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Messianic Judaism [message #6852] Wed, 24 February 2010 01:02 Go to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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I know quite a few people in the Messianic Judaism movement. I believe that people need to be very, very careful concerning legalism towards the Sabbath and when celebrating the Feasts.

We are free in Jesus.

“The law is a means of education pointing to Christ. It is not a means of salvation, which is only by faith.” (Dr. Freeman, Seventh Day Adventist tape)

There is deception that is being propagated within the Messianic Judaism movement. I am not saying that the entire movement is “off” or wrong. I have, personally, learned much from studying the Feasts. However, in observing some within the movement, there are seven areas of deception that are prevalent.

1. Legalism concerning the Sabbath.
2. The problem of Law and Grace
3. Herbert W. Armstrong and the World Wide Church of God
4. Anglo-Israelism (The 10 Lost Tribes of Israel Error)
5. Seventh Day Adventism
6. Denies the Personality of the Holy Spirit
7. The Names of God Errors

Lew White is a false teacher who is propagating this deception in my area (Kentuckiana). His books are published by Ambassador College which is Herbert W. Armstrong's publishing company. He also owns and operates Electric LadyLand. It is a headshop on Bardstown Road in Louisville. Hmmm....sure wish someone would take this one on from the Ethics series.

I have also called Jewish Voice Ministries, who I support. They knew of him and agreed with me.

It took some time, but I believe I have pin pointed much of his deception in the following outlines within this topic.

I do not feel that my outlines replace listening to the teachings for yourself. I, definately, need help in learning how to outline the teachings. With this being said, any and all help will be cheerfully received!

Dr. Freeman believed that his books and teachings would be used in the end-times. I believe this is happening as we see doctrines of demons flying around everywhere. I also believe that OO is being used as well.

[Updated on: Sat, 27 February 2010 17:33]



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: Messianic Judaism [message #6869 is a reply to message #6852] Fri, 26 February 2010 05:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
william  is currently offline william
Messages: 1462
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Thanks for taking the time to post your notes GWB. Concerning the first
two points --the Sabbath, and the Law; this is the same things that the
early Church had to deal with. You can imagine how difficult it would be
for a practicing Jew to accept the tenets of Christianity. Those
Judiazers that Paul had to confront had a whole arsenal of OT doctrine
they could use in their attempts to frighten the new converts.

Just take the circumcision issue... here you have generation after
generation that practiced the ritual in order to assure that they were not
cut off from the covenant, and then you've got this new teaching that says
that salvation is by grace, and that circumcision is no longer necessary!

Would you want to be the first generation of Jews to not circumcise your
firstborn? It had to be a tough choice to make.

To make an imperfect analogy, it would be like someone from our circles
finding out that Jesus was born on December 25th, had a decorated tree
with a star on top in the manger, and that He expected us to honor Him on
that day (I said it was an imperfect analogy!!)... could we just give up
all that we had been taught and with a cheerful heart begin to celebrate?
It would be tough.

That really could not even come close to what those early Jews had to
endure because they sometimes lost everything with the decision to follow

Heb 10:32-33 But call to remembrance the former days, in which, after ye
were illuminated, ye endured a great fight of afflictions; Partly, whilst
ye were made a gazingstock both by reproaches and afflictions; and partly,
whilst ye became companions of them that were so used.

This was made all the harder for them because they, and they alone, HAD

It was much easier for the gentiles. Their religions had very little that
would provide them with a strong and convincing faith. All of their
mythological stories were about as believable as the legend of Paul Bunyan
would be to us. It was nothing to compare with the actual historical
events and revelation that was found in the Jewish religion.


Re: Messianic Judaism [message #6870 is a reply to message #6852] Fri, 26 February 2010 06:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
william  is currently offline william
Messages: 1462
Registered: January 2006
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Hey, I just noticed that you've added to your original post... good stuff.
You should post something to let us know when you update. You can always
delete the update notice after a day or so!


