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Re: Asking for prayer [message #6487 is a reply to message #6486] Tue, 15 December 2009 02:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 53
Registered: December 2006
Dear brodav9,

I did read your messages.

You see, I don't have any position to tell my family not to go to that church or to any meeting. Could I warn them not to go? Only if the Lord told 'me' to & then I would have to have a reason to tell them why the Lord didn't want them there. I can't take authority I don't have.

How about a new topic. As I said, I am sorry for causing problems.

God bless
Re: Asking for prayer [message #6488 is a reply to message #6482] Tue, 15 December 2009 02:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sparkles  is currently offline sparkles
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"If someone stumbled (led by the Lord) upon this website, whether it be the fallen, the lost, the hurt, the rejected, the antagonistic, would they be drawn to Jesus & say, "I want what they have"? I want to be part of cementing not dissecting. Yes, I believe there is a place for correcting etc. or making sure you know where the person is coming from, but not looking for a fault in each other's sharing. People don't want it to be artificial, either, no false niceties, human praise, being built up in the flesh. They can see through that. I was hoping for a place to build each other up in the Spirit."

Sincerely, I believe you have found a place where we can build each other up. I know I have. We have made mistakes in what we say and how we say things sometimes, but I believe our heart is right before God, to encourage, warn, admonish, and even rebuke as the Lord leads. I know in my personal life I have been known to not have the most tact with people, but when others get to know me they see that I never mean anything in a mean critical way. Quite the contrary, because I have lived with criticism from some family members my whole life, and I hate it. Our desire is to not mock and make fun of others, but rather to encourage each other as we see the day of the Lord approaching. Most, if not all of us have had friends and family compromise or leave what they once believed, so we may get somewhat fervent at times. But as I see with some of my friends when I have had them say things, it is only because they care.

As with any new friendship we need to give each other room to grow, and have room to grow. We need to learn about each other, and lets share with each other what we believe God wants us to, but not try to force our beliefs on others.
Please don't give up on us, but rather bear with us as we learn to fellowship on this site, and all of us be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.

As you said, let's move on. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and not just leaving. It is a help to all of us.

Re: Asking for prayer [message #6491 is a reply to message #6487] Wed, 16 December 2009 23:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 53
Registered: December 2006
Greetings all,

I don't want to open another topic with this, but I feel I need to explain why I wrote, ''some think they are overcomers" & not just "some are overcomers".

Back in the eighties, people called themselves overcomers & I couldn't see this was possible to know. To me, I felt we could aim towards the goal of overcoming but how could we know we had reached that status. I can follow all the do's & don'ts, live the life, walk the walk, talk the talk & still not be an overcomer. God sees our hearts, knows our motives, attitudes, thoughts etc & they just mightn't be as overcoming as we thought.

To me, if overcoming is our greatest desire, we will get much closer to the mark, than if we set our goal anything less.

My brother used to say he didn't want a mansion, just a little hut on the outskirts of Heaven, thinking it was pride to want great things. He died alone in his little house on my birthday almost four years ago. I did not see the release I so longed for, but I trust the Lord all is well.

Another example of finding it hard to know where someone is coming from when we share.

Hope I don't open another healthy discussion. lol.
Re: Asking for prayer [message #6492 is a reply to message #6491] Thu, 17 December 2009 01:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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Good morning Sincerely,

Glad to hear from ya, although it's night here, best I can figure it's Thursday morning down under...

Overcomer, yep there's a word that means different things to different people. I think the 80's proclamation was 'supposed' to be our 'confession', and where many of us(I) went wrong was when we allowed pride to get in.(part of the elitism mentality that was prevalent among quite a few in the faith camp>) I've know someone who has said he HATED the term, overcomer...but I think upon reflection they probably didn't really mean that, I think he just meant he hated the additude of pride that usually accompanied it.

We are aware of all the wonderful promises made to those who DO, OVERCOME...but like you said, that will be up to God to say who is and who isn't. But we're also told that those who are born of God overcometh the world. Plus hindsight is 20/20, with maturity(didn't say, I've arrived) we now know(those who did allow that additude in) that an 'overcomer' as described throughout The Word is a humble person. Some folks 'fruit of the spirit' took longer to ripen than others. Smile But I do want to be an overcomer...

You know, in Revelation when Jesus gave the seven churches correction and encouragement and told of the rewards waiting for those who DID overcome; he also stressed to listen and be dilligent to take heed to what He was saying...that's how we overcome, by obeying. Notice that even though most had done 'good' things, and obeyed in several areas, He expected total obedience and demanded repentance in the areas where they had been lacking.(lukewarmness; leaving our first love; allowing false doctrine; having women pastors<opps, I mean allowing Jezebel, a false prophetess, to teach and seduce>; works not perfect.)

