans, whom he anointed - hundreds of thousands of people around the world: in Africa, Asia, Russia, China, America - the anointing of God rested when they went forward in the name of the Lord. Among them were plumbers and cleaners, rich and poor. I've seen people associated paralysis and disease, blindness and deafness. When the Lord reached out and gave them their anointing, they may be healed and moved forward. Was a great miracle when people pulled his hand as you did and the same fire was in their hands. When I pulled out my hand, saying, "according to my word, or healed."

All these people devoted themselves to serving the end-time. I did not realize fully what was the service. I looked at the Lord and asked what it all means. And he replied: "This is what I will do in the last days. Restore and mend what has been destroyed by locusts. Thanks to my people in the last days will go forward. As a powerful army will fill the earth. "

When this body began to form and shape, again took the form of a great giant. But this time it was different. Clad in the finest white, his coat was without stain or blemish. People of all ages gathering together to form this body. Slowly it formed and grew up to the sky, and then came down from heaven the Lord Jesus, and became the Head. I heard the thunder and the following words: "This is my beloved bride, I had been waiting. Arrived, tried in the fire. She is the one that I loved from the beginning of time. "

My eyes turned suddenly to the north and saw the destruction, men and women crying in fear and crumbling buildings. Then again I heard a voice: "Now, my wrath will be poured out upon the face of the earth." God's anger began to spill all over the world. I remember this view as if I saw him just now. Shivered and trembled, seeing the city and entire nations mired in the destruction. I could hear crying and screaming of people who went into the caves, but these did not give them shelter or escape. Jumped into the water, but not drowned. There was nothing that could destroy them. They wanted to receive their own lives, but they could not ...

Then again, I turned my gaze to the body dressed in stunning white outfit. Slowly it began to rise from the earth. When I followed, I woke up.

I saw the end-time ministry, the last hour. 27. July in the morning - the same revelation, the same vision came again.

Christian Media, Cieszyn

[Updated on: Mon, 25 November 2013 02:51]



"Be still and know that I am God."

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