Re: Messianic Judaism [message #6877 is a reply to message #6870] Sat, 27 February 2010 16:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
Messages: 708
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Location: Louisville, Ky area
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Hey moulder,

Thanks for the info about the updates notice..will do. Smile

Also, the comments about the early believers were very good. In thinking about it again, it would have been very radical in dealing with the "freedom and grace" issues after hundreds of years of being under the law.

Consider this post a notice to updating my first original post, and to the Seventh Day Adventist outline. I got my notes confused between SDA and HWArmstrong. Embarassed They have very similar points.

Thanks for your patience! Rolling Eyes Again, pray for my PC skills! Laughing

[Updated on: Sat, 27 February 2010 16:40]



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: Messianic Judaism [message #6878 is a reply to message #6877] Sat, 27 February 2010 16:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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TAPE #381



1. Founded by William Miller

a. Daniel Chapter 9 error
b. Legalism towards the Sabbath
c. The false teaching of Ellen G. White and Seventh Day Adventism (SDA)
d. HEF “No one knoweth the day or how but the Father.” Mt. 24:36
e. Salvation by works (HEF Read Galations)

2. Marks of a cult

a. False Prophecy
b. False Teaching

1) The false teaching of Ellen D. White and Seventh Day Adventism (SDA).


1. The Atonement of Christ is unfinished.

a. Dr. Freeman (HEF) You cannot sacrifice by works.
b. False prophecy of Christ’s return in 1844 by Wm. Miller (SDA founder).
c. Because Christ did not return in 1844, SDA said that sin is on a Book of Records in heaven.
d. SDA believe that, at that time, our sins were transferred to heaven and Jesus is investigating our sin.
e. HEF Heb 9, 10:11-14 “Jesus is the complete sacrifice.” “It is finished.” “It was not finished in 1844!”

2. The Atonement is complete because Satan is the final sin bearer.

a. HEF Atonement means covering of sin; one goat was used.
b. The bearing away of sin; another goat was used (scape goat)
c. SDA believe the scape goat is Satan
d. HEF Both goats were pure and spotless and both typified Christ bearing away sin.

3. Legalistic and Sabatarian

a. To be under moral and ceremonial law is bondage, putting you under the curse. Galations 2:3
b. We are under grace Ro 6:14
c. Concerning meats (pork), “It is what comes out of a man that defiles him.” Mark 7:14-19.
d. All is to be received and cleansed by prayer. I Tim 4
e. Sabbath is a covenant to Israel; not to the Church.
f. If you lit a fire, cooked, traveled too far, etc., it was death! Jer 17:20, Ex 35:3, Ex 31:12-17.
g. The law is a means of education (pointing to Christ) and not salvation.
h. 4th century Catholic Church decreed Sunday for their people. Sunday was seen as the Lord’s Day in NT.
i. “..if one esteems (Wed. to Sun.) one day to another” We worship and honor God everyday!
j. Sabbath is covenant to Jews about Jesus; Sunday is celebration of resurrection for Christians.
k. NT Jews celebrated both! Paul did so he could be “all things to all men to win some.” Acts
l. Lord’s Day is Sunday: Acts 20:7, 1 Cor. 16:2, Rev. 1:10.
m. Everything was abolished at the cross; the Sabbaths, etc.; “..blotting out of ordinances.” Col. 2:13-17
n. The keeping of righteousness, contained in the law, was never annulled. They are eternal principles.
o. Like Abraham, we are saved by faith and not by keeping the law. Galations
p. The law is so righteous that no man can keep it and it magnifies sin. It is a school master to bring people to grace. Fruit follows salvation; not works of righteousness.

4. Soul Sleep

a. SDA take Acts 7, 1Thess. 4 literally when it states “fell asleep.”
b. Math. 17. The soul is alive and conscious.
c. Examples: Moses and Elijah, Lazarus and the rich man, who was a sinner and not asleep! (Luke 16:19-31), the thief on the cross (Luke 23:40-43), “…we are present with the Lord” (Phil 1:21-23), “…absent with the body is with the Lord” (II Cor. 5:8), Ps 73:24, Rev. 6:9-11.