"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." Rev.3:22

'Some are babes, some are toddlers, and some think they are overcomers...'

And some backslid and had to seek repentance and learn humility... and still are.......learning Smile

Thank You JESUS


[Updated on: Thu, 17 December 2009 01:18]

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Asking for prayer [message #6493 is a reply to message #6492] Thu, 17 December 2009 02:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 53
Registered: December 2006
james wrote on Wed, 16 December 2009 19:04

But I do want to be an overcomer...

Reckon that's what all OO's members have in our hearts. Been my desire for nearly thirty years.

G'day James & all,

It is noon, Thursday here. Nice hot, sunny day after a few days of cloudy weather.

I heard a story about two Pastors talking about a young preacher. One said he was going great guns & the other replied but he hasn't got a limp yet.

There is great value in being humbled isn't there.
I am an overcomer [message #6494 is a reply to message #6492] Thu, 17 December 2009 03:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sparkles  is currently offline sparkles
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"But I do want to be an overcomer..."

Me too James. Like you said that means different things to different people.

I looked up overcome in the dictionary and it said: to get the better of, overpower, overwhelm, to gain superiority: win, conquer.

Strongs concordance uses words like: conquer, overcome, prevail, get the victory, conquest.

Jesus tells us in John 16:33 He has overcome the world.

Romans 12:21 tells us to overcome evil with good.

I John 5:4 Says whoever is born of God overcometh the world:

These are just a few scriptures, but there is so much more we are called to overcome, such as when people lie and slander us, or gossip about us, or twist our words, or speak evil of us, or falsely accuse us.

We are to overcome the flesh and the lusts of the flesh. It is just too easy to give in to the flesh and then make excuses why it is okay. "God understands..." Of course God understands, He understands that we have been given the Holy Spirit to help us overcome in all situations. We have the name of Jesus to resist the devil and the devil must flee. We of course would like that to be instantaneous, but that is not always the case. Sometimes we need to fight and believe for our deliverance or answer to prayer. But in the end, after our faith has been tested we see the Lord faithful to fulfil His promises to us.

There are some who struggle with overcoming in their speech. They think being sarcastic and witty is christlike, when in fact they only give in to the flesh and or the devil. To mock and make fun of others is not overcoming. I know, I have done it. When others laugh it only feeds the fire of sin, and it is sin to mock others all in the guise of wit.

Overcoming can only be accomplished as we walk in the spirit, and yield ourselves to the Lord. We can't do it apart from God's grace and enabling. Toughing something out may look like overcoming to the world, but God looks on the heart. Only with utter dependance on Jesus and faith in the Word of God will we truly overcome in all things. I have a long way to go, but by God's grace I am an overcomer.

[Updated on: Thu, 17 December 2009 22:09]

Re: I want to be an overcomer [message #6495 is a reply to message #6494] Thu, 17 December 2009 17:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
Messages: 319
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If a fireman goes into a house to fight a fire and gets hurt,then they carry him out. Is he still a fireman??? We are overcomers now-- but we must continue to overcome--endure to the end. Do we have 2 natures??? No but we must crucify the flesh. Are we sanctified now---yes but we must remain seperated from this world. As the Lord was opening up to me a deep revelation, He started getting deeper than I could understand. I said Lord I don't understand. He said you see, When I speak through you and people don't understand, you will have to make it clear to them. Thank you Lord Smile Very Happy I am going to bless you with a bible chapter to read. If the Lord leads I will tell you another revelation God gave me out of this chapter. I,m hoping he will speak to you by the Spirit something. This is more exciting than a group of people sitting together and caught up in some entertainment together. It will also glorify the Lord. bless you in Jesus name.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
Re: I want to be an overcomer [message #6496 is a reply to message #6495] Thu, 17 December 2009 17:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
Messages: 319
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Sorry I forgot to put the chapter. 2 Cor. ch.2 There are actually more than one thing he showed me but this is going to be a blessing. I will try to remember to preview a message first next time. I'll add a little blessing-- If you haven't heard of instaverse type in google instaverse it will bring you to the website. what it does is when in most cases you put your curser over a scripture passage it will display the scripture so you won't have to look it up in your bible. It helps when there are a lot of passages to look up.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
Re: I want to be an overcomer [message #6497 is a reply to message #6495] Thu, 17 December 2009 22:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sparkles  is currently offline sparkles
Messages: 246
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"We are overcomers now."

