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Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9238 is a reply to message #9236] Sun, 06 January 2013 10:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gary  is currently offline Gary
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I really do believe God is calling His people to draw closer to Him in this hour. Especially when you see Christians promoting the demonic things of the world as the beginning post refers to.

Mark L thanks for writing this as I did not completely know of what was taking place. I spoke with a woman a while back who was all excited about this movie, "Twilight", and she ask me if I had read the book.

I did not even know what she was talking about as this was the first time I had heard of it. I thought it was just something about romance, she did not tell me it was dealing with vampires.

Thinking back to that moment I guess it is surprising that an adult would be drooling over some vampire novel.

They want God removed from the schools and society as a whole and then replace it with fantasy comic book characters.

It's just the "signs of the times"!

Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9239 is a reply to message #9238] Mon, 07 January 2013 05:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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Yes, it is coming in like a flood.

I am thankful for the basic and sound teaching. Smile



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9252 is a reply to message #9237] Fri, 11 January 2013 22:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 34
Registered: November 2012

Hello all...

I am sorry to be taking so long but this latest spanking has been hard to handle Heb 12:5-13.


When you said:

"Astounded that someone from FA thinks these movies are harmless and innocent entertainment."

were you referring to me?


Jesus told me this 33yrs ago: John 14:6 I still believe Him.

God's words shall be in your heart: you shall talk of them all day long. Deut 6:6-7

Test all things; Examine all things; Put all things on trial; Prove all things. 1Thes 5:21
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9253 is a reply to message #9252] Sat, 12 January 2013 02:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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We are very honest and blunt on here. Maybe too much so. We have discussed subjects, corrected each other, and have even argued, at times. But, we all still want to reach our goal to be like Jesus and to do His perfect will.

We truely are a family. We are the family of God. Siblings have a way of pushing buttons. If buttons are not pushed sometimes, people can't see that they are wrong and need to change their ways or thinking.

It has not been easy at times. I believe iron sharpens iron. These people are tough on here. They know Jesus and the Word. They are priceless. They are made of iron. Wink

I don't think anyone on here means to "hurt" anyone's feelings or to "spank" anyone. Personally, I could not find another resource like OO.

With that being said, do you believe Harry Potter is occult?

A simple yes or no is sufficient. Smile

[Updated on: Sat, 12 January 2013 02:29]



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9260 is a reply to message #9253] Tue, 15 January 2013 02:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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A Smoking Flax, I am glad you are on here! You obviously know the Word and have strong opinions. You fit right in!Wink

I am looking forward to seeing you in all of the sections. What else do you think about things?

Let's just put this one to rest. Smile



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9261 is a reply to message #9253] Tue, 15 January 2013 10:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 34
Registered: November 2012
Dear Gillian...

When I said that I was going through a "spanking" I put in the Hebrews 12:5-13 reference to chastisement from My Father in heaven (And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as unto children, My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when you are rebuked of Him: for whom the Lord loves He chastens, and spanks every son whom He receives. If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father does not chasten? But if you are without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then you are illegitimate, and not sons. Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? For they truly for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but He for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness. Now no chastening for the present seems to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.)
as the reason that I have been taking so long to state my purpose for my initial question.

I do not feel that anyone here has in any way been "spanking" me.

I have been and continue to be indisposed and I am able only to write a little each day. I am working on it; I hope to be finished soon.

P.S. a simple YES or NO answer would not allow me to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Please... be patient with me.


[Updated on: Tue, 15 January 2013 10:33]

Jesus told me this 33yrs ago: John 14:6 I still believe Him.

God's words shall be in your heart: you shall talk of them all day long. Deut 6:6-7

Test all things; Examine all things; Put all things on trial; Prove all things. 1Thes 5:21
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9262 is a reply to message #9261] Tue, 15 January 2013 18:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
Messages: 708
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Location: Louisville, Ky area
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You asked me if I was referring to you. I was.

It is a simple question that can be answered with a yes or no.

Will do. Nod I know we all get busy. Smile



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9285 is a reply to message #9262] Tue, 22 January 2013 09:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 34
Registered: November 2012

William, James, Gillyann, Mark L, and Gary.

I realize that I have taken an inordinate amount of time to make my point; but, as I have stated before, I have been indisposed for quite some time and I am not able to work as long or as efficiently as I normally would. (A fruit of the Spirit is patience.)

I thought “Overcomers Online” might be a forum which would allow interaction with anyone who wants to have a dialogue about any topic one may choose to discuss; especially as it relates to being an “Overcomer”?

Was I wrong?

My original question directed to Mark L, the author of the post “There’s Power in the Blood” was simply:

Just curious… What exactly do you find wrong with Harry Potter and The Lord of The Rings ?

But… before I could get to the point I was hoping to make:

William, James, GWB (Gillyann), Mark L, and later Alanbook (Gary) all responded to my question with the assumption that I did not have any spiritual “discernment” or Biblical teaching on “the Occult” and proceeded to teach me the Biblical principles and warnings with their personal observations and warnings, a suggestion that I ask The Lord for wisdom and discernment concerning these books and movies, one person thought I ‘might’ have compromised regarding the occult, I was given familial anecdotes, an interpretation of an author’s dream, and a statement that Hobart Freeman believed C.S. Lewis was influenced by the occult, along with six promptings for an admission or denial as to whether or not I thought there was anything wrong with Harry Potter and The Lord of The Rings .

It appears that none of you have actually read all of my testimony.

I spent the first 6 years after my conversion in “The Faith Message”.
I was part of a group that believed and taught and followed all of Hobart E. Freeman’s teachings.
I never missed a meeting; two-a-week along with extra meetings featuring guest teachers.
Both Steve Hill and Tom Hamilton taught at our local “Faith Assembly” affiliate.
I have never been to The “Faith Assembly”; but I believed and followed everything that Hobart Freeman believed and taught.

I was an “Overcomer”.
A member of God’s “Elite End Time Army”.
Knowing that My strong “Faith” would get Me through this life and take Me to My Special Rewards in heaven.
Rewards reserved only for Those of Us who “Overcome”.
Rev2:7,11,17,26; 3:5,12,21; 21:7
Everything that you understand, know and believe.
I know, understand and believed.

As a guest to your site I had hoped you would treat me with grace, decorum and respect.

And not like my friend who asked me what I thought about something; and without waiting for my answer, proceeded to tell me what he thought I thought about it; and then told me what was wrong with what he thought I thought about it. This kind of discourse is not what I would consider productive communication.

You may recall I explained that, in my experience, I have found that most people are incapable of having a real conversation because they are not interested in understanding what the other person is actually saying; instead, they Jump to conclusions, infer bad motives, misconstrue, and respond to things the other person never said or meant: they are incapable of true communication.

When I posted my thesis concerning my commitment to productive communication I noticed that none of you said that you agreed with any of the tenets presented there—apart from James; who also seemed to notice I never actually said anything about the books or movies but only asked Mark L what exactly ‘he’ thought was wrong with them and was waiting for me to make my point (albeit this was after also giving me advice).
On three different occasions I have sent my introduction to productive communication to people I was trying to communicate with, and not once has anyone written back to tell me that they agreed with even one of its tenets or that they would try to hold to the principles advocated in it; they all just pretended they never saw it.