5. SDA denies hell and eternal punishment.

a. SDA use Mal. 4:3 “…for they shall be ashes under your feet” literally and not figuratively.
b. HEF The destruction is eternal. Job 21:30, Ps 52:1-5, John 3:36, Is. 66:24, Math. 25:46, Luke 16:19-31, John 3:36, Rev. 14:9-11 “…smoke of their torment rises up forever.” Rev. 20:10, Mark 9:43 “….hell fire that never shall be quenched.”

6. Anglo-Israelism

This is a separate tape with a separate outline.

7. SDA is based on false prophecy and false doctrine.

*These notes are a work in progress concerning the seven areas of deception. These are my personal notes taken from the teaching tapes of Dr. Freeman. People are more than welcome to challenge, or help with, my interpretation of the teachings. These outlines do not replace listening to the teachings yourself. There are just too many gems in the teachings to include on an outline. I would be thrilled to have people listening to these teachings again and discuss them. In the meantime, I will continue to outline the teaching as I have time.*

[Updated on: Sat, 27 February 2010 16:36]



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: Messianic Judaism [message #6879 is a reply to message #6878] Sat, 27 February 2010 16:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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TAPE #375 Part 1



1. Will be false prophets and cults making some depart from the faith. Teach half truths and deception seeps in; twist Word to own destruction. (1 Tim. 4:1)

a. Herbert W. Armstrong (HWA) prophesied an atomic holocaust January 7, 1972.
b. We are still here and it did not happen! It was a false prophesy.
c. HWA was a false prophet. His son, Garner Armstrong, is a false teacher.
d. HWA member of Seventh Day Adventism; Church of God Adventism.
e. HWA does/did not tell followers all that he believed until they were/are “hooked.”

2. HWA No true churches.

a. The church of today is a false church and a false gospel.
b. There are no “true” churches.
c. HWA radio program is The World Tomorrow Broadcast
d. HWA magazine is The Plain Truth
e. HWA son (Garner Armstrong) is still teaching this error
f. Half truths seep in and twist the Word to own destruction.

3. HWA Background

a. Came out of Seventh Day Adventism and Church of God Adventism
b. HWA and his son are/were members.
c. States faith in Jesus, but, salvation is through the law (10 commandments)
d. The people in Galations were deceived about this.
e. It is through FAITH alone!
f. HWA is a false gospel!
g. Paul said, “It is faith alone and without works of the law.”


1. Denies hell and eternal punishment.

a. The wicked will be annilated (evaporate).
b. HWA uses Mal. 4:9 “..burn them up like stubble.”
c. HEF Is. 66:24 “…worm will not die or the fire quenched.”
d. HEF The soul is immortal and eternal and cannot be burned up.
e. OT is a shadow and NT is veiled.
f. Jesus said, “Hell will never be quenched.” Mark 9:43.
g. Jesus said, “…worm die not” in direct reference to Is. 66:24.
h. HWA Those who don’t celebrate Sabbath will take mark of the beast.
i. Rev. 14:9-11 “..wrath…tormented…fire…forever.”