You are right Dave. I had a check when I wrote it that way, and almost went back and corrected it, but as you can see I didn't. But, yes I am an overcomer, and shall go back and correct what I wrote.
I will read the scripture when I get home tonight. I am sure it is a blessing.
Re: Asking for prayer [message #6498 is a reply to message #6418] Sat, 19 December 2009 04:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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some helpful passages. These may also help other readers who ask for a basis of the statement. Prov.23:7 as a person thinketh in his heart so is he. 2Cor.2:14 notice the word always. Christ always causeth us to triumph. When we miss the mark by sin, 1Jn.1:9 God forgives us and forgets also. We must remember that preservation and perseverance go hand in hand. Also that Heb.12:2 part A. Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith. The word of God is the equipment which will see us to the end. Jude 1:24 now unto him who is able to keep you from falling,and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory, with exceeding joy. Rev.21:8 mentions things to overcome. the last 3 caught my atention. Sorcerers which is from the word Pharmekia, Oral Roberts just passed away. That is the word from medicine. I haven't had a aspirin for 30+ years. Nor seen a Dr. Thank you Jesus. Col.3:5 tells us that covetous is Idolatry. I heard it said if a minister asks for money he is not looking to God. I would add though that if his motive is pure he would say I will take up a collection when I come.Paul did that. I think Paul was just telling them that he would take care of the business as a servant. never using give to get tactics etc. He looked to God and not Baal for his needs. liars. no wonder a good minister will always emphesize preach the word of truth. There have been times when calling churches that the answering service says to me (it is a person from the church who put the message on there, saying-- leave your name and phone number and we'll get back with you. This is several times this has happened. never heard from them yet. My calls were seriously important, well I do forgive, but hope they get right soon. I know that many may be proud that they are overcomers , but overcomers must overcome for others also. And so live a crucified life and let Jesus live in them by his precious Holy Spirit. I hope that all I have said is clear and gives meaningful direction. Jesus has overcome for us as we live in Christ Jesus.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
Re: Asking for prayer [message #6499 is a reply to message #6498] Sat, 19 December 2009 05:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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Thanks, brother, for the words from the Word.

His mercies are new every morning. If we have blown it, we can start over with a clean slate everyday!

Also, when the woman came to Elijah, when her son had just died, she was asked what was wrong. She only replied, "All is well." She did not walk by feelings, sight, circumstances, or what people reported to her about the situation. She just said, "All is well."

That is my report too. All is well and everything I am believing for is lined up with His promises in His perfect timing. His Word is sure as we trust in Him and watch Him move in His faithfulness.



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: Asking for prayer [message #6500 is a reply to message #6498] Sat, 19 December 2009 08:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 53
Registered: December 2006
May I ask a question?

Are all Christians overcomers?

Re: Asking for prayer [message #6502 is a reply to message #6500] Sat, 19 December 2009 16:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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sincerely wrote on Sat, 19 December 2009 02:43

May I ask a question?

Are all Christians overcomers?

This is my understanding of God's Word concerning this question, there seems to be two different groups of overcomers. In I John 5:4 it says; "For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world..." and we know what John 3:16 says, "...Whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life." So we see from this and many other places in The Word that YES, in that sense, all Christians are overcomers because they have overcame death and hell and have their names written in The Lambs Book of Life. If a person is saved and going to heaven, then they've overcame. (I also believe that there are many Christians who, even having the teaching on the manchild/overcomers, have decided that they're not willing to make that commitment to obey Jesus in ALL THINGS, and are 'banking' on God's grace to just get in...that's why they, 'in their liberty', constantly belittle those who seek to overcome and walk in obedience. )
Also in Revelation we see that many will come out of the great tribulation, having washed their robes white in The Blood of The Lamb.(Rev.7:14)

Then we have taught in Revelation that there will be a group who will overcome in all things, the group of Christian many of us confesss and desire to be in. Whether we are or not will be determined by God, and our ACTIONS, far more than what we 'say'.

Yet I think we already knew this, and the question was asked to make a point, rather than get an explanation.

We should 'confess' to be overcomers; more importantly;(imo) we should strive to OVERCOME, because when we overcome, we are 'overcomers'. But to set ourselves apart as elite, superchristians, because we DON'T do this and an additude that should be guarded against, and the closer we come to walking in true obedience to The Lord, as overcomers, the more humble we will become, because we will start seeing that IT IS TOTALLY BY GRACE and that we didn't CHOOSE Him...He CHOSE us.

If what I wrote doesn't include every possible thing that could be said on this subject, and needs correction, then PTL...