Am I going to be able to exchange ideas with you in a reasonable and rational manner?

Because at this juncture it does not appear that communication with an unknown ‘outsider’ is really what you have in mind here.

As I explained in my second post; about the problem with the tract:

Through sharing God's Word with each other, God was showing us that we truly were brothers in Messiah Jesus. 1Cor 1:10
We knew that we were both sheep belonging to Jesus The Shepherd. John 10:27
Even though we had only met a few minutes before; I knew this man was a true Christian.
I knew because of his love for God's Word and for me: John 14:15
By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:35
I knew because of the way he reacted to my "criticism" of his ministry... Acts 18:24-26
He acted just like a man that wants to show Jesus to everyone that comes across his path. Luke 10:33-37
He treated me with respect and kindness, just as Jesus would. Phil 2:3

He acted as if we had been close brothers all of our lives;
And he was truly glad that I had cared enough to point out something to him that might need to be looked into or changed.

I was delighted to have had the opportunity to share with my brother all the things that God had been doing in my life.
And we both praised Jesus for all He had done in our lives!

Think about it...

I called him to point out something I thought was wrong (which took about 4 minutes to explain)...
and for the rest of our conversation (about 20 minutes):
We both got side-tracked into praising Jesus!
And talking about what Jesus was doing in our lives.
And sharing our Father's Word with each other.

JESUS was the center of everything that we thought and said during our time together. IT WAS GREAT!!!

I have been looking for Christians like this man; but I can't seem to find any.

This is why I am here… I am looking for Christians.

I will keep looking and remember that:
I once met a stranger who was more like a true brother (in every sense of the word) than any "christian" I have ever met.


Do I try to continue with the point I was hoping to make?

Or should I just move on?


[Updated on: Wed, 23 January 2013 00:20]

Jesus told me this 33yrs ago: John 14:6 I still believe Him.

God's words shall be in your heart: you shall talk of them all day long. Deut 6:6-7

Test all things; Examine all things; Put all things on trial; Prove all things. 1Thes 5:21
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9286 is a reply to message #9285] Tue, 22 January 2013 15:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
Messages: 2138
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Please continue...and brother, none of us here are perfected yet. As I've stated before, saying one is an overcomer doesn't anymore make one an overcomer than standing in a garage and thinking one is a car. We've all had our toes stepped on or been misunderstood, just believe the best about the other folks and trust The Lord for patience and understanding...and humility.(not refering to you per say, we all need to remember to do unto others as we'd have done unto ourselves.)

Every one on this forum comes from various backgrounds and different parts of the world and are at different places in their/our spiritual growth, with responsibilities and other interest; yet we all share the common link of a love for Jesus (and yes to one degree or another a bond to Faith Assembly/Hobart Freeman)

I do think you have been treated with respect; I know while I'm not the best at internet communication, I do try to share in love and with an open heart to learn and grow from the interaction with fellow believers.

Don't allow how others react to you and what you feel lead of The Lord to share(speaking to myself and anyone reading) to determine your victory and peace in Jesus.

"To him that overcometh..."

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9287 is a reply to message #9285] Tue, 22 January 2013 17:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
william  is currently offline william
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A_Smoking_Flax wrote on Tue, 22 January 2013 03:55


William, James, Gillyann, Mark L, and Gary.

I realize that I have taken an inordinate amount of time to make my point; but, as I have stated before, I have been indisposed for quite some time and I am not able to work as long or as efficiently as I normally would. (A fruit of the Spirit is patience.)

Yes you have, and yet you still have time to write these long explanations that don't explain anything. Patience IS a fruit of the Spirit and exasperation is a fruit of the flesh... right now I'm exasperated.


I thought “Overcomers Online” might be a forum which would allow interaction with anyone who wants to have a dialogue about any topic one may choose to discuss; especially as it relates to being an “Overcomer”?

Was I wrong?


I mean... just look at the facts. James has posted 1290 messages on this board, Alanbook weighs in at 41 (but we know him from a bulk of previous messages that are no longer here probably numbering in the neighborhood of 500 or so), GWB has 506, Mark? About 300, I've posted 975. Now compare that with your 11 posts which as you have admitted repeatedly, doesn't explain anything about your 'point'.


My original question directed to Mark L, the author of the post “There’s Power in the Blood” was simply:

Just curious… What exactly do you find wrong with Harry Potter and The Lord of The Rings ?

But… before I could get to the point I was hoping to make:

William, James, GWB (Gillyann), Mark L, and later Alanbook (Gary) all responded to my question with the assumption that I did not have any spiritual “discernment” or Biblical teaching on “the Occult” and proceeded to teach me the Biblical principles and warnings with their personal observations and warnings, a suggestion that I ask The Lord for wisdom and discernment concerning these books and movies, one person thought I ‘might’ have compromised regarding the occult, I was given familial anecdotes, an interpretation of an author’s dream, and a statement that Hobart Freeman believed C.S. Lewis was influenced by the occult, along with six promptings for an admission or denial as to whether or not I thought there was anything wrong with Harry Potter and The Lord of The Rings .

It appears that none of you have actually read all of my testimony.

That may be true but one only needs to look over the 1000's of messages that we've posted to be able to ascertain EXACTLY where our hearts are concerning a multitude of issues... not one of us has had a secret agenda. Blemished as we may be there isn't one person on here that I wouldn't love to spend a whole lot of time fellowshipping with. I would consider it a privilege to be in their presence... because I know them. I don't know you and even with your testimony I find it extremely frustrating that you can't seem to communicate one single post that would prompt me to want to find out more. But hey, that's just me... I cannot speak for the rest.


I spent the first 6 years after my conversion in “The Faith Message”.
I was part of a group that believed and taught and followed all of Hobart E. Freeman’s teachings.
I never missed a meeting; two-a-week along with extra meetings featuring guest teachers.
Both Steve Hill and Tom Hamilton taught at our local “Faith Assembly” affiliate.
I have never been to The “Faith Assembly”; but I believed and followed everything that Hobart Freeman believed and taught.

I was an “Overcomer”.
A member of God’s “Elite End Time Army”.
Knowing that My strong “Faith” would get Me through this life and take Me to My Special Rewards in heaven.
Rewards reserved only for Those of Us who “Overcome”.
Rev2:7,11,17,26; 3:5,12,21; 21:7

As a guest to your site I had hoped you would treat me with grace, decorum and respect.

And not like my friend who asked me what I thought about something; and without waiting for my answer, proceeded to tell me what he thought I thought about it; and then told me what was wrong with what he thought I thought about it. This kind of discourse is not what I would consider productive communication.

You may recall I explained that, in my experience, I have found that most people are incapable of having a real conversation because they are not interested in understanding what the other person is actually saying; instead, they Jump to conclusions, infer bad motives, misconstrue, and respond to things the other person never said or meant: they are incapable of true communication.