2. Christians should keep the Sabbath (7th Day).

a. HEF Sunday is for the resurrection of Christ.
b. HWA Cannot eat pork.
c. HEF Salvation is not in doing or not doing, but in FAITH.
d. HWA bound by a deceiving spirit.
e. Mark 7:14 Grace has set us free.
f. Things that enter a man are not what defile him. (v. 17) It is what enters the heart, not the belly.
g. 1 Tim. 4 Paul said, “…seducing spirits and doctrines of demons.” Example: Forbidding to marry Catholics) and abstaining from meats.
h. Vegetarianism is mark of a cult and Eastern religions. If you abstain out of religious consideration, it is false.
i. You cannot find scripture where Sabbath is changed. Disciples met on 1st day to worship (1 Cor 16) First day is risen (John 20).
j. Paul is on journey the first day. Acts 20:7.
k. Rev. 1:1 John on the Lord’s Day; first day of the week.
l. Jewish Christians observed both and went to the temple before destroyed.
m. Went on Sabbath to synagogue to minister to Jews and commune with other Jews.
n. After Acts 13, church is Gentile.
o. Before Acts 13, covenant to Jews alone, not to Gentiles.
p. Col. 2:14 Christ’s death blots out ordinances (law). The law always ministers death, not life.
q. Law nailed to the cross; meats, drinks, Sabbath day, marrying, new moon…let no man beguile you of reward….humility.”
r. Do not use liberty as occasion to the flesh. You will find out you are free, but not free to sin.
s. Christ fulfilled the law of Moses. Mth. 24 “Temple destroyed…be raised up in 3 days.”

3. Salvation is incomplete through Christ

a. HWA Salvation is a process if you keep law of Bible. No one instantly saved and Christ did not complete the law.
b. HEF Works of Christ to complete salvation. John 5:24 “…has passed from death to life..shall come under judgement.”
c. To be under the law in any sense is to be under its curse.
d. You do not violate the law or 10 commandments! That should prove you are under grace if you willfully sin.
e. It is another thing to say I am justified or salvation completed by works of the law.
f. HWA practices Christmas according to article, “Why the World Needs Christmas.”
g. You do not force your light on anyone! Just teach the Word. You do not have to force your views.
h. There are only 3 things we are told to celebrate: Communion of bread and cup, baptism by water, and washing of feet.
i. Jn. 3:12 “…except be born again.” “…he is a new creation.” II Cor. 10:7
j. HWA Christian is not born again when he believes on Christ until the resurrection.
k. 4th Century Catholics did not establish Saturday to Sunday for Christians. It was done just for their church.

4. The Blood of Christ does not save a man! Shocked

a. HWA The Blood of Christ paid price for PAST sins, not future.
b. Only saved by keeping laws and if you overcome.
c. HEF Read Heb. 10:12-14, Heb 9. Jesus offered sacrifice for sin forever.
d. “…one offering..perfect forever to those who believe.” Ro. 5:6-10, 1 Peter 1:18-19.

5. Denies God is personality of Holy Spirit.

a. We are persons, God is spirit.
b. HEF Holy Spirit is power, love, life, presence.
c. HWA Holy Spirit is abstract power. Cannot speak, think, be grieved, inspire.
d. HWA call Holy Spirit “an it.”
e. HEF Jn 14:26, and throughout the entire NT, calls it the masculine Greek, He.
f. HEF The Holy Spirit is the Comforter, He will teach you all things, it is not feminine in the Greek. It is a He.
g. John 16 Holy Spirit is a He. “He is the Spirit of Truth.”

6. Denies Trinity

a. The word “trinity” is not used in the NT.
b. Tri “unity”; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
c. HWA says contradiction in 3 Gods.
d. Unitarians denies holiness of God.
e. Prove scripture by scripture.
f. HWA defends oneness of God by math and not qualitative.
g. God is what He revealed Himself to be in the Word.
h. One divine Spirit who eternally manifests Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
i. Luke 3:21-22 All 3 together when Jesus was baptized and Holy Spirit descended; a voice said, “Thou art my Son.”
j. HEF This is a defense against Oneness, HWA, and Adventists.

7. Teaches Soul Sleep (unconscious at death)

a. HWA The dead are not with Jesus
b. HWA The dead will awake at resurrection.
c. HWA use Acts 7 “…he fell asleep.” 1 Thess. 4 “…dead raised.”
d. HEF Paul said, “..those who are asleep in Christ He will bring with them.”
e. HEF The spirit is NOT asleep!
f. Luke 16 Lazarus and the rich man in Hades; “…he opened his eyes to torment.”
g. Luke 16 Lazarus and the rich man in hell; “…lift up his eyes…in torment and saw Abraham.”
h. Mth 17, Heb. 12:1 “…great cloud of witnesses!”