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: Asking for prayer [message #6508 is a reply to message #6500] Sun, 20 December 2009 01:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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Hi, most of your answers are in Theology. The behavior of a Christian determines his or her fate. Christians can miss the mark but conviction in conscience causes them to repent. We who are of the faith camp, don't believe in a unbalanced once saved always saved message. If you are elect you shall be saved, but God still allows our free choices. I was sharing with a man few days ago and he said that the scripture Eph. 2:8-9 that it's not faith but grace that saves us. I was not rough with him and told him by faith we believe first. We had talked of other things and couldn't continue. I looked the passage up and did a Greek study. there where it says through-- through is a preposition and when you see it the word that is secondary--faith will then proceed to be before the primary word. ---grace--- so it reads according to the preposition faith first by the strength and grace second. If this is difficult-- don't use the word confusion that is a spirit Always say I need to understand or something. When I teach it is only to bless, I give more because I love more-- So to say one is a Christian doesn't mean they are one--only the elect are true Christians. They don't abuse grace and also they know their weaknesses. A sweet saying ,you can never walk out of the palm of the Father's hand except if you want to. I had a tremendous thing revealed to me today. You can see that even the wicked cloth themselves like angels of light, they are light on the outside but full of darkness on the inside. I said that to say this, that we who are lovers of God's word must remember that the devil confesses the word to Jesus in Matt. 4:4 but he uses it for deceitfulness. So God has made a distinction which we who are overcomers must set us apart. They will know that we are Christians by our staying in the presence of God. We can have all the teachings and Theology etc, but if we don't know or have a relationship with God. The body of Christ is something that God put us into. If the members are seperated they still must remain attached to the head. Jesus the head. If they do he is well able to heal his own body. We can pray that while we are waiting to be in his true body, that he will extend to us life support. He loves us where we are. If the husband goes on a trip and leaves his wife home their love communication and hearts remain intact. I am not bitter towards those who have done me wrong in assemblies, In my absence of them I love them more. Jesus is so close to me now that I can't hurt or even be bothered about anything he is my peace. I received two health attacks after confessing to be a overcomer but I entered into the presence of Jesus, and was instantly healed the other day. It is such a priviledge to know of my relationship with Jesus that when I make apologies for mishaps that he tells me my faith has received forgiveness, and a anointing comes of peace. It is through relationship with him that keeps me confident and secure that I am a Christian, not what I know. At the same time what I know about his word is the basis for faith in him. song -- if you knew how close the finish line was you'd take a deep breath and give it all you got. Hope you know the rest. God blessed tonight helped me find a better solo mode on my P.A. it strengthens the voice. Plus super clarity. Just for fellowship I have been a worship leader in many places. It is a gift. The Lord gave me a revelation about the songs he has been giving me. They are prophetical. I can teach and lead worship wherever he leads. God bless. I posted also in praise God for tonight.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
True Obedience to the Lord [message #6509 is a reply to message #6502] Sun, 20 December 2009 17:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sparkles  is currently offline sparkles
Messages: 246
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James said:
"We should 'confess' to be overcomers; more importantly;(imo) we should strive to OVERCOME, because when we overcome, we are 'overcomers'. But to set ourselves apart as elite, superchristians, because we DON'T do this and an additude that should be guarded against, and the closer we come to walking in true obedience to The Lord, as overcomers, the more humble we will become, because we will start seeing that IT IS TOTALLY BY GRACE and that we didn't CHOOSE Him...He CHOSE us."

Excellent way to say it, James. As some have slowly drifted from their walk with Jesus there is a pride that has crept in.
Maybe because they don't like the thought that they wasted all that time giving up such things as TV or Movies, or the way they drive or the way they talk. They look back to Egypt and see all the things they had instead of looking ahead to all the things to come. They slowly start to criticize others because they don't see eye to eye on some spiritual matters now, so it is easier for them to shout from the mountain how they are now free.

Overcoming is not about giving things up or not doing something, but rather it is a matter of walking so closely with Jesus that it is something you want to do, so as to not grieve the Holy Spirit. God is the one who gives us the enabling to overcome all things. Most will not want to pay the price to be an Overcomer, to strive to overcome as Jesus did in all things. We dont' walk in the Spirit without spending time in the word and prayer, and in fellowship with Jesus. Faith without works is dead, so an overcomer without having to overcome things is not going to happen. God is giving us all trials of our faith and putting us in situations where we are called to be a light and to overcome.

When a brother or sister lies about you, or slanders you, there are a couple choices to make. Sit and be upset, tell them off, gossip about the situation because your pride was hurt, or just give it to Jesus and overcome and pray for the person. Now I know there are more choices than these, but you get the point: we are called to die to the situation and let God take care of it.