When I posted my thesis concerning my commitment to productive communication I noticed that none of you said that you agreed with any of the tenets presented there—apart from James; who also seemed to notice I never actually said anything about the books or movies but only asked Mark L what exactly ‘he’ thought was wrong with them and was waiting for me to make my point (albeit this was after also giving me advice).
On three different occasions I have sent my introduction to productive communication to people I was trying to communicate with, and not once has anyone written back to tell me that they agreed with even one of its tenets or that they would try to hold to the principles advocated in it; they all just pretended they never saw it.

Am I going to be able to exchange ideas with you in a reasonable and rational manner?

You tell us? What is your agenda? What is your 'point'? You want to fellowship with us? Read our testimonies and see if we are worthy of your attention. If not, then you'll need to make your own choices as to where you go from here.

If you are looking for a perfect group you're going to be disappointed but you'll not find a better group of friends than you will find here.


Because at this juncture it does not appear that communication with an unknown ‘outsider’ is really what you have in mind here.

It doesn't take that much time for an "outsider" to be accepted. However, in this situation the outsider continues to question the motives of those with whom he wishes to interact instead of getting to know us by the body of evidence that serves as our testimony. Not only that, you seem satisfied that we should already know you by the rather scant information that you've given us in your 11 posts.

To avoid ambiguity let me state clearly: If you want fellowship then enough already with this game you're playing... it isn't going over too well. Enough already with the mysterious questions and either spend some time reading and getting to know us, or give us some answers as to your 'point'.


As I explained in my second post; about the problem with the tract:

Through sharing God's Word with each other, God was showing us that we truly were brothers in Messiah Jesus. 1Cor 1:10
We knew that we were both sheep belonging to Jesus The Shepherd. John 10:27
Even though we had only met a few minutes before; I knew this man was a true Christian.
I knew because of his love for God's Word and for me: John 14:15
By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:35
I knew because of the way he reacted to my "criticism" of his ministry... Acts 18:24-26
He acted just like a man that wants to show Jesus to everyone that comes across his path. Luke 10:33-37
He treated me with respect and kindness, just as Jesus would. Phil 2:3

He acted as if we had been close brothers all of our lives;
And he was truly glad that I had cared enough to point out something to him that might need to be looked into or changed.

I was delighted to have had the opportunity to share with my brother all the things that God had been doing in my life.
And we both praised Jesus for all He had done in our lives!

Think about it...

I called him to point out something I thought was wrong (which took about 4 minutes to explain)...
and for the rest of our conversation (about 20 minutes):
We both got side-tracked into praising Jesus!
And talking about what Jesus was doing in our lives.
And sharing our Father's Word with each other.

JESUS was the center of everything that we thought and said during our time together. IT WAS GREAT!!!

I have been looking for Christians like this man; but I can't seem to find any.

And as I've explained to you... we've given you answers... you've given us nothing.


This is why I am here… I am looking for Christians.

You've found them here.


I will keep looking and remember that:
I once met a stranger who was more like a true brother (in every sense of the word) than any "christian" I have ever met.

We've got ourselves a 'stranger' here... it remains to be seen whether or not he will turn out to be as true as I've found James, Alanbook, Gillyann, and Mark to be.



Do I try to continue with the point I was hoping to make?

Or should I just move on?

Hope deferred maketh the heart sick (Proverbs 13:12) so hows about you getting to your point and see if you can salvage this situation?


[Updated on: Tue, 22 January 2013 17:05]

I want to believe!
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9288 is a reply to message #9287] Tue, 22 January 2013 21:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 34
Registered: November 2012


I am sorry that I have frustrated you.

That was not my intent.

I am not playing any game at all and I have no agenda whatsoever and I never intended anything I have said to be mysterious.

Again I am sorry if that is how I seem to you.

I can assure you that I will consider carefully all that you have said. I believe it is wise to consider everything that everyone tells me; because I have found that God often uses other people and a variety of means to get my attention. 1Thes 5:21

This is why God made His church a living body.

I myself also am persuaded of you, my brethren, that you also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another. Rom 15:14


Jesus told me this 33yrs ago: John 14:6 I still believe Him.

God's words shall be in your heart: you shall talk of them all day long. Deut 6:6-7

Test all things; Examine all things; Put all things on trial; Prove all things. 1Thes 5:21
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9289 is a reply to message #9288] Tue, 22 January 2013 22:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
william  is currently offline william
Messages: 1461
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Okay, fresh slate. Looking forward to getting to know you!


I want to believe!
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9290 is a reply to message #9286] Wed, 23 January 2013 00:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 34
Registered: November 2012


You caught my intent from the way I stated my question.

James wrote:

I don't think anyone here has compromised in this area, I think Tom (smoking flax) 'might' be the one exception, because he didn't continue with the conversation once we started answering him.
[I can assure everyone here that I have not compromised, even one iota, in the area of the occult.]

(but maybe he's just not had time and will at some future time...)

He never said where he stood concerning Harry Potter/ Lord of the Rings,

he just asked Mark what exactly 'he' found wrong with those books/movies,

maybe he just wanted to see if Mark had scriptural reasons or was just throwing out an opinion...

[This is exactly why I asked the question as I did. Three stars for James.]

------------------------------------------------------------ -----

James also wrote:

Looking forward to your comments Tom,

I was hoping you had a purpose in asking the question as you did...

I'm sure we could all 'add' to the conversation,

knowledge and discernment concerning the occult isn't always reduced to a neat, compact answer.

[Nothing about God or His ways or our responsibilities or our individual walk with Jesus is.]

If you have further specific questions or comments feel free to share away.
------------------------------------------------------------ -----

And after I presented my "introduction to productive Communication"

James wrote:

Excellent point, Tom. I'm sure we've all experienced this to some degree or another. (some of us just might be guilty of this very thing...<grin> we've seen it happen on this forum more than once; it's hard to understand sometimes when all one has is words written on a computer screen and the other person is half way around the world...or even from a different geographical area (as in terms and slang used by 'northerners' vs words used by 'southerners'

But we do try to be long suffering with each other, by God's Grace.

[We do indeed need to be long suffering; and apart from God's gift of Grace we could never accomplish it.]
------------------------------------------------------------ -----

Maybe at a future date we can take up the question of Harry Potter and The Lord of The Rings.

But I had hoped to start with a question that I asked before but only James answered:

Define faith.

Define grace.

This time I would like you to be as thorough as you can.

I realize that this is fundamental but please indulge me.

If only one of you wants to answer for the others and everyone agrees with the answer then we can move to the next point.

Thank you for your indulgence.


[Updated on: Fri, 01 February 2013 23:47]

Jesus told me this 33yrs ago: John 14:6 I still believe Him.

God's words shall be in your heart: you shall talk of them all day long. Deut 6:6-7

Test all things; Examine all things; Put all things on trial; Prove all things. 1Thes 5:21
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9291 is a reply to message #9290] Wed, 23 January 2013 00:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
JWBTI  is currently offline JWBTI
Messages: 253
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Tom wrote:

Maybe at a future date we can take up the question of Harry Potter and The Lord of The Rings.