8. Anglo-Israelism

a. Covered on Part 2 Tape on next outline
b. The 10 lost tribes are not lost and will show you right where they are!

*These notes are a work in progress concerning the seven areas of deception. These are my personal notes taken from the teaching tapes of Dr. Freeman. People are more than welcome to challenge, or help with, my interpretation of the teachings. These outlines do not replace listening to the teachings yourself. There are just too many gems in the teachings to include on an outline. I would be thrilled to have people listening to these teachings again and discuss them. In the meantime, I will continue to outline the teachings as I have time.*

[Updated on: Thu, 04 March 2010 15:16]



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: Messianic Judaism [message #6882 is a reply to message #6879] Sat, 27 February 2010 22:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
Messages: 708
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TAPE 376 Part 2


A. Introduction

1. HWA United States and Great Britain are the 10 lost tribes.

a. HEF After death of Solomon, there were 10 tribes in Northern Israel.
b. HEF The tribe of Judah and Benjamin composed the Southern tribes; Israelites.
c. HEF 722 BC Assyrians came into Palestine and took captive to Assyria
d. HEF 586 BC 2 tribes to Babylonia, Jeremiah prophecy.

B. HWA 10 tribes were lost and migrated to Great Britain and USA; ancestors of Saxons/Anglo.

1. HWA Judah is Jew; Judah rejected Jesus

a. HEF Romans, Jesus is from the tribe of Judah.
b. HWA All promises go to Israel (replacement theology GWB) and the two kingdoms never united.
c. Levi (priestly kingdom) Joseph’s sons: Ephriam (Israel) and Manassah.
d. II Sam. 7:13 “David’s throne never lack.” The queen of Great Britain is the Queen of Israel.
e.HWA Danube River is a marker from the tribe of Dan.
f. HEF says that HWA does not know his languages or he would not have made such a blunder!
g. HWA took Isaac; dropped the I, leaving saac, making that Saac which = Saxon!
h. HEF Hebrew does not use vowels. Hebrew would be Ysaac in British.
i. HEF Covenant = yhwsh (brit), Brit-ish (man) = HWA men of covenant.
j. HEF Bertish = Hebrew = covenant of man!
k. After Ezk. 37:15 “Israel will be one nation; speaks of one nation.
l. 2 sticks: Judah/Joseph (Israel) Ephraim into 1 stick in My hand.
m. Children from among heathen make one nation.
n. HWA God is done with Judah and has rejected them. (Replacement Theology GWB)
o. False cults know just a little and out of harmony with rest of the Word. Twist Word to own destruction.
p. HEF After division, Jews and Israel (12 tribes) are interchangeable.
q. Acts 21:39 “I am a Jew; Ro. 11:1 “I am an Israelite” Paul is both!
r. Phil 3:5 “Tribe of Benjamen (Jew).” HWA says rejected (Replacement Theology GWB).
s. HEF Jew-Child of Abraham; Israelite – child of Jacob = both are the same!

C. HEF All 12 tribes came back after the 2 captivities.

1. HEF Ezra 1 King Cyrus (Pagan king of Syria/Babylon/Persia) was used to restore Jews/Israel to the land. OT proof.

a. HEF Any Jew anywhere was allowed to return to the land.
b. Ezra 2:28 List of those who returned to Palestine. “…men of Bethel, Ahi…223 men.”
c. Bethel was a Northern king and city, as well as, Ahi.
d. Ezra 2:70 Even more are listed.
e. “…All Israel in their cities.”
f. I Chron. 9:3 Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim and Manasseh (Judah!)
g. I Chron. 1 Names of returned…all Israel reckoned genealogy.
h. Ezra 6:17 “Sin offering for ALL the tribes (12) of Israel, 12 he goats for All of the tribes.
i. ALL 12 tribes dedicated the new temple. No need of 12 sacrifices if 10 were written off.