All the saints we read about in the Word of God were not super human who just overcame everything, but rather just people like us who had feelings and emotions they had to give to the Lord. When they saw their friends and family die at the hands of wicked men they had to forgive just like we do. And the christians in other countries who are dying for the faith and being tortured are just like us: people who have a relationship with the Lord. We need to be ready just like them if and when it comes here, and that ability to overcome will only come with a relationship with Jesus and by knowing the Word of God.
Re: Asking for Prayer [message #6531 is a reply to message #6509] Sun, 27 December 2009 08:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 53
Registered: December 2006

I have been busy with family staying & then leaving me with their dog. It is our holiday time like your mid-year holidays. We have had rain so I have five acres to mow when I get the mower fixed. Had to learn to put the battery on the charger but it still won't start.

I did appreciate your replies. I believe we have the same desires, different experiences, different ways of expressing & understanding.

Was going to ask for prayer again & thought maybe a prayer partner is what I need.

By the way, if someone emailed, I think I deleted it in junk mail.

God bless you all.
Re: Asking for Prayer [message #6532 is a reply to message #6531] Sun, 27 December 2009 14:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sparkles  is currently offline sparkles
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Hello Sincerely, Great to hear from you again! That would have been me that tried to e-mail you. I first tried to Private Message, but that has not been chosen by you. If you would like to communicate to some of us through PM you could go in and turn it on, or you can also go to the private messaging page and there is a spot there where you can e-mail.
When I had an e-mail from someone from OO once it took me a few days to open it because I wasn't sure who it was from. I went to the library and opened it on their computers since they have excellent virus protection
PM is an excellent way to communicate because it is only between you and the other people. If you have a prayer request and there are a few people you would like to share it with you can PM them and they would be the only ones to receive it. If you chose to do this I think there is a spot on the USER CP part of the site when you can turn it on.

We all would be blessed to stand with you in prayer. One will put a thousand to flight and two ten thousand. Jesus sent his disciples out in two to minister, and if brothers and sisters on OO is what we have, then I thank God that he has provided this fellowship and friendship. I am very blessed by everyone who shares here. I am convicted and edified and have had answers to prayer.
Lord bless you.
Re: Asking for Prayer [message #6533 is a reply to message #6532] Sun, 27 December 2009 14:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Mark L  is currently offline Mark L
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We all would be blessed to stand with you in prayer. One will put a thousand to flight and two ten thousand.

Yes Amen. There is a time to stand alone and a time to ask for help. If you need help then ask. None of us are in this alone. Paul walked out his life and trials yet had no problem asking for help.

You can read
"Meanderings on Scripture by Mark

Re: Asking for Prayer [message #6540 is a reply to message #6531] Tue, 29 December 2009 21:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
Messages: 319
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Hi, Hope I can be a help. All that will be said here is just guessing. If you are using a riding mower, first check the oil. many models will have a safety part in them to not allow mower to run if oil is to low. If battery is not seeming to be okay, use your vehicle and use jumper cables. I jump my riding mower each time that way. It is easy for these kind of batteries to run down quick. There are push mowers with batteries also if a larger model they can be jumped also. with the extra power of jumping them you will have enough power to evaluate if it is another problem. Also if it is a riding mower, the motor has a round fan usually on top. by turning it opposite of clockwise, (it is hard to turn), when turned keep hands away and when you turn the key you will have a stronger combustion in the motor which can help start it. Also make sure you spark plug is not old or in bad shape. These are at least a few tips. If you got it running still you can save these tips. God bless. P.S. don't forget to change your oil. I might add that on a vehicle oil is the life blood of a vehicle. The viscosity in the oil breaks down. it will be black when changed. Good maybe every 2-3 thousand miles. I would encourage you that when 2 or more are Matt. 18:19 gathered in Jesus name he is in the midst of them and if they pray for any thing it shall be given them of the father. prayer key-- Father you gave me every thing that I have, also what I need to get any thing accomplished. Thank you many times. Phil. 4:19.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
Re: Asking for Prayer [message #6545 is a reply to message #6540] Thu, 31 December 2009 00:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 53
Registered: December 2006
Hi brodave9,

Thanks for your advice. The ride-on mower's battery was very low. so man just came & put in new battery.

My prayer requests are usually about family. Very rarely ask for prayer for myself.

One is preparing to be married very shortly. I have no ability to deal with the situation other than to seek the Lord in prayer.

It doesn't seem like an ideal move, but maybe the Lord is allowing it. All I can pray is the Lord reveal all they need to know to know & choose His will.

I have found I cannot put my interpretation of the Word on anyone else. I have laid as great a foundation as I possibly can. There comes a stage when you can't do any more.

Now for the "healthy discernments, questionings, and being held accountable discussions".

God bless
Re: Asking for Prayer [message #6656 is a reply to message #6545] Fri, 15 January 2010 01:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sparkles  is currently offline sparkles
Messages: 246
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Hi Sincerely,
We miss you, where have you been?

"There comes a stage when you can't do any more."
Boy, is that ever true. I am trying to learn that myself right now in a situation with my family. I remember we use to sing a song that said:
"Only believe, only believe.
All things are possible, only believe."