But I had hoped to start with a question that I asked before but only James answered:

Define faith.

Define grace.

This time I would like you to be as thorough as you can.

I realize that this is fundamental but please indulge me.

If only one of you wants to answer for the others and everyone agrees with the answer then we can move to the next point.

Thank you for your indulgence.

------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------

Welcome to OO !

I’ve been lurking in the back for 2 months waiting to hear your views on Harry Potter.

Please don’t keep me in suspense Ref:

Define Faith

Define Grace

Please give us your Definitions first …..

Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9292 is a reply to message #9291] Wed, 23 January 2013 03:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
Messages: 708
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Faith= Hebrews 11:1

Grace= Unmerited favor (Greek trans. I believe.)

Now, may I ask if you feel that these two stories are pleasing to God?



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9293 is a reply to message #9292] Wed, 23 January 2013 13:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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In thinking about if these two occult stories are pleasing to God, would you please leave all of your opinions about people on OO out of your answer?

I am glad you are here. I really am!

BTW...Do you have siblings?



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9294 is a reply to message #9293] Wed, 23 January 2013 15:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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"Three stars for James"

Laughing I feel a bit like Joseph (hope you 'siblings' aren't too jealous...) Gee whiz! I hadn't had any 'stars' since Sunday School in the Southern Baptist church way back when, thanks Tom.

Seriously though Tom, I believe I answered your question concerning definitions back a couple months ago (message #9223) and I believe most would agree that it reflects their position as well.

SOOOO!!! As everyone else is saying or thinking:

GET TO THE POINT, please? Smile

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9295 is a reply to message #9294] Wed, 23 January 2013 23:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gary  is currently offline Gary
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I wasn't going to say anything publicly about the coveted three star award, but since you spilled the beans here, James. Very Happy

Honestly I think Tom has everyone's curiosity up. Whether good or bad we just wanted to know what you (Tom) thought about Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings is all?

What do you think about the books and movies concerning Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings? Rolling Eyes

Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9296 is a reply to message #9295] Wed, 23 January 2013 23:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gary  is currently offline Gary
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James what is message #9223? I could not find it.
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9297 is a reply to message #9223] Thu, 24 January 2013 00:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
JWBTI  is currently offline JWBTI
Messages: 253
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message 9223

james wrote on Tue, 01 January 2013 09:39

Excellent point, Tom. I'm sure we've all experienced this to some degree or another.(some of us just might be guilty of this very thing...<grin> we've seen it happen on this forum more than once; it's hard to understand sometimes when all one has is words written on a computer screen and the other person is half way around the world...or even from a different geographical area(as in terms and slang used by 'northerners' vs words used by 'southerners' But we do try to be long suffering with each other, by God's Grace.

Speaking of...Grace

Define grace. Grace...Ephesians 2:8-9 (unmerited favor)

Define faith. Faith...Hebrews 11:1 (total trust in God)

We could all quote 'the' correct definitions as taught by HEF or other men, and we all could quote scriptures (Titus 3:7 1Peter 1:21) that show examples of grace and faith. More importantly, I think, we could all share testimonies of God's Grace and Faith...fulness in our own lives, but for the sake of this conversation why don't you take for granted that we all have the same basic theological convictions. Perfectly joined together in unity? Not just yet, but coming to that, in Jesus' Name.

Yep! I agree

Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9298 is a reply to message #9297] Thu, 24 January 2013 04:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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It is OK, three star James.

I promise to not throw you down a well or anything!!!

LOL Laughing Laughing Laughing



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9300 is a reply to message #9298] Fri, 25 January 2013 08:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 34
Registered: November 2012
When James surmised why I hadn’t responded to your questions: “maybe he's just not had time and will at some future time...” he was somewhat correct.

Since November, I have been going through some serious physical trials and was unable to sit at the computer or do much of anything; except recline in a lounge chair.
It has only been in the last four days that I can spend any significant time at the computer.

The last two short essays that I submitted: “Productive Communication” (I mentioned that I had sent it out two times before without receiving any reply) and “The Response of a Close Brother I Had Never Met” (about contacting the producer of the tract promoting a Roman Catholic idea) had been written years before. I simply copied and pasted them onto the site to let you know that I was still here and preparing to continue my post.

While I was recuperating and before I could get to the point I was hoping to make.

My simple question to Mark L: “What exactly do you find wrong with Harry Potter and The Lord of The Rings ?
had become a question directed to me: “What do you think of the Harry Potter books? Are they Occult? Yes or No!”

This is not really a topic for discussion but a simple Poll: VOTE: YES or NO! If I came across this Poll on any web site I would have moved on to something else. YES or NO Polls do not allow the participants to express any subtleties or additional considerations or ramifications as you could with a topic submitted for open discussion. Did you vote for so-and-so: YES or NO? Once you answer, people tend to put you in a box, and any nuances or details or associated ideas become impossible to relate. YES or NO limits your ability to move into new areas because you become trapped in your concrete statement: one question one answer. Real life is full of variations on a theme and to limit anyone to a one word answer is unwise: there could be areas of thought brought to the discussion that you may never have considered. The fluidity of conversation and ideas, and peoples insights, revelations and gifts are the reasons I desire real unencumbered interaction.

Think of how limiting these questions are:

Is God love? Yes or No!
Does God forgive? Yes or No!
Did Jesus do what Legion asked? Yes or No!
Did Jesus listen to Satan? Yes or No!

I would never limit myself to a yes or no answer to any of these questions because there is so much more that needs to be said about them;
both in the positive (what is true about them), and in the negative (what is not true about them).

Think about what the Apostle Paul did on Mars Hill.

He cared so much about reaching the lost that he said he would be willing to be forever cursed—cut off from Christ!—if that would save his Jewish brothers and sisters. Rom 9:3

Paul knew that the whole world was sold out to Satan in thought, word, and deed: and his response was to make himself a servant to all, so that he might win more of them.
To the Jews he became as a Jew; to them that are under the law, as under the law; to them that are without law, as without law. To the weak he became as weak, so that he might gain the weak:
He became all things to all men, so that by every means possible he might save some.
1Cor 9:20-22

Mars Hill was an area in Athens, where many different ‘religious’ people were sacrificing to their many different god’s. Paul’s spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given over to idolatry.
He knew that the things which the Gentiles sacrificed, they were actually sacrificing to devils, and not to God.
He also understood that we should not have fellowship with devils.
So what did God’s Apostle to the Heathen do? Acts 17:16-33 1Cor 10:20

Seeing a Satanic Altar that they had set up in ignorance to an unknown god; Paul used their Satanic Altar to preach Jesus to them. He also referred to ideas taught by some of their secular poets. Paul used those secular poet’s ideas—ideas these Satan worshiping heathens knew, understood and believed—to help them to know, understand and believe the truth of God’s Word. None of these sold out to Satan, devil worshiping, sinful, ungodly heathens had any way of relating to or understanding God’s Word. To reach these idol worshipers with His truth, God had Paul use these two doors: their own Satanic Altar (that they were probably using at the time) and their own secular poets. Paul knew and understood the teachings of their secular poets and because he understood them he was able to use those teachings to help them relate to God’s Word.
Instead of condemning them as evil and fleeing that idol worshiping pit; Paul used what they were doing (sacrificing to unknown gods/devils) to reach them:
and those whose hearts the Lord opened, to pay attention to the things that Paul said, were saved. Acts 17:33-34

God is in control
and He leaves doors open in Satan’s deceptions, philosophies and false religious beliefs… even in his books and movies.