2. More detailed in Every Wind of Doctrine (page 66).

3. NT Proof

a. Acts 26:7 Speaks of 12 tribes of Israel. “…unto one promise are 12 tribes serving; serving God day and night.
b. First written about in NT in James 1:1. “…James to the 12 tribes scattered abroad…”

4. HEF All 12 scattered by then; a remnant of each left in Israel.

a. II Sam. 7:13, II Sam. 12 Nathan to David, “…build a house (until Jesus) for my name (church)…but not continually.
b. Last king 586 BC of Judah (Zedikiah)
c. 1947 Israel became a sovereign state. 586-1947 Israel was under the rule of the world.
d. Hosea 3:4 “…no king on David’s throne.” …HEF “until Jesus sits on it at 2nd advent. David was a type of Christ. Christ son of David to flesh

D. HEF Paul said He rejected Israel

a. HEF Ro. 11 “…until the fullness of the Gentiles is fulfilled.”
b. HEF Blindness in part of Israel
c. HWA Uses this to say Israel is totally rejected (Replacement Theo. GWB)
d. HEF You would have to reject SCORES of promises to unite Israel. It is a large part of the Bible!
e. Restore King and land.
f. Zek. 14 Promises restoration of the land.

*In the Ezekiel Series, HEF states that in 70 AD, the Romans came, destroyed the second temple, and at that time, many Jewish people disbursed throughout the world. There are remnants of every tribe in Israel today. GWB

This is all I am going to outline in exposing the seven deceptions. The Names of God are covered under the topic Bible Issues started by grandom.

*These notes are a work in progress concerning the seven areas of deception. These are my personal notes taken from the teaching tapes of Dr. Freeman. People are more than welcome to challenge, or help with, my interpretation of the teachings. These outlines do not replace listening to the teachings yourself. There are just too many gems in the teachings to include on an outline. I would be thrilled to have people listening to these teachings again and discuss them.*

[Updated on: Sun, 28 February 2010 19:51]



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: Messianic Judaism [message #7048 is a reply to message #6852] Mon, 19 April 2010 14:50 Go to previous message
james  is currently offline james
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GWB wrote on Tue, 23 February 2010 19:02

I know quite a few people in the Messianic Judaism movement. I believe that people need to be very, very careful concerning legalism towards the Sabbath and when celebrating the Feasts.

We are free in Jesus.

“The law is a means of education pointing to Christ. It is not a means of salvation, which is only by faith.” (Dr. Freeman, Seventh Day Adventist tape)

There is deception that is being propagated within the Messianic Judaism movement. I am not saying that the entire movement is “off” or wrong. I have, personally, learned much from studying the Feasts. However, in observing some within the movement, there are seven areas of deception that are prevalent.

1. Legalism concerning the Sabbath.
2. The problem of Law and Grace
3. Herbert W. Armstrong and the World Wide Church of God
4. Anglo-Israelism (The 10 Lost Tribes of Israel Error)
5. Seventh Day Adventism
6. Denies the Personality of the Holy Spirit
7. The Names of God Errors

I totally missed this thread which started the end of February(I must have had my mind on taxes). But these same issues that GWB has brought up, The Holy Spirit has been showing me. I mentioned them in a couple of posts how I see people being drawn in to the legalism of obeying the Law and starting to follow after Jewish traditions, thinking that they are pleasing God.

There's a growing segment of Christians who have really gotten into the Jewish traditions as to celebrating the Feasts, keeping the Sabbath, Levitical Laws, and have willingly placed themselves under bondage to obey that which Jesus set us free from. I've seen on TV false preacher/prophets who are concentrating their ministry on this, drawing people back into bondage with the promise that this is what pleases God. It destroys the Grace given us by Jesus' sacrifice at Calvary.

Thanks, Gillyann.

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