Hope all is going well with you and your family. It is fun having a saint from Australia sharing with all of us. Living here in Michigan in the Midwest I get more snow and cold than some of the other brethren on this site. I must say, I really do enjoy it. Do you get snow where you live? Being summer there I would think it is quite hot.
Well, hope to hear from you again soon. Lord bless.

Re: Asking for Prayer [message #6658 is a reply to message #6656] Fri, 15 January 2010 01:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 53
Registered: December 2006
G'day Sage,

Thanks for your kind thoughts.

This is just a quick note as my daughter, husband, 3 children & 2 dogs will be arriving in a few hours.

I have never seen snow. It is very hot here at the moment, but we did have some rain. I have 5 acres to tend to. My husband loved trees & planted them everywhere he could. That is nice but also a lot of work when mowing & cleaning; another reason why I am not writing at this time. I have to pick up branches before I can mow. Prickly fern comes up everywhere. Very peaceful if you don't mind leaves & mess.

People are telling me to downsize but God will tell me what to do & when. He has a plan for my life & for all of us. We have been prepared, haven't we? I always relate to the "The Harness of the Lord".

"Only believe" was one of the first choruses I learnt nearly 60 years ago.

Someone sent me this today

God bless all
Re: Asking for Prayer [message #6663 is a reply to message #6658] Fri, 15 January 2010 03:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
Messages: 319
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I discern that your yardwork is difficult for you. As you praise the Lord while working in the large yard, He wants to be like a gourd over Jonah to you. He is the God of all comfort. Remember we are God's garden 1 Cor. 3:9 For we are laborers together with God, ye are God's husbandry, (farm or garden,) ye are God's building.

These words came to me, Abaddon the destroyer King of locusts, is the meaning of the name, is behind the h1n1 virus in U.S. We are praying against this as mentioned in other posts.

Joel 2:25 and I will restore unto you the years that the locust has eaten. The devil when driven out with our praise, then we shall be restored. We also drive out all destructions Ps.9:6 oh thou enemy destructions have come to a perpetual end. We want only the first part of that verse for U.S..

Ps.107:20 He sent his word and healed them and delivered them from all their destructions. See now I have seen your yard in the Spirit. posted in bible blessings my mother in laws yard and table. by the way it is mary and not Martha thanks for the correction. we must be busy and also sit at Jesus feet. Balanced. Another thought.At his feet or under them our choice.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
Re: Asking for Prayer [message #6668 is a reply to message #6663] Sat, 16 January 2010 00:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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Please pray for my daughter and son-in-law. He lost his mom this afternoon. She was saved. PTL



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: Asking for Prayer [message #6669 is a reply to message #6668] Sat, 16 January 2010 01:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sparkles  is currently offline sparkles
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Sure will keep your family in prayer. Praise the Lord she is with Jesus now, what joy she must be experiencing. What we all look forward to one day, seeing our savior face to face and entering into His joy and peace.
Re: Asking for Prayer [message #6679 is a reply to message #6669] Sun, 17 January 2010 19:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. 1 Cor. 15:54 Very Happy



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: Asking for Prayer [message #6694 is a reply to message #6668] Tue, 19 January 2010 21:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 53
Registered: December 2006

There is always the loss as well as the rejoicing that our loved one has experienced what we are all aiming for ourselves -to be with the Lord.

May your family know His comfort in their grief.
Re: Asking for Prayer [message #6698 is a reply to message #6694] Wed, 20 January 2010 00:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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Thank you Sage, sincerely, and everyone else. His Word really is a great comfort.



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: Asking for Prayer [message #6699 is a reply to message #6698] Wed, 20 January 2010 17:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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You have my comfort in your loss. A few weeks ago I was ministering in a nursing home I go to regularly. Afew people were missing,some were there. They were holding back but as I ministered some began to cry. When I left I knew not why, just knew something has happened. I called last night to go back tomorrow. The lady that answered said she has only been working there 2 days. The day or two before I went last time the activities director passed away.

My message will be from the Lord, but to start it off, I will use the new lady as a example of resurection. how the person passes from the old to the new. How that we can rejoice to know that we can have eternal life. then a few things about joy now and joy forever.

It is no coininsidence that we are talking about 2 different situations here. to be clear 2 losses. Let him that has a ear hear what the Spirit is saying, my people as you walk with me and crucify-put to death the flesh, of all self, I will bring life into this forum and make you a specticle to the whole world. or I will make it a death and a hiss and boo to the world. remember death and life are in the power of the tongue. write my word as you are my epistles to be read of all men to bring me glory, I will bless.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
Re: Asking for Prayer [message #6700 is a reply to message #6699] Thu, 21 January 2010 01:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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"It is no coincidence that we are talking about 2 different situations here. to be clear 2 losses.