I experienced one such ‘door’ when I was considering reading God’s Word for the first time in my life.

Before I had read even one word from the Bible;

Before I even knew what discernment was;

Before I forsook my long-held Eastern Philosophies:
whose central tenet was understanding that ’God’ was merely a ‘force’ of the cosmos to be used by those who understood the ‘divine principles’.

God led me to Himself and showed me His perspective through the things of this world. How else would I hear from Him?
I wasn’t looking for God. I wasn't interested in God at all. Rom 10:20 Psalm 119:155

Just before I started to read God’s Word, I watched a movie which was popular at the time called Oh God starring John Denver and George Burns.

This movie was designed to teach us the “truth” about God and what He wants us to know about Himself and His ways.

Here are a few of the “teachings” from this movie:

1. God makes mistakes. [God is just like us: so we must be just like Him.]
2. Jesus was not the only ‘savior’ God had worked with. [We too, can be just like Jesus who used ‘God’s power.’]
3. It is up to us to ‘save this world.’ [God is waiting for us to use His power to accomplish this.]
4. Shame was one of God’s ‘goofs.’ [There is no such thing as sin so what do you have to be ashamed of?]
5. When we pray God doesn’t always listen. [He doesn’t have to: He told us how He set up this world to work: it’s up to us.]
6. God cares about our problems but he is powerless to help us. [It is up to us to put His principles into action.]
7. God set up the world to work in a certain way but he is not involved with the details [Like: Deism, the new age/occult, and other doctrines of religious men. It is up to us to apply those revealed principles in our lives.]
8. God ‘doesn’t have a clue’ about the future: that is up to us. [We have access to His power to make our own future. He is depending on us to make this world good.]
9. Young people can’t do anything to fall from His grace. [There is no such thing as sin.]
10. Divine truth is not in a book or a story. [The Bible is NOT true. The Bible is NOT God’s Word.]
11. “The heart is the temple wherein all truth resides.” [We can find God’s ‘truth’ for ourselves simply by being still and letting God speak to our hearts: this is how God reveals His ‘truth’ to us: we do not need the Bible.]
12. “Jesus was God’s son, Buddha was God’s son, Mohammed, Moses, the man who said there was no room at the inn, were all God’s sons.” [We are ‘God’s sons’ just like Jesus .]
13. “Will there be a Judgment Day?” God’s answer: “NO.” [How could a ‘power’ ‘judge’… besides: there is no such thing as sin.]
14. “What is the meaning of man’s existence?” God’s answer: “Voltaire might have been right. He said I was a comedian playing to an audience that was afraid to laugh. Man’s existence means exactly and precisely, not more, not one tiny bit less: just what they think it means, and what I think doesn’t count at all.” [You determine how your life will unfold. Stop waiting for God to lead you; He has given you everything you need to realize your will, your desires, your daily needs, your perfect life… just like Jesus .] John Denver remarks: “That’s very profound!” God says: “Sometimes… I get lucky.”
15. The biggest jerk in the movie was the bible preaching evangelist; who was told by God that he did not speak for Him. [Those who follow and believe only what the Bible teaches are not really following God. They are missing out on all that God has to offer.]

Since I had believed every new age/occult teaching offered in this movie since I was a teenager (with one small exception) I should have abandoned the notion of reading God’s Word for myself; and continued believing that ‘Jesus’ was just another Avatar in a pantheon of Avatars (which included me) and gone on believing in my own made-up ‘God’ without giving it a single thought. Exodus 20:3-6


There was one essential fact that God knew I needed to understand about Him BEFORE I read the Bible.

And God chose to use this anti-Christian, anti-Biblical, pro-Satan, New Age/Occult, pro-Humanist propaganda film to teach it to me.
Rom 8:28

So, after all the lies about The God of The Bible that I watched and I listened to with an open mind and believing heart for ninety-eight minutes…

What message did I take from this movie?

I came away from watching that movie with the fundamental Biblical Truth:



Not simply the source of ‘power’ that only I (and a select few like me who understood these ‘divine principles’) had access to by believing and doing certain things that would release ‘God’s power’ in my life: like keeping positive thoughts about what I was going through in my life and believing that I would get all the desires of my heart (being happy and healthy and having a nice house and being successful in my profession); and by making positive statements about receiving those things in my life, and doing things that showed I believed I would receive them e.g., Jim Carrey’s $20,000,000 check. [For those of you who don’t know: Jim Carrey was the first actor to receive a $20 million paycheck for a movie. When he was just starting out as a comedian in Canada he wrote himself a check for $20 million made out to ‘cash’. He showed it to everyone and told them “Someday I’m going to cash this check!” he did.]
I was completely convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I would receive these things; because I was taught by ‘specially anointed’ teachers: Gurus who were great ‘spiritual’ men who had learned how to live a deeper spiritual life and who revealed to us the deeper truths that only a special few could understand: this is how the ‘God’ of the universe had designed this world to work.
Like many new agers’ I had believed all of these tenets for many years and had been ‘faithfully’ practicing them daily.

Just as I was about to check out this 'Bible thing'... our adversary the devil led me to watch a movie that he had made to turn people like me away from the God of the Bible.

And I have no doubt that he was confident his movie would do exactly what it was designed to do:
Turn me away from the Jesus of the Bible and stop me from understanding, believing or even reading God’s Word. Mat 13:19


Because God had chosen me from before the foundation of the world: I was one of His sheep and He had other plans for me.
God’s sheep hear His voice and we only follow Jesus (God’s Word). We follow Jesus because we recognize His voice. We won’t follow anyone except Jesus. We won’t follow strangers, we separate ourselves from them: because we don’t recognize what they say as being from God. They sound like thieves and robbers and we won’t listen to them. Eph 1:4 John 10:1-8

Besides I know that God works all things together for good to those that love Him, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Rom 8:28

I don’t fear the devil because Jesus gave me power over him:
Behold, I give to you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19

I know Him (Jesus) in whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him (my eternal life) against that day. 2Tim 1:12


Is Oh God a wicked, evil, ungodly movie? Yes or No!

Instead of answering Yes or No!

I would prefer to tell the story of God’s preservation, influence and help, given to a young man who was lost and deceived and blissfully on his way to an eternity in The Lake of Fire.
And who by God’s grace was called out of the world, granted repentance and saved.

And, just like those on Mars Hill that day:
God used an ungodly thing to help me to come to Him:
God used a movie, designed by the devil to turn people away from God and the Bible, to turn me to Himself and His Word.

Joseph's brothers meant to bring harm to him, what they did was evil. They did it out of hatred and jealousy; but God used it for good, to save all of His people from starvation.
Joseph understood that God is in control.
Gen 50:20 Rom 8:28

For those unsaved people who have seen this movie and liked it; I think I would try to bring their attention to the one scriptural truth presented in the movie
and then use that truth as a springboard to turn them away from Satan’s lies and to the One True Personal God: just as He did for me so long ago.
This approach may be more effective than just telling them: "That movie is of the devil and I will have nothing to do with it! And neither should you!" Trying to be all things to all people, so that I might win some.


The topic I was hoping to introduce for discussion was not this black and white/yes or no question that most christians, even non-charismatic, denominational ones, know the answer to, which is:
"No one should read Harry Potter books because they are evil. They encourage children to become witches and wizards; and they endorse, and promote witchcraft!"

The topic I was hoping to discuss has nothing to do with the Parry Hotter books whatsoever.

The topic I was hoping to discuss was “Faith”.


[Updated on: Sat, 02 February 2013 01:03]

Jesus told me this 33yrs ago: John 14:6 I still believe Him.

God's words shall be in your heart: you shall talk of them all day long. Deut 6:6-7

Test all things; Examine all things; Put all things on trial; Prove all things. 1Thes 5:21
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9302 is a reply to message #9300] Fri, 25 January 2013 14:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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Thanks for your opinion and the info!

You are my sibling in Jesus and I am glad you are here!

I believe that God does not need occult movies or manifestations to preach the Gospel. If He chooses to do so, I believe it is total grace and mercy. He meets people where they are at, so to speak.

I don't think they are "Holy tools" for sharing Jesus.

Just a few thoughts, that's all.

I still feel like I want to bang my head against the wall when I read your stuff.

It is your turn to be patient with me. Wink lol



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9303 is a reply to message #9302] Sat, 26 January 2013 00:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 34
Registered: November 2012
Dear Gillyann...

I will always be patient with you.

There is nothing you could do to change my commitment to love you.

Jesus said we should love our neighbor as we love our selves.

Just how do I love myself?

I am very forgiving of myself: and so of you.

I am very patient with myself: and so of you.

I am very hopeful toward myself: and so of you.

I wish the best for myself: and so of you.

His servant and yours


[Updated on: Wed, 30 January 2013 04:16]

Jesus told me this 33yrs ago: John 14:6 I still believe Him.

God's words shall be in your heart: you shall talk of them all day long. Deut 6:6-7

Test all things; Examine all things; Put all things on trial; Prove all things. 1Thes 5:21
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9304 is a reply to message #9303] Sat, 26 January 2013 01:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
Messages: 708
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Cool beans!!!

Keep sharing! It is all interesting! Nod



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9305 is a reply to message #9304] Sat, 26 January 2013 05:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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Location: Louisville, Ky area
Senior Member that we agree the stories are not of God, what about faith? We know the definition. Let's move on. Comments?



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9310 is a reply to message #9305] Wed, 30 January 2013 02:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 34
Registered: November 2012
Ron requested that I give the definitions.

All Christians seem to know this definition of grace:

The free unmerited love and favor of God.
God never does anything for us because we deserve it.
(The only thing any of us deserve is eternal punishment for our sins in The Lake of Fire.)
There is nothing we could do to merit God’s grace.
Grace is a free gift.

The word faith has two meanings:
One is belief in all the doctrines that make up the ‘Christian faith’, as in the Lutheran faith.

Examine yourselves to see whether you are still in the faith [the Christian faith]. Test yourselves! Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are reprobates? 2Cor 13:5

Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith [the Christian faith], giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. 1Tim 4:1

The second is unshakable belief.
Most Christians believe these definitions:

strong or unshakable belief in something, especially without proof or evidence
a conviction of the truth of certain doctrines of religion, especially when this is not based on reason

A ‘leap of faith’ is: a belief or trust in something intangible or incapable of being proved.

loyalty; belief in God; belief without proof.
belief in God or in the Scriptures or other religious writings.
a system of religious belief.

a believing without proof; trust; confidence in God, religion, or spiritual things.
belief in God, religion, or spiritual things.
what is believed.

faith [fidere, to trust, confide in]
unquestioning belief.
unquestioning belief in God, religion, etc..
a religion or a system of religious beliefs: as, the Catholic faith.
anything believed.
loyalty; allegiance to some person or thing. SYN. see belief.
SYN. – belief, faith implies complete, blind acceptance of something, especially of something not supported by reason.

What follows is the comprehensive definition of the word "faith".

As taught by the "Word of Faith" preachers I have heard.


Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Heb 11:1

Faith is a spiritual substance; a spiritual substance of power.

is the spiritual power that God used to create the world; the power that Jesus and his disciples used: to heal the sick, to cast out devils, to raise the dead, to feed thousands, to walk on water, to curse the fig tree; and for us to use the same way today, and to do the greater works Jesus promised we will do, if we would only believe.

Faith is belief; belief and trust in that spiritual power.
Those who are strong in faith have learned to use this spiritual power just like Jesus. Mat 9:6-8, 21:21-22, Mark 3:14-15, 5:25-30,34, Luke 6:19, 9:40-43, John 1:12, Acts 10:38, Rom 1:16, 2Thes 1:11, 1Pet 1:5

We understand it was through faith (the spiritual substance of power) that God created the universe. Heb 11:3
Some people have a great amount of faith (spiritual prowess/ability). Mat 8:10, 15:28
Some have only a little faith (spiritual prowess/ability). Mat 8:26
We show our faith by our actions. Mat 9:2
Our own faith is so powerful, that with it, we could throw a mountain into the sea. Mat 21:21
God expects us to use our own faith in times of need. Luke 8:23-25
It is our own faith that saves us. Luke 7:50, 18:42
When Jesus returns He will be looking for faith (those who possess strong spiritual prowess/ability). Luke 18:8
God does not help us because of His compassion; He only acts in response to our belief. Mark 9:22-23
God only heals in response to our own faith. Mat 9:22,29
Our unbelief hinders God’s ability to heal, deliver or help us. Mat 13:58, Mark 6:5-6
Our unbelief hinders our own ability to heal, deliver or help others. Mat 17:19-20
Faith is like a spiritual muscle that must be exercised daily in order for it to grow into strong faith. Rom 4:19-20
The just shall live day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute by their faith. Heb 10:38
It was only by using their own faith that anyone accomplished anything throughout all of history. Heb 11:1-40
Everything we do must be by faith; because anything that is not of faith is sin. Rom 14:23
It is by our faith that we overcome the world. 1John 5:4

Faith is not based on evidence.

The second aspect of faith is belief without any proof or evidence or reason whatsoever.

Shortly after Jesus saved me, I attended a "Creation Seminar" which gave excellent scientific evidence that I believed.
I believed the scientific evidence presented during that seminar proved, beyond any shadow of doubt, that only The God of The Bible could have created the universe.