Let him that has a ear hear what the Spirit is saying, my people as you walk with me and crucify-put to death the flesh, of all self, I will bring life into this forum and make you a spectacle to the whole world. or I will make it a death and a hiss and boo to the world. remember death and life are in the power of the tongue. write my word as you are my epistles to be read of all men to bring me glory, I will bless."

Brother Dave,

I believe you have the mind of the Lord more than you will ever know. I also believe this is the most important post, to date, in this forum. I will let the Word of the Lord speak for itself.



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: Asking for Prayer [message #6702 is a reply to message #6699] Thu, 21 January 2010 16:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
william  is currently offline william
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brodav9 wrote:
> It is no coininsidence that we are talking about 2 different situations here. to be clear 2 losses. Let him that has a ear hear what the Spirit is saying, my people as you walk with me and crucify-put to death the flesh, of all self, I will bring life into this forum and make you a specticle to the whole world. or I will make it a death and a hiss and boo to the world. remember death and life are in the power of the tongue. write my word as you are my epistles to be read of all men to bring me glory, I will bless.

I must be missing something here... is this supposed to be a prophecy?
I really don't get it at all.

When I saw GWB's response saying that this was one of the most important
posts on here I thought that I had better seek a clearer and maybe a
less wordy explanation.

1. Two situations? Are you referring to the two deaths mentioned in
this thread?

2. Walk with Jesus and die to self. (I get this part.)

3. Life to this forum. Here you make a statement that is conditional
upon walking with Jesus and dying to self. Here is the problem --who is
it that must be walking with Jesus in order for your 'word' to be
fulfilled? All of us? Most of us? A few of us? One of us? I'll just
tell you right now that I don't receive any "word" for this forum that
is dependent upon whether or not you, (or anyone else) is walking with

4. Spectacle to the whole world. Sounds like someone is a little
confused as to the extent of our influence!

5. Death and a hiss and a boo to this world. They hated Jesus,
they'll hate us.

6. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. This is why I don't
receive your 'word'. Not that I'm that interested in building a
mega-forum or anything, but I'm certainly not going to amen something as
unclear as your post.

7. Our lives are living epistles (my paraphrase). I agree with this!

If you could explain yourself, I would appreciate it, if not, then
consider me one of those who does not have an ear to hear your


[Updated on: Thu, 21 January 2010 16:22]

Re: Asking for Prayer [message #6703 is a reply to message #6702] Fri, 22 January 2010 16:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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brother m. I want to apologise, for the Lord showed me that what I was writing part of it was for me. meaning that I included strong meat--which he was giving me in order to bring forth the prophesy. That was the 2 deaths. I'm not supposed to explain that for it would be difficult. For it is strong meat.

The prophesy, which you have said is hard to understand means that at that point you are desiring a personal understanding. I did not have to give you the understanding, for you already have it by the Spirit and I am going to help you see it.

first let me say that you are my friend, and it is because of this forum, and my being able to minister to it by the Spirit I was ushered into a fullness of the Spirit so that God could reveal to me my call into the 5-fold ministry. So there is the glory of God that rests on the forum.

that is just one of the wonderful things God can do with this forum. I know it sounded to you differently than maybe someone else, boo and hiss. I'm sorry if that offended you, it was meant to bring things into good order. I know you appreciate good order on the forum.

If there is any personal discrepancies, and brothers and sisters send each other personal messages --PMS, then they will not look like a division and strife,boo and hiss to the world, the word of God tells us with all wisdom get understanding. I think that if we apply this to the body of Christ, we can see that if a word which is out of the wisdom of God, should come we should seek understanding.

I am going to prove that I live by what I say for I am going to send you a PM right now to give you the word of the Lord, that is because it is strong meat and others may not understand it. It is a word of love so all will know it's not a word of hatefulness. God bless readers

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
Re: Asking for Prayer [message #6704 is a reply to message #6703] Fri, 22 January 2010 16:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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I believe this is a prophecy in the form of an exhortation (Charismatic Body Ministry, page 12) to anyone who wants to receive it. Everyone has the right to discern what was brought forth and I believe that the validity of the prophecy is not contingent on whether people want to receive it or not. We sit back and wait to see whether it is fulfilled or not; that is the test to validate a prophecy.

We are spectacles to the world. This is the www. Anyone and everyone can stop by and see what is going on among the brethren. We are also spectacles when we walk before men in everyday life.