When I started to share that evidence with a friend/brother, who was an anointed faith teacher, he stopped me and said:
“Don’t tell me that! If I hear the evidence then I won’t be able to have faith that God created the world.”

As stated in the above definitions:
Faith is not based on evidence; faith is believing without proof; faith is unquestioning belief.
True faith implies complete, blind acceptance of something, especially of something not supported by reason.

You can only "believe God" for things you have no evidence for; your own faith stands in the gap, so to speak, until you receive the complete manifestation of what you are "believing God" for.

For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man sees, why does he still hope for it?
But if we hope for what we do not see, then do we wait for it with patience.
Rom 8:24-25

Abraham believed, God, who quickens the dead, and calls those things which are not as though they were. Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations. Rom 4:17-18

Jesus admonished Thomas: “Because you have seen me, you have believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” John 20:29

Another creation/evolution teacher warned that:
The mountain of scientific evidence he had just presented did not "prove" that God created the universe, “Because that is where faith comes in.”

He didn’t want Christians to stand on scientific evidence for their belief that God is the creator; he cautioned us:
“The belief that God is the creator is a matter of faith; not evidence.”

To sum it up:
There are two aspects to Biblical faith:

Faith is a spiritual substance: a spiritual substance of power.

Faith is unshakable belief: belief that doesn’t require any proof or evidence or reason whatsoever.

This is the meaning of the word "faith" as I was taught it.
I tried to be fairly thorough.
Is this acceptable?


[Updated on: Sat, 02 February 2013 01:13]

Jesus told me this 33yrs ago: John 14:6 I still believe Him.

God's words shall be in your heart: you shall talk of them all day long. Deut 6:6-7

Test all things; Examine all things; Put all things on trial; Prove all things. 1Thes 5:21
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9312 is a reply to message #9310] Wed, 30 January 2013 13:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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Great answer, Tom. I need to go over it and let it all sink in! Smile



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9314 is a reply to message #9312] Thu, 31 January 2013 00:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
JWBTI  is currently offline JWBTI
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Thanks Tom,

A good example of both terms could be found in Luke 1:26-38.

30And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary:
for thou hast found favour with God.

38And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord;
be it unto me according to thy word.


Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9316 is a reply to message #9314] Thu, 31 January 2013 22:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 34
Registered: November 2012
Thanks Gillyann and Ron...

I had hoped to keep the interest of William, Mark L, James, and Gary.

It may be that they have just been too busy (I know James is) and will agree or disagree or suggest some modifications some time soon.

These posts are only preliminary, to make sure that we are all in agreement about these definitions.

Once we are in agreement...

I will have one more question for you and THEN, I promise,

I will make the point I was hoping to make about "faith".


Jesus told me this 33yrs ago: John 14:6 I still believe Him.

God's words shall be in your heart: you shall talk of them all day long. Deut 6:6-7

Test all things; Examine all things; Put all things on trial; Prove all things. 1Thes 5:21
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9325 is a reply to message #9316] Tue, 05 February 2013 23:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 34
Registered: November 2012
It appears that no one else is going to weigh in on whether or not they agree with the definition of the word "faith" as I was taught it by the "Word of Faith" teachers.

I will proceed with Gillyann and Ron and hope that Mark L, William, James, and Gary will join us when they can.

I'm sorry:

I know I said I would have one more question for you...

But I need to modify that statement.

I have a few more questions that will lead us to the point of all of this.

And this is where I will need your cooperation in order to continue.

These definitions are also understood and believed by most Christians and virtually all religious people.

A building
designed for public forms of worship, especially Christian worship.

Any of certain persons of exceptional holiness of life, formally recognized as such by the Christian Church, especially by canonization.


To pour or sprinkle water on infants (or adults).

Any universal or widespread destruction or disaster:
the apocalypse of nuclear war.
The belief that, sometime in the future, there will be a great world war in which the forces of good and evil clash in a final cataclysmic battle.

Are any of these words correctly defined?

If any of these words are incorrectly defined what makes them incorrect?

If any of these words are incorrectly defined what are the correct definitions?

How do we know the correct meaning/definition of any of the words used in the Bible?


[Updated on: Wed, 06 February 2013 00:12]

Jesus told me this 33yrs ago: John 14:6 I still believe Him.

God's words shall be in your heart: you shall talk of them all day long. Deut 6:6-7

Test all things; Examine all things; Put all things on trial; Prove all things. 1Thes 5:21
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9326 is a reply to message #9325] Wed, 06 February 2013 02:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
JWBTI  is currently offline JWBTI
Messages: 253
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Tom wrote:

Are any of these words correctly defined?

If any of these words are incorrectly defined what makes them incorrect?

If any of these words are incorrectly defined what are the correct definitions?

How do we know the correct meaning/definition of any of the words used in the Bible?


I know you have the correct answers to the questions...

Please tell us so we can get to the point of all this.


Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9327 is a reply to message #9325] Wed, 06 February 2013 15:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
james  is currently offline james
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A_Smoking_Flax wrote on Tue, 05 February 2013 17:46

It appears that no one else is going to weigh in on whether or not they agree with the definition of the word "faith" as I was taught it by the "Word of Faith" teachers.

I will proceed with Gillyann and Ron and hope that Mark L, William, James, and Gary will join us when they can.

Tom, we're keeping an eye on what's being discussed, even though the lenght of time it's taking is very taxing on the patience of a person.LOL

I'm sorry:

I know I said I would have one more question for you...

But I need to modify that statement.

I have a few more questions that will lead us to the point of all of this.

And this is where I will need your cooperation in order to continue.

These definitions are also understood and believed by most Christians and virtually all religious people.

A building
designed for public forms of worship, especially Christian worship.

If only you'd take some time to read some threads you'd see that we have discussed these things more than once and all agree that the CHURCH is the people, the body of Christ, not a building.
Any of certain persons of exceptional holiness of life, formally recognized as such by the Christian Church, especially by canonization.

Likewise, all here agree that we are 'SAINT' tified when we are truly 'born again'...thus, we are saints of God.(as are all those who have gone on before us)


To pour or sprinkle water on infants (or adults).

Baptism, the physical act, is submersion just as was discribed in The Word of the way Jesus was baptized by John The Baptist.

Any universal or widespread destruction or disaster:
the apocalypse of nuclear war.
The belief that, sometime in the future, there will be a great world war in which the forces of good and evil clash in a final cataclysmic battle.

Are any of these words correctly defined?

If any of these words are incorrectly defined what makes them incorrect?

If any of these words are incorrectly defined what are the correct definitions?

How do we know the correct meaning/definition of any of the words used in the Bible?


I'm not attempting to speak for everyone, by word definitions or opinions, but I know I'm a patient person(not that I'm alone in that respect.<grin>) and I am believing for a perfect memory, but I'm having trouble remembering when this journey started and certainly don't have a clue where the destination will be...Don't take offense, just get to the point of your thoughts, please... Smile

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,”
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9333 is a reply to message #9327] Fri, 08 February 2013 06:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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Banging head against wall.......



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9340 is a reply to message #9333] Tue, 19 February 2013 20:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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Dear A Smoking Flax,

I am so very sorry if I offended you by the previous statement. Embarassed

Please disregard the comment and accept my apology.

Your input is valuable. I am learning your personality. Sometimes it is very hard without being face to face. Rolling Eyes

I am still very interested in where this is going. Smile

Sooooo, what is up?



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9341 is a reply to message #9340] Tue, 19 February 2013 23:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 34
Registered: November 2012

Dear Gillyann...

I take you to be an honest person.

Being honest is very important to me.

Honest self-expression can even include an angry response.

I was not offended at all by your comment, and I don't think that you have ever exhibited any anger towards me.

I have had more trouble with my "trial" and something very important came up recently which demanded most of my time.

I am working on my "faith" message as we speak, and I hope to have it finished soon.

His servant and yours


Nice picture!

[Updated on: Tue, 19 February 2013 23:30]

Jesus told me this 33yrs ago: John 14:6 I still believe Him.

God's words shall be in your heart: you shall talk of them all day long. Deut 6:6-7

Test all things; Examine all things; Put all things on trial; Prove all things. 1Thes 5:21
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9342 is a reply to message #9341] Wed, 20 February 2013 04:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GWB  is currently offline GWB
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I know you will overcome your trial with flying colors! Smile

I am looking forward to your response.

Thanks! I finally have a face!



"Be still and know that I am God."
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9350 is a reply to message #9325] Fri, 01 March 2013 02:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sparkles  is currently offline sparkles
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Hello Tom,

You said:
Shortly after Jesus saved me, I attended a "Creation Seminar" which gave excellent scientific evidence that I believed.
I believed the scientific evidence presented during that seminar proved, beyond any shadow of doubt, that only The God of The Bible could have created the universe.
When I started to share that evidence with a friend/brother, who was an anointed faith teacher, he stopped me and said:
“Don’t tell me that! If I hear the evidence then I won’t be able to have faith that God created the world.”
Just wondering who this anointed faith teacher was. It would be hard for me to believe a
true teacher wouldn’t be able to have faith that God created the world just because of what a person
from a Creation Seminar said.

It appears that no one else is going to weigh in on whether or not they agree with the definition of the word "faith" as I was taught it by the "Word of Faith" teachers.
Who are these Word of Faith teachers?
I don’t want to assume you mean teachers from Faith Assembly or the other meetings. Or do you mean some of the teachers on TV who promote a seed faith, give to get message?

One thing many of us know is faith works in every area of our lives. God heals, delivers, gives
us our desires as well as our needs. God promises us to prosper and be in health, even as our soul prospers. But as we have been taught, there are conditions to meet.

And just for the record, Harry Potter is a book Christians should not read nor recommend to
others. We are to guard our hearts with all diligence, and reading an occult book like this
or a multitude of others out there will only harm us, not minister faith. We aren’t afraid of
these books, but rather we try to be wise and discerning in what we read and watch.

And I would have to agree with James in his definitions that you asked for.

Is there another site we could go to and find the questions or answers that you said you
would give us? I know you are going through a trial, but if you have anything written to
give us a clue what you are thinking it would be nice.

Thanks and hope you are feeling better soon. If there is anything you can share about your trial I am sure we would be glad to stand with you in prayer.
Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9354 is a reply to message #6747] Tue, 05 March 2013 05:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wishing34  is currently offline wishing34
Messages: 214
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Hi Flax,

Here is a quote from your initial testimony that you posted in Nov 2012.

Flax wrote:
I thought of Myself as an "Intellectual" and I loved to twist people's words
around and play games with their thinking. It was a sport to Me and I was
good at it. I played mind games with virtually everyone I talked to…

You are still doing the mind games thing.

People are bristling up at you here because you seem
artificial in this thread - as if you are about the debate
process as a sport and not about the issue at hand (still undefined
even though your part started almost four months ago).


Consider this:
Take a brand new topic and post according to the following format:

1) I believe < insert your idea here >
2) If I am correct then that means < insert ramifications w/r your idea here>
3) Feedback is appreciated.

People will respond with lively and robust discussion that you will
enjoy. You will soon feel quite at home here.



---sig------------------------------------------------------ ------------

At the time of this post . . .

FA, the satellites, the spinoffs,and the FA diaspora have been having church
without apostles for 41 years and 63 days.
Initial start date 1/1/72

Recommended: No faith stands that strongly impact our (our children's) lives until we figure out
why the signs and wonders are missing. Something is wrong.

Re: There's Power in the Blood [message #9357 is a reply to message #9354] Tue, 05 March 2013 22:06 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
Messages: 34
Registered: November 2012

I am sorry you feel that I am merely "playing games" here.
I can only tell you that what you believe about me is not true at all: I am NOT playing any kind of game with any of you.

For me to "play games" with you would be to disrespect God, Whom I serve and in Who's image you are made.
I would NEVER play any kind of game with anyone.

Let me explain some of the details as to why I have been soooo sloooow in finishing my point:

First: Shortly after I started my response to Mark L's post, I sustained serious nerve damage to my leg. The damage was so severe that I could no longer walk or sit upright very long without aggravating the damage and causing a lot of pain. One of the positions that aggravates the damage is sitting at my computer. As I stated before; the only position that helps lessen the pain is sitting in a lounge chair with my feet up and a heating pad on the damaged area. Recovery has been very slow, as is common with nerve damage, and I have been too active at times which has caused the past and current delays in my response time.

Next: I am NOT a typist AT ALL!
What would take someone who can type three seconds takes me three minutes. I am VERY slow at "hunting and pecking" -m-y- -- -w-o-r-d-s- -- -o-n- -- -a- -- -k-e-y-b-o-a-r-d-.

And then: There are the dozens of re-writes I inevitably do; trying to be as clear as I can about what I am saying.
Trust me, writing is something that I find especially difficult to do and I have to work very hard at it; which makes me slower than most.

Also: My computer is defective, it just turns itself off at any point in time;
Which means that I have to save two copies of anything I write every few seconds or so, or I could lose it and have to start all over again, that is, if I can remember what I was saying and how I said it!

Again I am sorry that it is taking so long, but, I am working on it as much as I can at this time.

His servant and yours



Jman, your signature states:

"No faith stands that strongly impacts our (our children's) lives until we figure out why the signs and wonders are missing. Something is wrong."

I am glad that you asked "why the signs and wonders are missing", because the answer to that very question is the subject of my post on "faith".
Something IS wrong!

Also, what is your real name?



I will get to your questions soon I hope, please have patience with me.

[Updated on: Wed, 06 March 2013 05:42]

Jesus told me this 33yrs ago: John 14:6 I still believe Him.

God's words shall be in your heart: you shall talk of them all day long. Deut 6:6-7

Test all things; Examine all things; Put all things on trial; Prove all things. 1Thes 5:21
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