I believe the hiss and boo part is about the world. Yes, they hate and mock us. Sometimes they are right in their judgments. Sometimes we hiss and boo among ourselves. This is something we must guard against. I think brodav9 makes a good point about PMs. I think Sage brought this up as well. It is something I am still trying to figure out in the forum setting. Forgive me if I was wrong in saying we could discuss everything in front of the world. Now I see it is not a good idea.

Death and life are certainly in the power of the tongue. There is nothing wrong with asking for clarification.

The martyr part, I did find that hard to chew, even though it is the Word. It is not fun getting killed for what you believe.

I think the prophecy had all of the nuts and bolts of FA; the crucified life, martyrdom in Christianity, positive thinking and confession, (writing when communicating), and The Sermon on the Mount. I still think this is a serious Word, from the Lord through brodav9, for a serious people. Absolutely no pun intended. I just like the way you put it one time, moulder, and I am using it here.

Sorry if I have offended anyone in this forum. That is not my intention and I want to respect the goals of this forum and my brothers and sisters who are here.



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: Asking for Prayer [message #6707 is a reply to message #6704] Fri, 22 January 2010 21:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sparkles  is currently offline sparkles
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"Sorry if I have offended anyone in this forum. That is not my intention and I want to respect the goals of this forum and my brothers and sisters who are here."

Thanks, but no offense taken here. I certainly don't feel you were trying to be disrespectful of the people or goals here. We are all learning and are being conformed into the image of Christ, but none of us have arrived. I sure know I haven't. If I was too harsh, I am sorry. When there is a disagreement in something we all need to seek the Lord and see what happened and why. What was done to you years back was wrong, but you can't change the past, only forgive and go on with your life. If people don't forgive and forget the past it will change them into a bitter, resentful, hateful person and be a weight and burden.
That is one reason the Lord makes it so clear how important it is to forgive and forget. And that is one nice thing when dealing with brothers and sisters in Christ, we can be forgiven and forgive. And as Psalm 103:8-12 says:

"The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.
He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever.
He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.
For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.
As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us."

So if Jesus does this for us, we need to do the same,
forgive(whether it's others or ourselves)and keep pressing on.
Please PM me if you would like to clear the air on anything, I would be glad to make sure everything is fine. But on my end, there are no bad or hurt feelings at all. Lord bless you.

Re: Asking for Prayer [message #7471 is a reply to message #6707] Tue, 09 November 2010 13:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
David Coleman  is currently offline David Coleman
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Just wanted to share the opportunity with others so they can participate in what is happening here.

At this moment am being surrounded with people who are interested in hearing about things of the bible. questions like Charismatic teachings. Also a door to minister music has opened again. Some times we can miss the simple things. The truck has been in the shop over 3 monthes so have been held up. It came to me to ask if people could help with cart equipment. That was the only real hold up.

It will amaze people to see so much equipment come out of so small a car. By the way mother in law is letting me use her car. God uses whatever means we need,. Hopeful that the Lord will place many people in our paths to share the good news. Also that he will do that for you.

So may your prayers be united with mine to see God do great things. amen.

faith-- forsake all I trust him. Baal-- believe apostacy all lost. bible-- believe in bible life eternal.
Re: Asking for Prayer [message #7473 is a reply to message #7471] Wed, 10 November 2010 01:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
JWBTI  is currently offline JWBTI
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Brothers & Sisters,

I ask that you intercede for Grandom on behalf of his son Rick.
Grandom is on his way to the hospital now to minister to his needs.

We thank you Jesus for hearing our prayers !

It is Your report that we Believe !

Thank you all in Jesus Name

Re: Asking for Prayer [message #7475 is a reply to message #7473] Wed, 10 November 2010 13:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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I am praying fervently until I hear the good report.



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: Asking for Prayer [message #7477 is a reply to message #7475] Wed, 10 November 2010 13:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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I am stepping out on a limb, here; Cyber Body Ministry.

While praying for your situation, Grandom, I believe He gave me Psalm 117 for you.

Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles!
Laud Him, all you peoples.
For His merciful kindness is great toward us,
And the truth of the Lord endures forever.



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: Asking for Prayer [message #7479 is a reply to message #7477] Wed, 10 November 2010 20:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 53
Registered: December 2006
I am praying.

Members from here were kind enough & cared enough to pray for me & I have felt the strength of those prayers so that I didn't stay crumpled under the heavy oppression, but able to consider not the circumstances, but consider Him....

To have prayer support & the love of fellow Christians is invaluable.

God bless,

Re: Asking for Prayer [message #7492 is a reply to message #7473] Mon, 15 November 2010 12:53 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
grandom  is currently offline grandom
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My thanks to JWBTI for posting prayer request on my behalf.
Thanks to GWB and Sincerely for your prayers.
My son is out of the hospital and in my home.
God has graciously granted much healing .
God Bless you all.
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